View Full Version : Claire "Silverspine" Rhyere

06-24-08, 11:52 PM
Name: Claire "Silverspine" Rhyere
Age: 22
Race: Human/Weredemon
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'7"/6'4"
Weight: 160lb/270lb
Occupation: Adventurer

Personality: Claire is a quiet and shy girl with an endless supply of curiosity. She is very mild-mannered and would most certainly keep to herself if not for the aforementioned curiosity, which tends to get her in trouble. While a demon known simply as Ender has taken up residence in her mind, she remains true to herself - the only characteristic he tends to bring out in her is tenacity and stubbornness. No matter how he tries, Claire proves to be remarkably resistant to his violent impulses... for the most part, anyway.

Appearance: In her human form, Claire stands at a fairly average height with an athletic build. While her muscles may suggest a wealth of strength, her face is thin, giving her a tired, almost sickly look. However, her face is rarely seen to begin with, thanks to an armored mask reminiscent of a deer skull. While she wears a pair of distinct clawed gauntlets, the rest of her garb isn't nearly as remarkable. Her clothing is usually plain and more often than not, has seen much better days. Over it all she wears a plain, dark gray hooded cloak.

Her other form is significantly different. While she is still capable of a bipedal stance, quadrupedal is simply more comfortable. Her appearance is something between a large wolf, a lion, and a dragon. The mask remains present, adorning her head as more of an antlered helmet. A row of bright silver spikes with variable, shifting lengths rises from her spine, extending the length of her tail. The clawed gauntlets remain present and seem to fuse with scaled talons. While the lower portion of her limbs are scaled, the rest of her body is covered in shaggy black fur. Additionally, a metal harness and collar are fixed around her forelimbs and neck. The collar and harness are present in her human form as well, but while the collar is occasionally visible, the harness is always covered by clothing.

It's a great big world out there. While there will always be civilizations that span across continents and warrior-kings with world domination in mind, there will also always be an assortment of closed-off pockets of beings that wish to remain in the shadows, safe within their own borders and free of international politics. Claire Rhyere is a daughter of such a nation. Born into the noble class of an isolated community, it was clear from early-on that both her curiosity and tenacity would keep her from remaining there forever.

Against the wishes of her tutors and family, she dabbled in magic and witchcraft at a young age. Fascinated by tales of werewolves and the like, she sought to transform herself and become a lycanthrope. Needless to say, it went horribly wrong. She inadvertently summoned a terrible demon who called himself Ender - a gigantic, monstrous creature. He manipulated the easily-impressionable child, promising to help her fix the spell and become a werewolf. Instead, he possessed her, corrupting her transformed state into a creature in his own image.

Ender completely overpowered Claire and proceeded to raise hell. He utterly ravaged her village, injuring and killing many. He set fire to the houses and left it to burn before fleeing, leaving the powerless girl trapped inside of him. For many months the monster roamed at his own leisure, but it wouldn't last - mightier beings had been following Ender's destructive wake and preparing themselves for a confrontation. While Ender was not easy to restrain, they finally managed to take him down.

It didn't take too many experiments to discover what had happened to allow such a beast to roam their lands, and once they realized a child was being held prisoner in what used to be her own body, they sought to repair the situation without loss of life. One of the men devised an extensive cybernetic implant system that would essentially hack the girl's brain and wrestle control away from the demon and return it to the body's first and proper inhabitant.

Several surgeries were required, the most major being the installation of a cybernetic spinal implant - the idea being to re-wire her entire body and assure that by use of enchanted materials, Ender would be unable to hack the secondary wiring and take her over completely. At the same time, the demon-proof materials would imprison him within the girl, leaving him unable to harm her from the inside and unable to get out. One of the many fail-safes built into her was a collar and harness bound to her neck and torso. It seemed like a perfect plan and it seemed to have worked out perfectly. For the first time in months, when Claire saw her reflection, it was a girl - not a monster.

But of course, nothing stays perfect forever. Ender, being the manipulative, conniving creature he was, managed to keep a presence in Claire's mind. He was the voice in the back of her head and a constant companion. While his powers were largely subdued, he eventually built a relatively stable relationship with his host body over the years. He planted seeds of dissent within her against the men who saved her life. She convinced them that she could be a valuable security measure for their laboratory compound. It didn't take much convincing, really - the scientist saw the potential in the integrated cybernetic weaponry and thus fashioned a pair of clawed gauntlets that were more or less fused to her hands.

