View Full Version : Looking for a Fight

Zook Murnig
06-18-08, 08:36 PM
This is your chance to kick me while I'm down. I've been having some trouble writing lately, and I'd like to do a quick battle to shake myself out of it. Challenge this or any other character I've got. And be prepared to make the first post.

Eligible characters:
Caduceus Grimaldi
Zel Donovan
Leon Adalbert
Hreark Lorespinner
Zook "Stumbleduck" Murnig

Les Misérables
06-18-08, 08:43 PM
I'll fight any of your characters, in any setting you choose. My only request is that it not be some psychedelic mindtrip landscape that has our characters going "wtf?" every post. IE something normal (an abandoned city would be good, a magic cupcake not so good).

Zook Murnig
06-18-08, 09:01 PM
Perhaps I wasn't clear...I need you to pick a character, and you to pick a battlefield, and you to make the first post.

Les Misérables
06-18-08, 09:47 PM
Yeah, I guess you weren't. Okay, I'll do that.

Zook Murnig
06-19-08, 07:49 PM
Umm...you'll do what? You haven't done any of the things I asked for in the first post, let alone my reiteration.

I just need someone to pick a character of mine and a battlefield, and start the battle. It's nothing huge or complicated. Doesn't even have to be canon to your character. I know it likely won't be for mine.

06-19-08, 07:57 PM
Although I know we prolly don't match in terms of skills, both ICly and OOCly, I'll start one here shortly as Rahegalhoff. I just gots to come up with an arena. It will be against this your mod account, Zook Murnig, known Icly as Caduceus Grimaldi.

Like I said, I just have to come up with an arena. Probably won't be too hard, the engine's already kicking into gear.

Zook Murnig
06-20-08, 08:35 AM
Alright. I looked over your profile, and I'm looking forward to this. You know the deal by now, I'm sure. Post a link to the battle here and all that.

06-20-08, 09:00 AM
Remember, it'll be as Rahegalhoff, not Destrudo, Destrudo's on the otherside of the world right now, ICly.

In my ever continuing efforts to come up with new and unusual arenas, we shall fight in a giant tree.

This isn't a redwood, this isn't a sycamore, this tree has roughly the same circumference as the entire island continent of Austrailia, though is perfectly rounded and stretches about the same distance as the earth does to the moon.

Though work interfers with a prompt thread posting, A link shall be yours later today. Meanwhile, I'll just let the concept of such a huge tree float through your mind for awhile.

06-20-08, 04:47 PM

Here you go, as promised. Hopefully my unusual and odd arenas can help shake you even more.

06-21-08, 10:53 PM
Would you be up to another battle? I'd like my character to fight Zelos if I can. If you accept I'll have the thread and battlefield ready in a few days so we could begin.