View Full Version : I just wanted some juice...

Zook Murnig
06-25-08, 08:49 PM
I've spilled apple juice on my laptop, which is my primary computer. My dad says if it was just water, we could let it air out and then it'd probably work just fine. But...since it's juice, there's sugar in there that'll crystallize and possibly fuck up my circuit board forever. Needless to say, I'll be out of commission for a while. Just as well, I needed a break anyway. I'll try to pop in from time to time and perform some mod duties, but don't expect much else from me for a while.

Anyone know the odds of whether we can flush the sugar out with distilled water before it can do much serious damage? We've already drained all the liquid out and dried it by hand inside and out. Attempts at accessing it from another computer, treating it like an external hard drive, have failed. We're hoping the abovementioned method will clear out most of the sugar and it'll work fine after a day or two of airing out. Hoping. Is there any hope for it?

06-25-08, 08:58 PM
Nothing really you can do, Zook. My ex spilled milk all over this computer of mine, my laptop, and a couple of buttons either fuck up or don't work at all. For example, I now have a battery holding down my caps lock button because unless I do that, it switches on and off by itself about a thousand times a minute. Also, my ctrl button is now obselete. Other than that, though, my computer seems to work just fine. Hopefully yours will be better or the same.

Skie and Avery
06-25-08, 09:17 PM
There is no opinion I could express about you and apple juice that wouldn't harm our relationship.

06-25-08, 09:56 PM
That's one reason why liquids and microchips can never live together without a barrier between the two.

*Pause of silence for your laptop*

Distilled water still has a chance of fucking up the circuit board as well, as far as I've had experience with. Trying to dilute it out of the circuit won't help you much - It'll actually spread the sugar crystals even farther and possibly attract insects that would later eat through the chips. Yeah, I know. Yikes.

Unless you got even more liquids pumped into your laptop, it'll live for a while. If you can find a way to disassemble by hand and dry it out with a towel, the only other options I know of are send it to the Repair Center or get a new one. Depending on the model, the warranty and the make, it'll cost you a bit of money.

Zook Murnig
06-25-08, 10:21 PM
It's a black Apple PowerBook. Probably made sometime around 2000-2002ish. Definitely out of warranty, since customization has been done in battery, RAM, and CD drive. The hinge that supports the screen is incredibly weak (read: broken) so that if it's not supported by something it'll flop either wide open, potentially damaging the hinge and connections further, or shut, which is for obvious reasons also no good. It's slow at times, especially loading newer websites and accessing and playing videos.

But it's been good to me, and I've grown so attached that I gave it a name. And no, I won't embarrass myself further by stating that name. I just really don't want to lose my computer...

06-25-08, 10:37 PM
Hey, I understand your predicament. I've had similar mishaps happened to NeNeNe (yep, she has a name, too).

All I can say is, your laptop's been through enough to be considered a survivor. Hopefully this little spill won't put it out of commission.

However, I also suggest looking for a secondary in case you need a faster, more powerful machine. Consider it not as a replacement, but as a helper for most heavy-duty works.

06-25-08, 10:37 PM
You'd be surprised by how many people reported this problem on Yahoo Answers.

The most frequent answers are: call professionals asap, before it has time to settle. I'm guessing it's a bit late for that, though.

Use a vacuum. If the sugar's not encrusted or lodged in impossible to reach places, then it should be vacuumed with whatever liquid remnants there are.

Check to see if there's a plastic cover beneath the keys, since apparently it's put there to keep liquids from reaching the motherboard. Since you have problems with it already, though, I'm guessing you don't have one.


Don't blow-dry it, for obvious reasons (or if you feel lucky, blow-dry on Low and Cool, not that I think it'll work).

Put it upside down and use a fan on it for 2 days? According to unquotable sources, that's what they do after charging you 69 bucks at Best Buy.

Check your Warranty.

And a random idea that may very well make things worst: alcohol that evaporates real fast? In conjunction with the Q-tip?

And I just found this around, so meh:

Spilling coffee on your laptop will not only ruin your morning, it can ruin your computer. Act quickly if this happens, because it only takes seconds for liquids to destroy the hard drive of a laptop computer.

