View Full Version : Vignette Contest: July

Skie and Avery
07-01-08, 10:33 PM
It's the first of the month again, which means a new Contest to test the creativity of Althanians young and old.

And of course, the rules are as follows:

1) One submission per character. Multiple accounts by the same author are allowed.
2) Please make your posts during the duration of time allotted (which is during the month of July). Editing your posts is permitted so long as they are edited within the contest's time frame.
3) The moderator judging the monthly vignette contest will post a vignette at the end, but will not be eligible for a prize.
4) Only on-topic vignettes will be considered for the prize. The topics are meant to be broad enough that no character should be particularly limited.
5) PCs must be involved in all vignettes. How "canonical" you choose to have the events of the vignette is up to you.
6) All participants receive 5% of the EXP they need to reach the next level. The top three finishers get 100, 75 and 50 GP respectively.

And this month's theme is...

Your character is rewarded by Fate and Circumstance with their perfect meal, as it pertains to not only food, but time, place, and companionship.

July is definitely a month about the food. Summer is in full swing and picnics, BBQs, cookouts and various celebrations are important in world culture right now. In tribute to every hot dog, hamburger and baked potato ever fired over a hot grill, let's have stories of your character sitting down to their favorite nutritional (or not so...) situation. Comical or serious, hit me with your best shot, Althanas!

Good luck to everyone.

Smuggler's Run
07-22-08, 01:18 AM
Whatever gods there were in the world, Reed could not help but thank them. The sky above was blue, and it was a deep, endless field of serene skyscape that drew him to be extremely grateful for the benevolence of nature this day. He'd hoped, so much, that it would be perfect... and it turned out just as he'd desired. There were clouds, of course, but they were of the huge, cotton, puffy variety that transformed into shapes that beckoned the people below to guess what they were.

Rebecca had no problem in indulging them in their game. "Daddy, look!" she said, pointing at one hovering over head. "That one's a shark."

Tilting his head a bit, Reed could see where she'd gotten that idea from. It had a long, wispy tail, but the front of it had what seemed to be an open mouth with amazingly sharp teeth. "Good job, honey," he said. For a while, they continued their game, and eventually, they ran out of clouds. "Are you getting hungry?" Reed asked his child.

She nodded, and they both sat up from their laying positions. He smoothed out the blanket that he had brought, and pulled up the basket, opening it. "Y'know... I thought I saw one that looked like a cake... I think it's right... up there!" he said, pointing with his finger in a very sharp gesture. Rebecca looked up, only to have a disappointed expression on her face. When her view had returned back to her father, she gasped. From the basket, he'd produced a large cake with five candles in it.

"Happy birthday, Rebecca," he said.

He pulled out his kerosene lighter, putting the flame to each of the wicks. He lit the candles, and then flicked the lid, closing it. "Make a wish," he requested. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She let out a gust of wind as she exhaled, blowing all of the candles out in one go. "What did you wish for?" Reed asked.

"Papa, you're so silly. I can't tell you, or it won't come true!" she told him, reaching her arm out and flicking his nose with a finger. "Now, may I have some cake?"

07-22-08, 04:29 PM
OOC: Owning both characters, I give myself permission to use Valanthe as an NPC.
The sun was setting behind distant mountains. Crowning the highest of peaks, the sun's last rays veiled the sky, not only in gold, but in purple, red, and orange.
Birds chirped their little songs from their homes in the trees around two young lovers, married, but without true love. Indeed there was a spark of interest, but their's had been a forced marriage, arranged by one they could not argue against.

Even still, as Xos and Valanthe Xilanthese sat on spread out blanket, next to a small river, gurgling and laughing as it played on the rocks. The two realised that perhaps they were right for each other after all, but this wasn't at the top of their thoughts.

They sipped at a small glass of wine, staring deeply into one another's eyes. They were the only two people in the world, or so it seemed.

Will you be there for me?
Of course I will, you can trust me.
I've been abandoned before though, how do I know you won't do the same?
Why would I abandon you? I care for you.
I care for you too.

As they stared into each other's eyes, their conversation was not with failing fumbling words, but with emotion alone.

Setting their empty glasses aside, the two moved in closer. Embracing, the two shared a tender kiss, and simply held each other, watching the sun fade into night.

