View Full Version : Again, I lack a title for this sort of thread

06-20-08, 02:55 AM
I introduce myself to so many forums nowadays.

There are those from an old website called MMM that may know of whom I am [Hint: Stryker], for those who are to be my new friends, I suppose I now greet you all!

Hello! And thanks for having me. I look forward to working with, playing with, and having a blast with...

You! All of you! ^^

Tainted Bushido
06-20-08, 02:57 AM
Awww, thank you very much!

We like you too...with cilantro, maybe a bit of pepper...season to taste of course...

Welcome to the site ;)

Flames of Hyperion
06-20-08, 03:17 AM
*Waves* Welcome to Althanas ^^.

06-20-08, 03:18 AM
Welcome to the site, if you need any help a lot of us have been around for a while so feel free to ask. We're mostly friendly, though slightly insane, people.. except Slayer and Godhand who are just insane. Lol.

Have fun and good to see a new face.

Mithra Reborn
06-20-08, 03:30 AM
hiii *waves* have fun here!(I know I am xD)

06-20-08, 04:55 AM
Mind not the words of Slayer and Godhand, unless you enjoy your ass being Godhanded on a silver platter to you. Yes, that is a verb. Yes, I "made" it. And yes, welcome to Althanas.

We will make your life a living hell/have a nice day! *bright smile*

[muttering to cohorts]Bet we scare him off in a week, tops. [/muttering to cohorts]

06-20-08, 08:03 AM
Welcome to Althanas, heres the keys to your room it'll be room 102, just down the hall and to the left, do not mind any unusual noises you may or may not here coming from room 101, your turn in there will come soon enough... Mini-bar's in the closet, the pool is presently open, no skinny dipping or filling it with Jello for Jello wrestling. If you need anything, don't hesitate to pester a mod or an admin incessantly until you get it.

The Bloody Son
06-20-08, 09:55 AM
I bite. n_n!

06-20-08, 10:38 AM
He does. Its quite kinky. c:

06-20-08, 02:43 PM
Her, my dear Winterhair.

And I dare you to try. :p

06-20-08, 07:10 PM
Welcome to the fray. ^^

06-20-08, 07:14 PM
The Bloody Son? A Her? Oh gods, what bald sexy beast have I been staring at all this time!?


06-20-08, 07:29 PM
O HAI IT'S YOU. So glad I'm not the only one who floundered to here after there 'sploded. :D GUESS WHO.

06-21-08, 12:15 AM
No, I do mean I am a 'her.'


OZY. HAI. *totally cheated* And yar, Plink pulled me here with pokes that Sh33p and Johann were also around. I see Johann, haven't seen Sh33p, and look there's another one!

<3 RP sometime... after I finish being OCD on this profile and actually give it up to be eaten Y/Y?

06-21-08, 12:17 AM
Oh. I was talking about the Bloody Son. Well, welcome...and I'm glad you bite. ;)

06-21-08, 12:41 AM
Who da heck is Sh33p?

Welcome to Althanas! Looks like you'll fit right in.

Hey, guys. Get the straightjacket ready. Looks like we have another case...

A~nyways~ Feel free to look around, ask around and just have fun around here. For starters, if you have an approved profile and no idea where to go, Scara Brae is a nice place to start or hop right into an open thread. If you're looking for story ideas and what other people are doing, the Role Player's Corner is the place to recruit cohorts. (Or get recruited yourself!)

And while proper English is greatly appreciated in the RP forums, we don't really mind if you goof off around here from time to time. :p

...Oh, yeah. I forgot.



*Gnaws on your shin*

Tainted Bushido
06-21-08, 03:09 PM
No, I do mean I am a 'her.'

Oh dear, oh dear me...you've made a mistake...

You admitted to being female on a largely male population forum ;)

Again Welcome L.D.

Enjoy your stay, and don't mind psychos like us.

06-21-08, 03:24 PM
>_0 Indeed. Poor you. You will probably be swamped with IM's/PM's of lonely boys asking the single question every woman dreads.

"Do u has nudez?"

In any case, have fun here, at the very least, and we can laugh at the pathetic attempts of those asking that question to get your attention. :)

06-22-08, 12:50 AM
Haha, I just came from a forum mostly made up of guys. They learned not to get near me in that capacity eventually. But I do thank you for the warning... Just so I know to keep myself bristling and snarly for a while. :p

Artifex Felicis
06-22-08, 12:53 AM
Doesn't work. Most of us like that.


Welcome to Althanas. I'm old here, but have been gone for a while. Generally have fun, make friends, and remember that anything mean spirited probably came from Godhand or someone drunk. But don't dwell on it, or it gets scary.

Menagerie of Voices
06-22-08, 01:34 AM
Oh Gods, Adam, am I going to have to break out the fire extinguisher again and start beating people with it? There was so much mess afterwards D:

06-22-08, 01:35 AM
Haha, I just came from a forum mostly made up of guys. They learned not to get near me in that capacity eventually. But I do thank you for the warning... Just so I know to keep myself bristling and snarly for a while. :p


None So Blind
06-22-08, 01:41 AM
Oooo a female dark elf character. Half dark elf, but that's close enough. Let's get involved. (I've been dying to use that phrase ever since I first watched Wild Hogs.)