Ender taught Claire how to wield some basic magic involving electricity, all the while joining her in mulling over past dreams of transformation. He assured her that he would behave... after all, with the cybernetics, he had no choice - he would never really be able to get beyond that 'voice in her head' stage, even if she used his body. Finally, she took the plunge and attempted the transformation once again - and this time, it went off without a hitch. She was in complete control and very much enjoyed the strength and sharpened senses of her new form.

It took a lot more convincing to the men that she was in no danger while 'borrowing' Ender's body. Even with all the precautionary measures and devices, they couldn't help but worry. Tensions built between Claire and the scientists, and she eventually ran away. The men had long expected such a course of events, but for the time being, chose not to interfere. After all, with all the implanted and expensive gear, it was obviously prudent to install some tracking devices.

Ender suggested Scara Brae for their first destination. While the demon might have come across as resigned and accepting of his fate, he was busy planting more bugs in Claire's mind. There is an awkward sort of tension between the two - Claire is understandably suspicious, while Ender continues to attempt to earn her trust while secretly trying to plan an escape, by whatever means necessary.

Shifting - Under most circumstances, Claire can control her transformations to the weredemon state. Under extreme circumstances, she may lose control. Generally when sick or injured, she has trouble transforming in either direction. Due to the cybernetics, loss of control is rare, unless the systems are damaged. In her demon form, her senses are all significantly heightened, 1.5x the average human - smell, sight, and hearing in particular.

Fire breathing - In her transformed state, Claire is capable of breathing fire. Since the hydrogen byproducts responsible for this ability are supplied by digestion, the strength and amount of fire she can breath at a given time is dependent on how much food she has eaten. If she were starving, it is unlikely she would be able to produce more than a weak and near-useless flame. At maximum use, its range is five feet.

Electricity Manipulation - While this was previously an innate skill, it is now linked to her gauntlets. Without the gauntlets she can still produce small sparks, but only with them can she amplify and shape the energy for more creative uses. While she is capable of shocking and knocking people back, she cannot kill with this skill even at its strongest.

Clawed Gauntlets - These multipurpose gauntlets are never seen off their owner's hands. Claire has actually tried to remove them multiple times in the past, all to no avail. The pale silver gauntlets are of remarkable craftsmanship, iron-strength, extending up her forearms and serving both as a defensive and offensive tool. The fingers of the gauntlets are filed to sharpened points, the knuckles are studded, and they allow Claire a higher degree of control over her electrical abilities.

Armored Mask - The mask Claire wears is made of the same pale silver iron-strength material as the gauntlets. It looks something like a stylized deer skull, complete with two-prong antlers. In her human form, it sort of hangs over her face. In her transformed form, it sits atop her head like a helmet. It doesn't appear to have any magical enchantments, though there are some strange carvings on it.

Cybernetic Repression and Control System (CRCS) - Claire's body is riddled with an extensive cybernetic system, specifically built to control and contain the demon within. While most of the workings are internal, there are a few external pieces. In both forms, silver nodes protrude from her spine. She has the ability to project thin spikes of variable lengths from these nodes, though that ability is more often seen in Ender's body. There is a socket in the back of her head at the base of her skull, usually covered by hair. Part of the armored mask she wears extends over the top of her head and plugs into the port. There are similar ports on the underside of her wrists, but these are always concealed by the gauntlets, which plug into them in the same fashion as the mask.

Additionally, a harness and collar made of the same silver material are seemingly grafted to her skin. Both of these have the ability to expand to accommodate the larger size in her transformed state, thanks to a segmented construction interwoven with a mesh-like material. All of the metal in the system has the strength of iron.

06-25-08, 07:57 AM
This silver material that makes up her gauntlets and pretty much all other metal on her body may have the strength of Iron.

Shifting - her senses can have an increase of 1.5x the average human.

Fire Breathing - at it's maximum use, his fire breath should travel no more than fire feet right now.

Electricity - her current level of strength with electricity manipulation cannot kill someone even at it's strongest, but it can shock them and knock them back.

Make those changes and I'll look at it again.

06-25-08, 12:07 PM
Changes have been made.

06-25-08, 04:24 PM