View Full Version : I'm new.

06-20-08, 04:18 PM
Finally...A town Thought Alex wearily as he walked up to the towns gates, trudging along through the empty streets his good eye quickly spots a tavern. The sign swinging lazily outside. Hmm...Good as place as any I guess He thought with a sigh.

Pushing open the tavern door he stumbled his way inside, drawing wary glances from the bartender and the waitress. Smiling wearily, trying to keep his normally cheerful attitude he walks up to the bartender, taking his war hammer off his shoulder and letting it thud gently into the floor he looks at the bartender "Got a room by any chance?" He asks wearily. "Got one, if you aren't gonna cause any trouble I'll let you stay for 2 gold a night" Replied the bartender. "Fair enough" Replied Alex, smiling cheerily and handing the bartender 2 gold. "Last door on the right" Shouted the bartender as Alex climbed the stairs doggidly, waving back to the tender, to tired to do much else.

Arriving at the door and opening it slowly he walks inside. Typical room He thought silently. A single 4 post bed stood in the corner, a small cabinet stood in the opposite corner. Sighing and taking his boots off he laid his hammer gently against the head of the bed. Flopping in it wearily he was soon asleep.

10-02-09, 03:19 PM
This thread has been waiting for over a year. If you would like to complete it, or work on it further, you can PM myself or another staff member and ask for it to be moved. However, till that time, it will be resting in the Scara Brae Archive forum.
