View Full Version : Inconvenient Information. (P)

Fenem Respice
06-27-08, 11:31 AM
The bar was full of them, vampires. The place reeked of them, why had he agreed to this. True, the vampires and the lycans and vampires had been at relative peace for nearly three centuries. That meant little to nothing to Fenem. However, this was a case of ‘my enemy happens to be the enemy of my enemy, so that makes him a tentative acquaintance, who I can’t trust.’ In this case, the common enemy were demons.

He was fine with partnering up with someone on his latest mission into the demon ranks. He was even fine going to Haidia. That was before he went through the portal and realized it was a haven fro the vampire nation. It took everything in him to not go back through that portal, or go on a slaying rampage. He managed, and made his was to the meeting place, an ally in between the pub and a clothing store. He hated waiting, especially when he would potentially not like his partner. Then again, it could be a human, or some other race.

The Bloody Son
06-27-08, 04:56 PM
"Well, you have your people call mine and I'll see if I can get you what you need, Decius. I'll be on the look out for the Vein - but in reality, you're talking about a rare breed of Mystic. Blood so delicious that you'll go into a coma before you're done feeding... Hah hahah... well, alright Decius.

Yeah, yeah - I gotta go. Apparently some mutt needs guarding or something and an access point through VN Haidia.

Yeah - I know demons own the territory more now so... Later - "

Enter Draco von VanGras. Egotistical prick. Second generation VanGras. And all around jack-ass. His flat toned voice seemed to hiss and bite at the reality around it, viciously attacking it as did his attitude. The tall drake rounded the corner, speaking loudly before clasping the silver phone closed. Down the alley way, the elder vampire stood with keen eyes and slicked back brown hair that shimmered in the moonlight to depict a wet look. His pale flesh was coldly pallid in the night air, yet his popped collar on the ebony duster hid his high cheek bones.

He sneered at the scent and looked to the man standing around in the meeting area - between the clothing edifice and the pub. Draco looked over the man with judging eyes and a raised brow. 'Huhn' emitted his lips in a scoff and then shook his head slowly. "So - you demon hunting?"

Fenem Respice
06-27-08, 10:26 PM
Fenem’s white hair and long coat waved as he drew his sword instinctively. However, his senses got the better of him as his mind registered what the man had asked. With calm an collection, Fenem placed the blade in the scabbard he held at his side. Though the blade length was far from normal, at forty five inches, he had no trouble putting it away. “Yes, I take it you are to be my partner?” Fenem knew the answer, very few people knew of his paring, or that he too wanted and end to the demon race, not just the vampires.

Momentary amusement crossed his mind as he though of the irony. Vampires, a devilish race themselves, in his mind, were fights a group that proclaimed themselves as demons. It seemed to close to the pot calling the kettle black for his liking.

“Understand, I’m no more happy about this paring than you. I would just as soon get this over with and collect the information needed. So, shall we begin?” Fenem walked past his formidable partner, but stopped.

The Bloody Son
07-01-08, 05:49 PM
The brood sneered as the blade was drawn in direction and his eyes flashed with confidence - literally daring the man to test his might. The thin lipped maw creased his face with an evil that hadn't been seem among the human world for some time. The lupine did away with the blade and the VanGras nodded slowly, to the ideal choice - the man was an ally, as worse as they come - but he was loyal, none the less.

"Awaiting you - sir. You do realize that this mission is next to insane and I'm not going to be able to have your back every waking moment. You'd better be damn-well alert if I'm to be your ... protection.

What in God's Unholy name are you searching for in this demon infestation?! What answers can you possibly want to unlock?"

Draco's eyes flashed brightly in the dim light as the tints of lime crossed his irises. He was seeing the world through the vampire traits, tasting the air and being ever-so cautious now that the words had been spoken and the very reality knew they were entering Haidia territory. Demon spawn...

Draco spit on the ground at his feet and shook his head with a nasty snarl. "We'd best be moving if you want to get through this quickly and alive..." With a spin, Draco followed the Were at a distance; feeling, seeing, sensing the world around them. He was aware, ever watching. These demons could be tricky and the deeper into Haidia they went, the darker things would get.

The vampire lord stuffed his hands into the pockets of the long coat and followed with a reasonable pace, listening to the wolf speak.

Fenem Respice
07-06-08, 10:43 PM
“I’m looking for battle plans a weakness, something. I was just told to find information, and information is what I’m going to get, by hells or high moon light.” He kept walking, knowing that there was a demon horde somewhere, they had told him that much. He knew for any real information, they would have to get out of Haidia. That would be just fine with Fenem, the quicker he could get away from the vampire stink, the better.

Deep down, he knew the man was right, in this territory, he was his protection, as much as he utterly loathed admitting that, even to him self. Once they reached the surface, he was on level playing field. However, this was a vampire realm, and that mean a vampire escort. “So, what do I call you, I’d hate to just keep referring to you as Varbi, even if it’s just in my head.” Varbi was the term his people used to call them, the vampire nation. It was a derogatory remark.

Fenem was headed towards a rougher part of town. There was a demon refuge area there, the only way to get any information was to start killing. It was unlikely that they would just answer like nice little minions of the hell. It was likely that they were enchanted to appear human, or vampire. With an incantation like that, the chances of cooperation were minimal, at best. At worst, this vampire and himself would have an interesting night.

“Tell me, are you up for some demon killing?” Fenem turned his head and smirked.

The Bloody Son
07-09-08, 03:40 PM
"You may call me Draco, fangface - or did you have another name in which you wish to be called?" Draco snickered slightly taking a stab back at the werewolf for his slang comment against his kind. The stab was sweet and Draco's smile gloated across his chilled, chiseled features but it slowly faded at the direction the Fenem was headed. As they walked, the vampire looked around the area slowly keeping track of the shadowy movements and the looks from stray vampires.

"Most of these vampires know better than to attack a Third Generation Lord of the Vampire Nation - maybe it will even get us leeway with some of the demons - but if we must fight, we must win ..." It was this thinking that had kept the lord alive so long - fight if you must, destroy if your life is in danger. The long narrow street seemed to get more narrow as the two headed closer into Demon territory and further from the VN Haidia. Distress crossed Draco's smooth, alabaster face. Being jumped by a demon wasn't as frightening as being ganged up on by rage-blind vampires and other possessed animals.

The night air rolled up the street and kicked the dust around and in small cyclones that dispersed at the feet of an unknown source. Beings stood between the run down buildings that lined the alleyway into what the demons called, Rakaas - The Blood Cove.