View Full Version : A Well Known Fact

Skie and Avery
06-19-08, 11:57 AM
is that Manda and technology generally don't get along well. I bought my laptop while I was trucking less than two years ago and the monitor is already going out. The five foot drops it suffered while on the road, the general conditions of most state highways, all the porn I download (it might be a virus!...a picture not making good virus...) and the fact that when the problem was a small skip in the picture a few months ago I immediately began to "fix" it by giving the monitor a good sharp thump in the side of it's skinny stupid head might have all contributed to the reason why now I get about ten minutes of visibility before pastel colored clouds form on the screen and slowly bleed to blackness with several green and yellow lines streaking vertically on the right. After a few hours of thumping, smacking, shaking, and turning the laptop upside down and jiggling it, I'll get another ten minutes before it craps out again. After muttering, beating it and then taking out all the screws to see if I could see what looked wrong on the inside (ohmygod I'm turning into my father!), only to find that even with all the screws taken out, the monitor doesn't come apart unless you apparently know the secret magical code, I've consigned myself to admitting that I'll probably need to find a professional to replace the LCD screen and inside components or send the damn thing into Toshiba (which I don't want to do, since I don't believe I have a warranty) and I'm unsure if I can afford either of those options at the moment. I've got to fund a full relocation of 1400 miles in a month and a half, so Miss 'Shiba comes in second place after that priority.

As far as internets go, I'll have access at my sister's house, and when my roomie and her kids aren't on the desktop (which might be 30 minutes a night). Of course, there's teh ten minutes at a time that i can negotiate with my fists until the monitor decides to go kaput forever. I'll try and do what judging I can at my sister's (which I probably won't be going to on a daily basis again until next week) and the threads I'm putting as a priority are FQ threads: Blood Red Blossoms 2 and Daedeloth, as well as solos since I can write those out on paper and don't have to talk to a damn person about them.

Any PMs should probably be directed to this account, since it's the one I muck around with most. I won't be on AIM. The cell is getting turned off in a few days, so if you don't have my home number, e-mail will probably be the easiest way to get ahold of me. songs4drowning@hotmail.com

07-01-08, 01:09 PM
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hopefully you can come back in full swing pretty soon!

07-01-08, 02:59 PM
Ain't technology grand? Yeah sorry to hear of your computer troubles Manda, but eh, shit happens. Good luck and hopefully you come back soon.

07-01-08, 03:14 PM
All round computers are dying... something's coming... I feel it in the wind...

Anyways, I am sorry we won't see you around 3: hurry up and get everything fixed.

07-01-08, 04:48 PM
My sister stepped on my lappie and cracked the screen. She claimed it on her home and contents insurance and it was fixed for 80$, that was the excess.

If you have insurance maybe you can claim like we did?

Edit: Ooh yeah, she actually got a choice too, either they would replace the laptop or the Lcd screen, we just had to get quotes to fix or buy new and they compared.

The Bloody Son
07-01-08, 05:54 PM
Uhm ... if you wanna ghetto rig it, get a cheap big-ass monitor and use the serial port on the back of your laptop to hook up the actual monitor. You'll be typing on the laptop and looking at the monitor, but they usually don't crap out as often. ;)

Other than that - Check Dell's refurbished site online for some really kick ass deals. Like 500 bucks for a new one.

07-01-08, 06:00 PM
Or you can sometimes find a pretty cheap used one on Ebay.

07-01-08, 06:43 PM
I still think you cooked up this whole schmageggy of a story to get around the fact that you too, might have spilled juice on you're computer. So, the only question I have left to ask you is this:

Was it grape?

Heart of Zaga
07-01-08, 07:11 PM
I am sure it was pear.

07-01-08, 07:15 PM
Lets make it coconut, just for the hell of it.

Heart of Zaga
07-01-08, 09:23 PM
ooo fruit punch.

07-01-08, 09:33 PM
With one of those little umbrellas in it.
Man, did we get off topic.
Anyways. Give it a quick smack or two upside its metaphorical (or not so metaphorical) head, that might do the trick. c:

Skie and Avery
07-01-08, 10:43 PM
Well I have been able to get it working in short stints with some random shaking/smacking. There's no replacement option I have that I can afford right now. Jeez, you guys are srsly off the ball, I posted this like two weeks ago.

As for the juice, the only kind I drink is period juice.

07-01-08, 10:53 PM
*hands you a bowl of period* Theeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee ya go.

Skie and Avery
07-01-08, 11:40 PM
Hey, what happened to the tits avatar?

07-02-08, 12:31 AM
Got bored of it. What, liked it better?

07-02-08, 12:32 AM
Ah-! Ah-! Please don't hurt the little Toshiba laptop, Nyan~! O__Q

*Is using a 2-years-old Toshiba*

Although if you really have to, please be gentle...

Skie and Avery
07-02-08, 12:56 AM
Tits are always better, and being rough with the laptop is the only thing that'll work. It's all it's ever known. Trucking isn't kind to electronics, you know.

07-02-08, 01:17 AM
Well too freaky-deaking bad. I like this one better.
Go hump your laptop or something. It likes it rough.
Its name is also Harry, in case you didn't know.
And Harry likes coconut milk. ;)

Skie and Avery
07-02-08, 02:06 AM
Nu, my laptop's name is Shiba. Because Shadar's is Toshi, and we've got pretty much the same one. They're soul mates. And both broke. Ha ha ha!

07-02-08, 03:18 AM
Now its Harry.
Don't argue.
Just be good and submit, will ya? c:

Skie and Avery
07-02-08, 09:41 PM
I'm telling my boyfriend on you.

Zook Murnig
07-02-08, 09:43 PM
The only person she will be submitting to, in any way shape or form, is me. Her laptop's name is Shiba, and Sakura WILL RISE AGAIN.

07-02-08, 10:23 PM
I raped Sakura. Shiba tried to join it, but then I spilled coconut juice all over 'im and made him have epileptic laptop seizures.
So, do I have to make Zook submit too? I'll go get the whip and chair.

07-02-08, 10:28 PM
I raped Sakura. Shiba tried to join it, but then I spilled coconut juice all over 'im and made him have epileptic laptop seizures.
So, do I have to make Zook submit too? I'll go get the whip and chair.

For some strange reason that comment made me gain a lot of admiration for you. That's probably not a good thing. Of course Zook's probably the female in that relationship so submitting him is probably less of a challange than submitting Manda to begin with with so it might be a moot point.

07-02-08, 11:06 PM
I'll use Zook as warm-up before I move on to Manda then. c: I could always use the exercise. Now...I only need to find that damn whip...well, guess I could steal Meg's and use that. Now the words that every male hates to hear:
"Bend over and take it like a man."