Shut down the computer immediately.
Wipe up any liquid. Tilt the computer to the side to drain any liquids.
Remove any removable parts from the laptop, including the power cord, printer and mouse cables, the floppy drive, CD drive, modem cards and battery. Do not disassemble the laptop body to remove internal parts.
Once the parts are removed, gently lift the computer and turn it to the side and upside down to drain any liquid. Tilt the computer in a variety of directions to verify that there are no pools of liquid lurking, but be careful not to shake it or handle it roughly.
Repeat with the floppy drive and other removable parts.
Use a hair dryer on a cool setting to dry the laptop and its parts if you can.
Allow the computer and its removable parts to dry for 24 hours before you reassemble it and turn it back on. (If you are under a tight deadline, let the laptop dry for at least an hour before you reassemble it.)
If the computer does not work properly or does not turn on, bring it to a computer repair professional, although the damage might be irreparable. Spills are one of the leading causes of laptop deaths.
Overall Things You'll Need
Paper towels
Hair Dryer
Overall Tips & Warnings
Back up any files you have on a laptop as a precaution. Accidents do happen.
For spills on PCs, see How to Clean Up Keyboard Spills.
Do not attempt to remove key caps from a laptop unless the owner's manual provides instructions on how to do so.My suggestion would be to go seek professional help, though.

06-26-08, 12:02 AM
This is sort've sad and all, but only you, Zook, would trash your computer with apple juice, man. :rolleyes:

Hope you can get it fixed, though.

EDIT: And shame on you for going to Apple for your computer needs.

Tainted Bushido
06-26-08, 02:02 AM
Thats what I said, but he was all like...


And I was all...


And then I realized he wasn't talking about an anime, just his mac, and I went...

Macs R Poo!

And he was all


06-26-08, 02:09 AM
Now I can be an EXP mod! yay for appletinis!

Moonlit Raven
06-26-08, 02:14 AM
Zook, next time you want apple juice get some bottle with a lid. Maybe a gatorade bottle that way if it tips over its only a few drops of liquid to clean up.

I've done the same thing with tea once before and completely fried my laptop. ^_^;

06-26-08, 03:17 AM
I usually have to hiss everyone who's drinking stuff away from my laptop.

Zook Murnig
06-26-08, 08:34 AM
Sorry, Raelyse. I'll still be popping in every day to do the EXP. I've got a computer that works, it's just not one that I like to write on. Keyboard differences and all that. I'm picky, it seems.

Skie and Avery
06-26-08, 08:22 PM
You're not picky. You're a woman.

06-26-08, 11:21 PM
Zook, why in hell didn't you tell us?
And I has one question for you.
"Do u has nudez?"

In any case, I hope Sasuke works still. Laptops are useful. *snickers* Ha, Sasuke. Emo laptop you have.

Tainted Bushido
06-27-08, 12:33 AM
Its actually anmed something else, but its so close to that name, I'm sure you could figure it out. I'm just being mean and making his laptop as emo as MCR.

06-27-08, 01:03 AM
I like calling it Sasuke better. Its more emo. See, Zook didn't spill juice all over it: the laptop compelled him to do it. It literally used the power of the Force and spilled juice all over it. Thats how emo it is. c:

06-27-08, 01:43 AM
*Slaps a giant harisen across Winterhair's emo-white head*

Down, boy. We're talking about a survivor of the ages here. But if you like emo, I think you'll fit in with Dissinger/Bushido over there fine. ;)

Lavinian Ambition
06-27-08, 02:18 AM
*Slaps a giant harisen across Winterhair's emo-white head*

Down, boy. We're talking about a survivor of the ages here. But if you like emo, I think you'll fit in with Dissinger/Bushido over there fine. ;)

Hey now, if Zook's computer wants to die by diving into a cup of Apple Juice, I can't say anything to change its mind.

Just because his computer and Seth have a few things in common doesn't mean you have to get in a tiff over it ;)

Zook Murnig
06-27-08, 08:28 AM
Sakura was ressurected for a while last night, but she seems to be out again, at least as far as the screen goes. She may end up turning from a laptop to a desktop with an external monitor.

Mithra Reborn
06-27-08, 12:28 PM
wait....huh? what is he/she named, sasuke or sakura? and sorry mate =/ this is why you don't use macs! macs screw you over as such!

Zook Murnig
06-27-08, 12:37 PM
To be quite honest, what the hell does spilling juice on it and it dying from it have to do with my computer being a Mac?

06-27-08, 01:25 PM
It's not your computer, it's just you. Apple juice. Seriously. You need to be supervised. I'm buying you a sippy cup.

06-27-08, 03:07 PM
To be quite honest, what the hell does spilling juice on it and it dying from it have to do with my computer being a Mac?

Easy. Computer and software wars. Neither side is really great, but there are those of us that will say the other side is worse (In the case for me, having a Mac is like telling someone from Ohio you're from Michigan).

On the flip side, you spilled apple juice on it. You're an adult. Apple juice. See the correlation?

QED. ;)