A spark of true love, a feeble tender flame ignited between the two, not yet strong enough to withstand the winds of opposition; but strong enough to amend their last sentiments with a new one, broader, deeper, and carrying for more weight than simple caring.

I love you.

A Nony Mouse
07-24-08, 05:27 PM
Like a river of satin, her hair flowed across the collar of her dress and down her back. Her smile twinkled in her emerald green eyes, making him entirely at ease. He slid his hand across her shoulders, pulling her closer to him as he did. Her head rested lightly against him, making his heart beat ever faster. Swallowing the nervous lump in his throat, he whispered to her, “You’re one hell of a cook.”

The pair laughed together then and any anxiety either of them had was immediately dismissed into the evening air. Travis lowered his head and inhaled the scent of her perfume deeply, ingraining it in his memory forever. He wanted this moment to last long after they said their goodbyes.

It had been random luck that Travis and Krystyn had run into one another in the bustling city of Scara Brae. The red-haired warrior had been on leave from the Dajas Pagoda, deciding to remain in the city instead of traveling anywhere. He’d occupied his days by taking in the local fare, talking with the merchants in the bazaar, and just generally wandering about the fair city. After stopping by a storefront that sold cheese, the Pagoda Master had seen a familiar face.

Krystyn had grown up with Travis on an island far to the south; their siblings had been friends first. However, the pair began to spend more and more time together and soon Travis and Krystyn had been something of an item in their small town. However, circumstances tore them apart for a time and neither really knew what had happened to the other. But as Fate would have it, Krystyn happened to be selling various items at a stall just outside the cheeserie on that very same day.

Both had instantly recognized the other and Krystyn had quickly wrapped up her stall and followed the red-haired adventurer back to a local pub. The pair caught up over a light lunch and spirits; the tales of the past three years came easily when they were in each other’s company. For the next two days of Travis’ leave, the one-time lovers spent no time apart. They were together again, but for how long was a mystery.

On the final day of Travis’ leave from the Dajas Pagoda, Krystyn had surprised him by booking a ferry to an island just off the coast from the city. On the moonlit beaches, they had prepared a feast for themselves replete with items they remembered from days gone by when life was far simpler. Each dish brought back a distinct memory and the couple spent much of the time preparing it trading stories and laughing together. “I’ve thought about you often since then,” Krystyn admitted when the meal was finished. “Did you ever think of me?”

Travis stared out into the ocean, rolling the question around in his mind. Unlike many of his adventuring companions, the red-haired youth had never taken to the act of bedding women in every town he visited. In fact, he hadn’t been with a woman since the night before he and Krystyn had parted ways. As the moments passed comfortably, he answered her honestly, “There’s been no one but you.” Her smile illuminated the beach, shining brighter to him than any of the stars in the night sky.

And on the beach, they made love… after three long years of being apart. Ah yes, Fate and Circumstance had certainly smiled upon the happy couple.

Flames of Hyperion
07-31-08, 03:08 AM
Senri was a small village in the middle of nowhere. The name literally meant "a thousand ri", a ri being a measure of distance that translated roughly to about four thousand kilometres. It was a not-so-subtle reference to its seclusion from anywhere else of note, but the rustic and traditional hamlet had one redeeming feature that saved it from being just another provincial backwater. It was the location of a little-known but prime selection of hot springs.

The village's remote location saved it from the commercial exploitation that many other such hot springs had undergone; word of mouth didn't travel very well across multiple uninhabited mountain ranges, and not many people were willing to make the hazardous journey just for a bath. Amongst hardcore aficionados, however, Senri had acquired a nigh-mythical reputation as a sort of holy sacred spot, and there were always a few brave and hardy souls willing to face the lonely trek along barely existent dirt paths in order to experience the legend. Trudging through the steep snow-bound hills, picking their way through darkly overgrown forests and across the treacherously fast-flowing streams, facing immeasurable dangers both from terrain and from creature along the way. It was for this very reason that amongst the high-gabled traditional minka of wood, bamboo, clay and straw, there were a small handful of inns of relative size and quality that catered to their tourist clientele.

