View Full Version : We need an area of roleplay for the Ocean in Althanas

Mithra Reborn
06-22-08, 04:14 AM
A dilemma has struck upon me and some other roleplayers recently: The RP is taking place in the ocean. but....where would that be categorized? i guess other regions, but there may be a lot more people that want to roleplay in said ocean. If you do, say I. if not, than perhaps this is a waste of time. But, I am simply suggesting a forum for roleplaying at sea. thank you admins, please dun bite me >.<

06-22-08, 04:23 AM
I'm no mod or admin, but I think I can answer.

If the RP is taking place from one place to another, then I'd say its safe to assume the "destination" of the role play is where the characters will eventually end up, even if its, say, Scara Brae to Corone. If your talking about starting and ending in right in the middle of the ocean, however, I'd say the Other Regions are your best bet.

The mods can correct me if I'm wrong.

06-22-08, 11:14 AM
The last thing we need is another forum, especially when the land based and culturally developed area's don't even have activity.

If you want to rp in the ocean, you can just rp off the coast of any region or go to Other Regions and do your thread there.

06-22-08, 11:20 AM
Moderator agrees with everything that has been said above.

Also, I just want to add as a general rule that us moderators do not deduct points if writers place the thread in the wrong forum. If you're going around the world in 80 days and visit every city from Kachuck to Radasanth, we won't penalize you if your thread is in Anebrilith. If your entire thread is situated in the middle of the ocean, then you could put it in Other Regions.

The reason we don't have an "Ocean" forum is because it wouldn't be used frequently enough to warrant its own forum. If you look closely at all the continents, they each have their own niche sub forums that are unique from each other.

06-22-08, 11:52 AM
As one of the RP'ers in question, I was perfectly fine with Corone, Scara Brae, or the Other Regions Forums, them being the most logical places for this wee little story of ours. However, it was late at night and I was in bed before this was brought up.

Skie and Avery
06-22-08, 04:58 PM
I agree w/ Task and Raelyse. We aren't going to be adding any new forums/subforums anytime soon. If you're looking for more information on water friendly play, why not whisk your character away to Istraloth? It's a subforum in the Other Regions where oceans, lagoons and lakes play a big part in the geography.

06-22-08, 05:39 PM
I had forgotten about Istraloth. Thanks skie, you just altered not only my upcoming solo as Rahegalhoff, but the location of this quest as well. Since I'll be going to Istraloth looking for the monks for my solo, That's where I'll be going, that's my destination, that's where the RP will take place. I still don't know what to name it though.

Max Dirks
06-22-08, 06:48 PM
Etheria Port in Alerar?

Tainted Bushido
06-22-08, 07:26 PM
Etheria Port in Alerar?

Good at the start and finish, if you plan on being in Alerar...

If you are looking to be in Corone, Radasanth is the port city, Akashima for Yan-bo Harbor.

Scara Brae is a port City.

Salvar has Knife's Edge I believe, since its on a peninsula...

Raiaera I don't remember...

Dheathain has a port, the only city where humans are "tolerated".

Fallien is always in their port city without permits to go anywhere else.

Each Forum has a sub forum that can pass for destinations, just be sure to decide where you want to focus, the beginning or end? If reaching the port is your conclusions and you have a bit of lead up before hitting the sea at the start, make it in the starting forum. If vice versa, vice versa.

06-22-08, 08:50 PM
Raiaera I don't remember...

Dheathain has a port, the only city where humans are "tolerated".

Fallien is always in their port city without permits to go anywhere else.

...That would be Anebrillith, Talmhaidh and Irakkam respectively.

The decision to choose is ultimately yours. I'll be waiting to read them, Nyan~! ^_^

06-22-08, 09:07 PM
Oh we'll be going to Istraloth (spelling could be off) I just need a name for my thread.

Mithra Reborn
06-22-08, 11:13 PM
my apologies for the bother, admins, mods, and others. I have a habit to impulse, and I should have had the nerve to think more logically before whining to you guys. So, I'm sorry v.v

Tainted Bushido
06-22-08, 11:55 PM
my apologies for the bother, admins, mods, and others. I have a habit to impulse, and I should have had the nerve to think more logically before whining to you guys. So, I'm sorry v.v

Hey now, don't be afraid to speak up. You had what you perceived to be a valid point. There is nothing wrong with what you were saying, maybe in the way you said it, but nothing too wrong there either.

In short, you did the right thing, the mods just are on edge a bit about that particular topic and through no fault of your own you found yourself being...overwhelmed with that info.

06-23-08, 09:06 AM
yeah, never be afraid to speak up, if no one speaks up, nothing'll ever happen.

06-24-08, 12:01 AM
I believe the port town of Raiaera is called New Aurient or something like that, it's in my second solo...

06-24-08, 12:09 AM
People want to roleplay in YOUR MOM, but we don't make a subforum for that either.

Awww yeahhh who brings the pain

Tainted Bushido
06-24-08, 12:11 AM
0/10 on the troll scale...

06-24-08, 12:14 AM
Let's not do that again, Godhand.

Mithra Reborn
06-24-08, 12:30 AM
thanks guys ^^ (Still feel stupid for messing up like that...but hey, we make mistakes v.v) My apologies to the mods once again(cause looking back I sounded like an ass with how it was phrased xP) and yes, if nobody says anything nothing gets done, but at the very least we should be thinking before saying, right? xD

Tainted Bushido
06-24-08, 12:39 AM
thanks guys ^^ (Still feel stupid for messing up like that...but hey, we make mistakes v.v) My apologies to the mods once again(cause looking back I sounded like an ass with how it was phrased xP) and yes, if nobody says anything nothing gets done, but at the very least we should be thinking before saying, right? xD

If there were penalties for not thinking before you say anything, Godhand would already be banned....

06-24-08, 11:23 PM
0/10 on the troll scale...

Your MOM is a 0/10 in the troll scale.

06-24-08, 11:26 PM
If there were penalties for not thinking before you say anything, Godhand would already be banned....

That was actually funnier than anything Godhand said in this thread which is dissappointed because I'm usually a fan of his work.

Mithra Reborn
06-25-08, 03:31 AM
XDDDD I don't think I've really talked to godhand. I heard numerous people get their ass godhanded to them, so i gots scared xD

Tainted Bushido
06-25-08, 03:42 AM
XDDDD I don't think I've really talked to godhand. I heard numerous people get their ass godhanded to them, so i gots scared xD

Thats okay, he's just a big teddy bear....

06-25-08, 05:46 AM
Jagged teeth and razor sharp talons?

Mithra Reborn
06-25-08, 03:33 PM
a teddy bear with jagged teeth and razor sharp talons? o.o

06-25-08, 04:30 PM
A teddy bear with jagged teeth, razor sharp talons and righteous sideburns.

Zook Murnig
06-25-08, 04:34 PM
And a beautiful singing voice, or so I hear.