View Full Version : The Lachrymose Library (Open only to one other)

06-26-08, 10:49 PM
Yuki smiled. She was sitting on the top of a stone wall with one foot hanging right over the edge. She looked out to the golden sky and watched the sunset, the wind blowing gently and her blonde hair flowing past her face. She moved a floating strand of hair beside her ear with her left hand and lied down, holding her hands behind her head. She knew it was somewhat dangerous to lay on a high thin stone wall but she didn't care, today was a good day.

She closed her eyes and turned her head to the side, opening them and grinning. Yuki sat up and looked around, she smiled and hopped onto a nearby roof, jumping from roof to lower roof until she was close enough to hop to the ground, she had a perk in her step and was feeling great. Yuki felt a gentle wind going past her and for some reason chose to follow it.

She turned right down the road, past a small cottage with a straw house, stone walls in the shape of a cylinder, it had one small window and a petite chimney that was gently smoking. She continued to walk down the cobblestone road gentley following every twist and turn the wind showed her,she could tell she was following the right path because her hair would blow beside her ears towards the front.

Yuki stopped upon coming to a tall black tower with spikes eminating from it. She kind of looked down but didn't care, she entered it and felt the wind swirling all around her and then it just stopped. She walked up to a bald male monk with a black robe, his hood was down. She approached him and he said "Would you like to fight?" No. "Yeah." He answered, "What would you like?" She tilted her head to the right and placed her index finger on her chin. Yuki snapped and said a few life changing words, hopefully it'd mean something to him because she knew no other way to describe what she now wanted.

Today's the last day you know...

The monk simply nodded and held his arm out to a gate. The gate was black with iron bars. She touched to the iron bars with her left hand and felt a subtle welcomeness, the gate opened and she stepped into the shadows, just disappearing.

Her body slowly floating down, like floating down under water. Sighed and stopped in mid-float. Yuki smiled and the area around her changed. It was a long endless library, with shelves beyond shelves. The ends to the left and right went into darkness, but it was fairly thick and there were rows and rows of shelves. There was a flash of light and and she saw two people.


She saw herself and another young boy, his hair wasn't long but not so short, it went down to his forehead. He wore torn blue jeans, black sneakers, and a torn read shirt. His pants had a chain and he was sitting at one of the many tables in the library, reading a book and writing on some papers. Yuki in the vision was sitting beside him and they were talking.
"So, you're STILL studying about that prophecy stuff?" She said
"Hm, well it's pretty interesting, you'd do well to follow the Naralian Lyric." He chuckled and said to her. She smiled and said, "The Naralian Lyric? Eh, well I'm more of a free will," he looked up to her "You know, today just may be the last day..." She looked deep into his eyes and they both closed their eyes, they leaned in and shared a kiss. A short little kiss, but when they parted she blushed and ran out of the library. He just stood there looking to her.

Then the light came again and it was just her in the library. She walked over to the same table they were at. The papers he was writing years and years ago were gone, however, there was still one. It had his name on it, "Asch Cecile... ND 2013. The Naralian Lyric predicts catastrophe tomorrow, I'm not sure what to believe, but I couldn't say a thing, it may frighten and cause others to panic, especially Yuki. The level of mana in the world is dropping, not just in the heaven though, all over. I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm going to investigate the passage gate tomorrow."

She sighed, "He was always like that... If only he'd--" But she was cut off, there was a blaze of light and a door opened on the other end of the library, someone was coming in. Yuki drew her bow and sheathed her wings, she didn't want her identity to be revealed immediately, she hid behind a large bookshelf.

Here we go!

The Writing Writer
06-27-08, 01:09 AM
One of the many bothers of trying to grow in strength and skill is that one has to train near constantly to achieve any measure of success. If one lags even the slightest bit in their training routine, several stops are lost and must be made up. It was for this reason that The Mad Poet found himself once again at the Citadel. How he was growing to despise the place. The fights upon meaningless fights with no stakes and no consequences, the perfectly, sickeningly neutral monks; it was enough to drive one...well mad. Never the less, Jacob needed to train, and there was no better place.

