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Threntis Miller
06-30-08, 02:25 PM
Name: Threntis Miller
Age: Looks mid 30s, actual age hard to determine.
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black, with dark brown streaks.
Eye Color: Emerald green
Height: 6’
Weight: 172 lbs
Occupation: 'Traveling' Merchant


Threntis moves with grace, each step silent and calculated. He holds no mercy to those who oppose him though would sooner escape to fight another day. His eyes are unremarkable but have adapted over the years to adjust rapidly to given circumstances, making his personal judgemental skills all the better.


Threntis was nothing to look at, a clean burn scar down one cheek, framed by a dark brown bristly beard. His clothes consisted of a ankle length leather cow-hide jacket, a dirty cotton shirt and peasants pants. He was just another man peddling for a penny. Your average run of the mill guy, broad shouldered and tall, the sort one would imagine was the build of a blacksmith, which in past years, he indeed was.


Growing up under the hand of his father, a black smith, Threntis developed skills of utmost craftsmanship and whilst fishing one day, a carp he caught and cut open for his families dinner contained a gemstone that would forever change his life.
The red gemstone was no larger than a marble and upon grasping it, Threntis was engulfed in flames, flames that scarred his whole body rapidly, taking from him, his own soul, replacing it with another, the one of a great magician.

This soul however, did not gain the control over Threntis that it wished for, instead, granting him amazing magic powers, leaving him suffering daily with deep headaches and throbbing arthritis like pains in every limb. This merchant, now, never seen in one place for too long, is a lesser known blacksmith who forges his own weaponry, sparsely, due to pain, then spends months on end giving them impressive enchantments.


Third eye – Although suffering from immense headaches from day to day, Threntis can sense danger and view hidden items on a person, including both gold and weapons alike, this gives him an edge, not in combat, but in escape and bartering.

Summon forth – Threntis may call any of his possessions forth in a puff of deep black smoke to his right gloved hand.

Magicians Will – When danger approaches or attacks, regardless of his will to fight, he will once again be engulfed in painful searing flames, burning him to dust, where as he would soon reappear in a cloud of black smoke within another town, mysteriously in the condition as seen before.


A small tobacco pouch, containing enough tobacco to last him a month.

A steel kris dagger with a decorative ivory hilt, attached to his belt within a sheath.

His personal clothing.

An oaken smoking pipe, longer than most average pipes for stronger pulls.


Unknown Red Gemstone – The gemstone that once housed the soul of a great magician still houses remnants of the once great being, this now hovers of it’s own will arround Threntis or hides within his pockets. This gemstone controls the full will of the magician whom has possessed Threntis and will not hestitate to set Threntis alight to protect itself and him, even if such means immense pain to the souls bearer.

As mentioned within the discussion forum - Looking forward to this. PM me if you are an admin and further details are required.

Zook Murnig
07-01-08, 10:14 AM
Mysterious Merchant APPROVED.