View Full Version : Adela

06-27-08, 04:50 PM
Name: Adela (Prefers, Amethyst)
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5’11
Weight: 115 lbs
Occupation: Mercenary/Rogue

Personality: Adela, is very Charismatic, she loves to talk, and prefers cloak and dagger over being upfront. She also prefers To Meditate upon Rooftops. When approached by anyone she does not trust them at first glance, they have to earn her trust.

Appearance: Small/petite Frame, long blond hair to half way down her back, And small nose, brown eyes.


Light step: This skill allows her to walk over terrain making almost no noise to sneak around or set up traps.

Throwing Daggers: Adela has above average proficiency with her throwing daggers.

Sword handling:Adela has Average Swordsmanship.

Trap Setting: Adela has the Ability to set up traps in strategic points in an area, to limit the numbers to manageable figures.

Enhanced Brain waves: This ability allows Adela to slow down time in her head, to quickly access an area pick spots for traps, and run Scenario’s through in about double to triple the time it would take a normal human. The Downfall of this is that it requires concentration and if distracted could lose her train of thought.

Equipment: Leather Chest Piece showing off her chest and small frame, with a light Blue Cotton Cape, Leather boots around her feet, Leather Gloves, And Leather Leggings that disappear into her Leather boots. and 5 or 6 light throwing daggers. accompanied with a short sword. she also carries a small shovel on her back concealed by her cape. with 2 spools of string and a hatchet used to cut down tree's or branches that she never uses in a fight.

History: Adela was abandoned as a baby, in the middle of a forest. A Rogue traveling by heard her wails and got intrigued, upon seeing a crying Baby in the middle of a forest. Picked her up, he had thought about throwing her into a tree and to kill her to end the misery. Then Adela stopped crying and looked up at the man, At that moment he couldn’t kill the baby it was too cute. So he trained and raised the baby as his own, naming her Adela after his Mother that had died in a bandit raid. When Adela was 14 she ran away and joined a group of mercenaries that named her Amethyst for her Sheer Beauty. After a few years traveling with them she had learnt a few more life lessons that her ‘Father’ would not teach her.

At the age of 20 she was hired to go take out a former Rogue out in a neighboring city, and when she got there it was her ‘father’ she couldn’t do it. She threw him a note with a dagger in it. It stuck in the table in front of him. Saying I am sorry for what I did. But here’s a warning, and it had the wanted poster, as long as with the paper she had received.

06-28-08, 10:09 AM
I understand she has the ability to set up traps, but she doesn't appear to have any traps in her possession, unless of course you're thinking of doing simple dig a hole and cover it with brush kind of traps.

The Enhance brain waves requires concentration and Adela cannot always move around while using it, or her concentration will break. Also, just be careful with her use of Trap setting and don't powergame with it.

06-28-08, 10:30 AM
Edited the Enhanced brain waves,Added weapons under Equipment. The traps until i visit some place to acquire some, will be what i can find in and around the environment. I.E Branch pulled back with string, holes in ground covered, all the old easy stuff.

06-28-08, 10:46 AM
You need to give her skills in the short sword and throwing daggers then. One may be Above Average and the other Average. Also, you might want to give her some tools for making these traps, string, shovels..etc. Whatever you think she'll need.

06-28-08, 10:58 AM
There ya go, i believe that's everything

06-28-08, 11:04 AM
You are Approverized!