The monk he had spoken to indicated Jacob's arena with nothing more than a point of the finger. Jacob supposed that was best though. He didn't want to know who he was fighting. He didn't want to know who they were, how they fought, what the arena was like they had chosen; he simply wanted to fight someone. Not knowing anything about ones opponent forced one to think quickly, to be constantly alert. It sharpened the nerves and strengthened the wits. It was all good training.

As Jacob entered his assigned room, the oh too familiar flash of blinding golden light filled his pupils and forced his lids shut. He really wished the monks could do something about that. Couldn't he just enter the room without being slapped in the face with the sun first?

The Writer's worn, bare feet landed lightly upon the cold, green-grey stones that made up the floor of the arena. Jacob's cotton candy colored eyes adjusted quickly to the dim lighting. It was immediately apparent that he was in a library. Quite a location for a fight to the ' death '. Shelves as high as thirty feet were aligned parallel to one another, forming dozens of makeshift hallways. Tall, oak ladders were scattered at random along the towering bookshelves. It was as quiet as one would expect a library to be.

Jacob did not see his opponent, but he knew they were here. It appeared they would not be making introductions. That was most unfortunate. When facing off in a head to head battle, Jacob enjoyed beginning it with a small lyric to set the mood, and sometimes to poke fun at his enemy.

Since his opponent was most likely ready and able, Jacob decided to make himself ready as well. With a swift jerk of his neck he released several pops of hydrogen from the vertebrates in his neck. He drew in a breath and set off, running quickly, but quietly, perpendicular to the shelves. One by one they passed, like the boards of a fence. Jacob kept his eyes sharp; kept them wide. If his opponent was in plain sight, he would spot them. He was ready for just about anything.

06-27-08, 09:32 AM
Yuki sighed, she could only tell her opponent had arrived from the "Shing!" sounds the light had always made. Of course, there was the quiet pat of feet hitting the stone floor, and papers swaying from the tables indicating her opponent was moving fast, so now, she had to think fast. Her first instinct is to run, but that would immediately give her position away to any seasoned warrior.

Yuki thought for a second and drew her wings only for a moment to give her a bit of a push, she used said push to reach the top of a bookshelf and got down on her stomache, hugging it, to avoid being seen, she quickly hid her wings back.

She now had a view of the whole library, and could see her opponent scanning the shelves. This oughta be fun... Yuki held her bow horizontally and yelled "Piercing Shot!" and the arrow dove towards her enemy, following the attack she jumped off the shelf and ran to the opposite end of the library, passing the table she was previously at and picking up the paper.

I think i'll keep this

And she smiled, disappearing behind rows and rows of shelves.

The Writing Writer
06-28-08, 11:37 PM
" Piercing Shot! "

The words resounded throughout the library, breaking the silence. The voice was delicate and of a rather high tone; Jacob was dealing with a woman. A menacing smirk formed on the Writer's face as his thoughts raced. A woman; How interesting.

It was near impossible to determine where the woman was, as all the echoes of her shout scattered any trace of her location. Of course the words ' piercing shot ' sounded like an attack, a projectile one. If that were the case, it was likely Jacob could descern her general location, or at the very least which way to run in order to find her, if he could spot the projectile that is.

Jacob did not see any projectiles coming his way at the moment, so it was safe to assume the woman was at his back. Swiftly, The Mad Poet darted to his left, taking shelter behind a bookshelf. It was rudimentary cover at best, but it was better than taking a straight shot. Before Jacob could even catch it with his eyes, a bolt of light crashed into the stone floor just a few feet away from him, breaking several stones into nothing but gravel. It was safe to assume Jacob's opponent was some kind of magic user, perhaps even specializing in ranged attacks. If that were the case, he would have difficulty securing victory. On the bright side, however, he was fighting a woman. He so enjoyed fighting women. The majority were so easily frightened.