The Gekkouka was one such ryokan, a sprawling two-story establishment of tastefully modest decorum. The upper level consisted entirely of individual rooms, each little more than a tatami floor and a small closet in which futon and makura were stored for use during the night. The rooms were separated from one another by the light sliding paper doors known as shoji, offering at least a modicum of privacy for the weary travellers resting within, and were linked together by a quietly lit hallway with a lovingly polished wooden floor. An understated elegance lightly graced all between the walls; the Gekkouka was plain, yes, but beautifully so. The inn could cater to over a hundred people at maximum capacity, although its resources were stretched to the very limit with the one party it was serving at the moment.

It was on the ground floor where everybody was now congregating. The staff quarters were unremarkable and of little relevance to the proceedings; the baths were deserted at this time of the evening, as were the outdoor rotenburo that were the hallmark of any good ryokan in a hot spring village. The paper lanterns in the genkan were unlit, but the corresponding lights in the dining hall cast warm pools of radiance into the immaculately tidy reception area. Hearty laughter and unrestrained merriment echoed out into the cold winter garden from beneath the thickly thatched roof, sure signs of a celebration ongoing within.

For it was New Year's Eve in the small village of Senri, and a close gathering of friends and associates had assembled to salute the year ahead.

At the present moment, all was rather well with the world. The internal strife that had sundered so much of the continent of Althanas over the previous years had finally been resolved, and for the first time in a long while, the land was at peace. Even Raiaera and Alerar, traditional enemies if there ever were any, were at least back on speaking terms. The demons of Haidia had retreated to the depths of their realm under a relatively amicable cease-fire, and the darker forces still that had marshalled them against the surface-dwelling races had long since fled to whatever remote refuges they called home. Not for a moment did any of those present at the current gathering believe that their foes were banished forever and that peace would reign eternal. But one thing was certain... whenever and wherever evil reared its ugly head to threaten the lives of innocents once more, the Legion of Light would be there to greet it.

And so, right now, it was a time to relax, a time to laugh and have fun. The Gekkouka's heavy walls of timber-bound clay were carefully lit by sheltered iron braziers, their assembled lights a cheerful flicker amongst the darkness of the moon and stars above. They were warm and heady to the touch, the light flurry of snow outside having very little if any presence within the room except for as a picturesque portrait beyond the windows. Gently the walls cocooned the congregation within, doing so without the oppressive claustrophobia that characterised many similar halls of stone construction.

Four long low tables were arranged in the middle of the room, laden with various dishes from the world over. The majority of the foods were oriental in nature, from the fish recipes that were the speciality of the resident cook to the plates of various delicately flavoured meats and steamed vegetables that ringed the main courses. Tender pieces of pork marinated in ginger, gently grilled mushrooms garnished with a touch of sauce, deftly boiled spinach flavoured by sesame seed and soy. And of course, heaping bowlfuls of the fluffy, tasty white rice that acted as a perfect accompaniment to everything upon the menu. Each dish was a unique meal upon itself, and yet was light enough so as to leave space for so much more.

That was not to say that there was a lack of more traditional Althanasian fare on offer. Roasted meats and vegetables, broths and soups both heady and smooth, dishes from the furthest reaches of human lands as well as not a few from beyond. Tubers and hearty stews for the dwarves, delicate leafs and grains for the elves, and almost anything and everything in between for the humans. Neither were drinks neglected, with a wide variety ranging from the finest dwarven ale to the daintiest of elven nectars on offer. It was a feast fit for a king or two, or even more besides.

Yet despite the perfection of it all, it was neither the time nor the place, neither the food nor even the circumstances that made this occasion so special.

It was the people.

Lord Arminas and his Rangers, amongst them youthful Selinde and serious Nerdanel. Derthark and his entourage of dwarves from Gunnbad, huddled around the centremost of the tables and laughing uproariously at a joke made by the anthropomorphic Lion King Leonidas. Lord Gunther, Lord Lysander, and a handful more of the senior members of the Order of the Aurora, deep in conversation with the elf Prince Turgon of Tor Elythis. Glorfindel of Anebrilith and Telchar Quakefist, two of those who had been with him the longest, bantering words over a drinking contest that amazingly the elf seemed to be holding his own in.

Powerful figures from the astral plane, laughing and smiling freely alongside representative ambassadors from all the major nations on the continent. The renowned sage of the east, Zhu Liao, debating a minor point of protocol with the respected cardinal Calchas Lightmaker and the shimmering paragon of perfection that was the dragon Minaithnir in human form. The room echoed with the mirth and merriment of a hundred and eight different voices, some old and others young, some human and others as far from as could possibly be.

