View Full Version : Hello...

06-30-08, 09:50 AM
Um, yes. I'm the newbie around here... Hi.

Don't immediately shoot me. Fenris and Kryos are friends of mine, and I recently discovered this place through them. They're not the best at keeping secrets. :p

Anyway, I'm usually nicknamed either Lariel or Lissi. The Lissi comes from my character's last name, Lissuliel. But any new nicknames y'all can come up with, I'd be interested in hearing about.

Except for the one that begins the jokes about multiple personality disorder. :rolleyes:

06-30-08, 12:26 PM
Huzzah for having multiple personalities. Its viciously delicious.
Welcome to Althanas.

Mithra Reborn
06-30-08, 12:27 PM
well the first four letters of your name is Fail...no, i'm not that mean xD Don't worry, you'll get used to it here. But just don't freak out if Raelyse flirts with you and don't say anything to Godhand that will make him godhand your ass to you.

Caden Law
06-30-08, 01:02 PM
well the first four letters of your name is Fail...no, i'm not that mean xD Don't worry, you'll get used to it here. But just don't freak out if Raelyse flirts with you and don't say anything to Godhand that will make him godhand your ass to you.
And just plain watch out for him godhanding your ass in the first place.

You think I'm joking, but god help me I'm not :( *Waddles off.*

06-30-08, 01:21 PM
:P I have a friend who calls me "Failing a Real List O' Eels", Mithra. Trust me, I get real strange nicknames.

*shrugs* As for Godhand and Raelyse, they should leave me alone to begin with. I'm not exactly the nicest person when I get ticked. Besides, two fearsome warriors like that wouldn't pick on a newbie.

06-30-08, 03:23 PM
Heh. :p

Welcome to the Althanas.

The Forgotten
06-30-08, 05:02 PM


You get used to it after a while.

06-30-08, 05:19 PM
eek, draconian.


06-30-08, 09:07 PM
Grittings and welcome!

06-30-08, 09:27 PM
I like grittings.

07-01-08, 12:40 AM

*Gnaws on your shin, finding it slightly salty*

...Hmm, I was expecting something a little tastier, but I guess time will tell. :D

Welcome to Althanas! If you have any equipment needs, visit the Bazaar and our Bazaar proprietors will take care of all your purchasing needs. Also, once you've completed your character registration processes, feel free to dive right in to the Role-playing areas. We have something new happening everyday. And don't be afraid to ask us Mods and Admins for help - We promise to keep our teeth to ourselves. (Unless you were looking forward to it - Hah.)

See ya!

(And, yes, I'm so awesome I can make greeting posts even when I'm not logged on :D)

07-01-08, 10:37 AM
Bastard. And if you can make greeting posts, respond at least to my Bazaar thread. Its loooooonnnnneeeeeeellly. Well, not really, but you get the idea. c:

You see, we're all pretty friendly here, and after awhile you get used to the assholics like Godhand and the flirtations of the Rae-man. In fact, they start becoming entertaining after awhile, and if they don't show any sign of being that way you know that something is wrong with the two.

07-05-08, 12:41 PM
hmmm. I'll keep that in mind. :P

So, any suggestions on where I start?

07-05-08, 02:05 PM
Well, before finding a good place to start, I suggest finding a good thing to finish. Perhaps, possibly, your character registration (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=125149#post125149)? If you already made the edits required, posting that you made them would be a good way for th RoG mod to know.

That set aside, Scara Brae is always a good place to start, and it's actually suggested for new players to start there. Nothing, however, forces you to begin your story there: you could have Failariel set foot on mainly human grounds like Corone, to play with the differences in culture. You could have her go to Raiaera, where there are other elves and with whom you can have an elvish culture clash. There's also Alerar, full of Drows, and that could make Failariel remember that old Morthiol, but maybe you'd prefer going to Dheathain, which is full of Draconians and Faes. The choice is absolutely yours, but somethign that could help is thinking of what kind of story you want to write with her now, and then picking one of the continents that fits the most with that story.

And on another note: how you doiiiiiiiiiin'?

07-06-08, 08:16 AM
Finished that before reading this. *innocent*

hmmm... I think she'd enjoy going everywhere, but I have no idea where to start. Still. :P I suppose she probably should go to Raiaera first.

doing? Um... sick. Still sick, actually. :P Came home from Colorado Springs and immediately got bronchitis. *blinks*

04-20-09, 08:52 PM
Okay. Blame it on the two known as the "Penumbra Intersect" group in the Tournament of Champions, but I've decided to return. I'll be getting on daily, trying to be active. No guarantees that I won't bore you all to death.

Yari Rafanas
04-20-09, 08:55 PM
Welcome back.

04-21-09, 08:15 AM
Normally Evil Rahegalhoff comes out and tries to poison you with his evil doom cookies, but I'm proud to announce that in an epic four hour struggle, Good Rahegalhoff forever banished Evil Rahegalhoff from the Flying Stone Tavern, unless unforseen circumstances draw him back. Good Rahegalhoff is off resting up from his struggle. After Voting occurs later on this afternoon, we the many personas of Hoyrel, we will decide who the new greeter is and what sort of shenanigans they'll pull.

Meanwhile, on a more relevant track, Welcome back. May I suggest you take up a quick battle to warm up?

Lord Anglekos
04-21-09, 08:45 AM
You either hate or love this place for drawing you back, but in either case it's on your mind.
Disturbing, eh?
Anyways, welcome back. This is Winterhair.

06-08-09, 08:19 PM
Having something on my mind here isn't as bad as it could be. At least forums aren't psychotically heavy. Decided to MOVE in the general direction of the Springs of all places, so I'm here for the summer and definitely highly active come this season. Battling away. *ninja smilie*