Jacob grinned widely, his teeth grinding against one another, almost screeching. His laughter began only as a light chuckle, but it grew progressively, as it always did, into a bone-chilling cackle. Jacob laughed and screamed as loudly as his lungs would allow. Keeping the same volume, he began to speak to his mysterious opponent.

" Hello little girl! Oh frailest of things!
My name is Jacob and I've a song to sing!
Your magic and range are fine tools indeed,
But you will need more than that if you want to kill me!

This one is fast, too fast for most.
Heed my warning. Do not let me close.
It is these hands you should beware!
For if they touch you, your skin I will tear! "

Jacob began to quiver with delight at the thought of ripping his enemy's flesh from her bones. He could see the blood, the beautiful crimson liquid. He began to laugh again as his mind overflowed with sadistic joy.

" Be prepared little one!
I am on my way!
Surely I will have much fun,

With that The Writing Writer began to climb. His fingers filled with splinters as he tore his way up the bookshelf. Along with fragments of wood, several books tumbled down to the stone floors as Jacob clawed his way to the top. Once he had reached the top he utilized the vantage point and scanned the arena once again. Unfortunately he still did not see his opponent. Perhaps she hid behind the shelves as he did. Yes, the shelves.

Jacob lay down on his stomach and gripped the top of the shelf tight. He began to work his body back and forth, working every muscle necessary. Slowly, the shelf began to sway; just inches at first, but soon it was near toppling over. Once it swayed in the direction of his enemy, Jacob quickly sprung to his feet. He pushed off of the shelf with his legs, sending himself over the adjacent shelf, and sending the shelf he was previously on into yet another one. Jacob landed on his feet but tumbled backwards, his back crashing into the shelf behind him. It hurt, but was nothing serious. The sound of shelf after shelf colliding with one another told Jacob that his plan was a success. With any luck his opponent would be caught underneath one of the literary constructs. At the very least, he would have a better view.

06-29-08, 12:04 AM
Yuki heard words, in almost an insanely happy sing-song voice. Something maniacal and evil. She was terrified, sweat trickled down her cheek and she shivered. She was about to yell out in answer, however she quickly used her own hands to cover her mouth, this was a CRAZY and very smart opponent. If she even somewhat answered this battle cry of a screech, her position would be completely given away... And in a fight like this seemed to be, that wouldn't be good.

Yuki's opponent was still at the other end of the library... hopefully anyways, she didn't hear any sort of feet moving or running. If his hands actually will burn my skin then I'm going to need to try to stay ranged... but my magic and bow can hold out... he sounds like a melee oriented type of person... She sighed only in her mind, she didn't want to make a sound. this immense fear and stun in her body. So she stood there. Dreading the thought of a maniac rounding the corner and his psychotic face staring her in the eyes.

I think I died a little inside...

Yuki held her blade by the handle with the blade pointing down instead of up, holding it kind of backwards. She was scared but wanted to be prepared and tried to overcome the fear. Her opponent may not make the first move... so she needed to do something... A tear escaped her right eye and she felt like a fly trapped inside a spider web.

What can I do... not to give away my position... but not to... Ah... miss? Gotta hit the bullseye!

All of a sudden, she heard BOOM! Shelves falling endlessly, she was so terrified at being spotted she was frozen. When the noises stopped and all the shelves around her were intact, she gave a sigh of relief. She now knew her opponent was on the other half of the library seperated by the tables. But even more terror ensued, because, when he didn't see her, he'd know she was on this end. There goes half of the field...

She thought for a moment then snapped her fingers. I'll have to do this quick for when he hears me... She grabbed a book that read "Respiration and Proper Breathing" she tore pages and pages of it out of the book and threw them in small amounts on the floor.

If they come my way... I'm gonna know it...

She moved along a shelf, holding her hand on it with her blade in the other and walked along, waiting...
I know he heard those papers rip....