06-22-08, 01:44 AM
... I think we'll need the fire extinguisher again.

And I think we'll need to borrow the Castrator Blade from Tahiri while we're at it. o.o

Y'all're so mild.

06-22-08, 01:55 AM
I'll be mild.

In your pants.

None So Blind
06-22-08, 02:01 AM
It'll be hard to castrate me since I have a vagina. n.n Raelyse is fun, tho. We could all three play together.

06-22-08, 02:07 AM
It'll be hard to castrate me since I have a vagina.

You'd be surprised. *raises eyebrow*

Skie and Avery
06-22-08, 02:11 AM
*sweet smile* I'd like to see you try. The last person who tried to put me out of commission ended up being frotteurized six ways to Sunday and now sits obediently at the end of a very short leash, waiting with the utmost attention for my every favor. People are surprised the difference a tongue ring makes when met with a libido such as mine.

06-22-08, 02:22 AM
Sounds delicious.
Anyone up for coffee?
Anyways, L.D., hope to roleplay with you in the future, and no that was not a sexual innuendo for getting into your pants. c: Had to put that there. Its funny how much of an asshole you can be at 3 in the morning. Hmm. Give me another three hours of sleeplessness and you'd probably get another Godhand (TITS OR GTFO!).

06-22-08, 03:11 AM
*looks things over approvingly* Mmm, oh yes, this works well. I do look forward to my stay already. ^^

And either our dear moderator is female or likes to hump people's legs to get them to submit. I do hope someone says 'female'.

06-22-08, 03:53 AM
TITS OR GTFO! [/godhandmoment]

There's a couple feminine moderators around, yes. :) Notice how I said feminine and not female, however, because how can you be completely sure?

Skie and Avery
06-22-08, 05:39 AM
Both Moonlit Raven and Zook Murnig can vouch for me.

06-22-08, 02:04 PM
Dee-lish-ush. Well thats three I at least know about. I keep on trying to recruit my friends into Althanas but they all suck. Gah.

06-22-08, 03:00 PM
There's a couple feminine moderators around, yes. :) Notice how I said feminine and not female, however, because how can you be completely sure?

Like, hi!

I love your shoes.

06-22-08, 03:49 PM
TITS OR GTFO! [/godhandmoment]

There's a couple feminine moderators around, yes. :) Notice how I said feminine and not female, however, because how can you be completely sure?

Got paypal? I've got proof of the femalness of one mod.

06-22-08, 08:28 PM
*Starts whacking people's heads in with a giant paper fan*

Hey, hey, hey! Not on the forums! We just finished sanitizing and bleach-pouring the couch last week!

Save the sw33t talks to IMs, plzkthxbai. Otherwise... Who's got the camera? :p

Count me out of the action, though. I'm too Azn for this sorta thing. :p

06-22-08, 08:35 PM
Hey, hey, hey! Not on the forums! We just finished sanitizing and bleach-pouring the couch last week!

Not to mention that the pool finally got cleaned of all the Jello that was in it.

06-24-08, 01:45 AM
ew eww EWWW! >.<;

Raven wa Ecchi~!

Umm... ignore him if you will. He can say the most inappropriate things...

...umm, hi!

Caden Law
06-24-08, 02:43 PM
A much belated: I C WHUT U DID THERE.

Except not.

And kind of in reverse.

Maybe to the side, a little bit.

Incidentally, this is your Sh33p speaking. D: Sup. Welcome to Althanas. Try not to blow up the planet, yes?

06-24-08, 03:52 PM
There he is!

D: Incidentally, I am surprised and a little worried you have not achieved this blowing up the planet thing already. Are you behind or am I just early for the fireworks?

Anyway, HALLO THAR and thankya.

Caden Law
06-24-08, 04:02 PM
There he is!

D: Incidentally, I am surprised and a little worried you have not achieved this blowing up the planet thing already. Are you behind or am I just early for the fireworks?

Anyway, HALLO THAR and thankya.
Technically no. But I did throw this character into an alternate future where Everything That Could Go Wrong, Did Go Wrong. Complete with burning godcorpses on the moon(s). That count? D:

06-24-08, 04:35 PM
I like the godcorpses on the moon, good touch. Good touch. Ah well, I'll see what I can do to start off some fireworks. Laurel's... ah rather... made for it. You'll all find out in time. ^^

Caden Law
06-24-08, 06:30 PM
I like the godcorpses on the moon, good touch. Good touch. Ah well, I'll see what I can do to start off some fireworks. Laurel's... ah rather... made for it. You'll all find out in time. ^^

Apocalyptic Lesbiamazonian Dark Elf?

Yes. D:

06-24-08, 06:36 PM
*huff huff, throttles here*

Welcome to Althanas!
