View Full Version : Why?

06-23-08, 12:11 PM
Why are my introduction threads always so generic, I wonder? *voice trails away into mumbling*

Anyhow, yeah, I'm new here, and I love the look of the place. And I don't mean just the fancy colours, the writing appears to be of a lovely, high standard. So what do you need to know about me? I like writing, provided that I can find the time to pull a decent post off. I suppose that's all that really drove my decision to join Althanas. :)

But enough blabbering. Send me yer howdies and throw me an idea or two, because now would truly be a good time to work a short story through.

The Bloody Son
06-23-08, 12:13 PM
Good to have you aboard.

The forums are fairly easy to navigate and work with, even though there's a lot of sections going on and it can be a little complicating. I started about three weeks ago and it's not so bad. ;)

Good luck and welcome to the community.

06-23-08, 03:37 PM
So what do you need to know about me?

Lets see, we need to know:
Next of Kin, Blood Type, Organs still in your body, and last but certainly not least, Straight Jacket Size.

The first three items are for "Donation" purposes to the Dark Gods of writing and The Server God to appease them and keep them from bringing down the fearful punishments on us or making the server crash, the latter because it's need is inevitable.

Other than that, welcome. Men in black robes will be round presently to collect your "donations".

Other than that, welcome to the hotel, you'll be staying in rom 306, take the elevator to the third floor. Mini bar is in the closet, pool's open all hours. Here's the keys to your room. If you need anything please don't hesitate to pester a mod or an admin incessantly until you get it.

Welcome to the forums.

06-23-08, 05:19 PM
What the two above me said, because I'm lazy.
Welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay in the Hotel California...such a lovely place.

06-23-08, 09:11 PM
Oy, oy. Who'd gone and hide the cookie platter?

Oh, yeah.



*Gnaws on your shin*

Welcome to Althanas! If you have questions, please refer to the FAQ for the general guidelines. For character registration, there's a template you can use in the RoG forum - or come up with your own that meets the same requirements. We value originality and creativity over power and general omnipotence-ness. Makes the writing a lot more interesting. :D

And if you have questions that you can't find on the boards, don't be afraid to contact us Moderators or post a thread in the Your Word forum to ask around. Don't worry about the drunk and dangerous. There's only two who regularly lurk around here.

And don't forget to drop by the Bazaar to purchase your item needs! The merchants await your gol- I mean, your satisfaction!

And last but not least, have fun! Make new writing friends! Create new worlds at the tip of your fingers! Let your characters come alive! Conquer the world! Peace through Power!

((This message has been brought to you by Raven Adventwings, Bazaar Moderator of Althanas.com))

06-23-08, 09:42 PM
n00bs should always have good avatars.

06-23-08, 10:23 PM
Welcome to Althanas. =)

The Bloody Son
06-23-08, 10:26 PM
n00bs should always have good avatars.

Lolol. So true.

06-24-08, 01:43 AM
Hey, does that include me, too? ^^

Welcome to Althanas, Dharaan! These people above are missing a few vital bolts in their heads, so don't mind them if they start shouting out strange ideas of where to find a walking ball of pudding. No, really. There aren't any walking balls of pudding. But I've seen hopping balls of pudding... somewhere.

...um, yeah! Have fun! ^^;

06-24-08, 05:50 AM
After reading all of the above, I've come to the conclusion that you are all, at least to some degree, caught within the fringes of gentle madness and abstract insanity.

That said, I'll fit in just fine.

Thanks everyone. :) *follows the hopping ball of pudding*

06-24-08, 09:52 AM
I like this guy.