Gathered around the table closest to the entrance, where the chatter was friendliest and the bustle most noticeable, yet another band of warriors. As Ingwe entered the room they turned to greet him with smiles and cheeky waves; his friends from the Academy, once scattered, now reunited at last. Half-dragon samurai Yoshi, chivalric footknight Hector, half-elven twins Hitomi and Kendal, laughing assassin Misaki, and the close-knit foursome that was the Academy Four. He smiled and waved back, his heart soaring at the joy and happiness so evident upon their faces.

But his attention almost invariably strayed onwards, to the turned back of the one who had always been nearest to his heart. Her dark hair spilled like graceful strands of a waterfall down the back of the simple robes she wore; she was slender and athletically petite of build, and her laughter tinkled like the fulsome chime of a pealing bell. She must have sensed him coming, for by the time he came to a gentle halt three paces behind her, she was already turning to greet him.

Her shoulder-length hair fell neatly into place, framing the snow-white wholesomeness of her face. Wide unlined forehead sloped into a snub nose and delicate cheekbones before ending in a subtly rounded chin. Sparkling dark eyes regarded him inquisitively from underneath the thin arch of her eyebrows, while the rose-petal pink of her full lips were faintly curved into a slightly teasing smile.

True connoisseurs of human beauty may not have seen her as beautiful. But to Ingwe, she was the one star amongst the diamond-studded sky, outshining by a fair margin all the rest.

Welcome home she mouthed, the smile upon her face blossoming when she saw the look on his face.

He nodded weakly in reply, feeling the moisture begin to gather at the corners of his eyes.


It was a dream. It was all but a wishful dream.

But in the war-strewn ruins of the outskirts of Anebrilith, it was the closest that he would ever get to hope.

Curled up amongst the remains of what once had been an elven manor home, his cloak drawn tightly about his shoulders as he huddled for warmth against the pervasive winter chill, Ingwe Helyanwe tried to settle back down for a few more fitful hours of sleep before nightfall. The legions of undeath waited for nobody, and they certainly showed no mercy to the weary. Somehow he doubted they even experienced such mortal weakness any more.

His last thoughts before the darkness once again set in were of the face that he had gazed upon within his mind, so real, so beautiful...

Silently, the hot tears streamed down his cheeks.

Alydia Ettermire
07-31-08, 09:50 PM
Aly stuck her spoon into her mouth absentmindedly, looking over a building plan with a couple of her helpers. It was going to be a big heist, and these crazy Coronians liked to celebrate at any cause. Before a heist, after a heist, if she was coming into town, if she was leaving town...but at least the food was good. Dinner had been lamb, grilled over an open flame after being well-rubbed with salt, pepper, and honey. The potatoes had been pan-roasted with butter, parsley and garlic and were just firm enough, the salad had been crisp and refreshing, and the wine absolutely perfect. Now she was finishing up her dessert, a rich chocolate mousse that melted in the mouth and could make even the most hard-hearted cynic believe in the reality of some form of a heaven.

"All right, boys. We'll go in at midnight. No more alcohol; anyone who isn't sober at rendez-vous will be left behind." Alydia stood up, pulling the brim of her hat down a little further out of reflex. The three men stood too, and as she was stepping out the door, the shortest one called out to her.

"Hey, Aly. It was the best meal ever, right?" He looked at her from under his mop of black hair, with a twinkle in his bright blue eyes. He was barely more than a boy, but was the best information gatherer south of Salvar she knew. She grinned at him, letting her painted red lips curl up.

"Absolutely the best ever."

As she stepped into the street, she had to chuckle. Every time they ate, the kid asked the same question...and every time she gave the same answer. After all, she did enjoy their company and the food was always good. But the best ever...?

What was the best meal I ever ate...?

Aly went back to her room the long way, and started to prepare her kit for the heist, but her mind was still on the question...what was her best meal ever?

I think...it had to be...yes...


A little more than a century ago...

Aly landed on the rooftop with a soft clung. The child was grimy from lack of any sort of bath in Thayne knew how long and scrawny from the slim pickings that streetrats like her lived off of. But today her luck had changed. Today, the owner of the sandwich shop down the street had made his "specialty" - or, something new he thought would sell - and had turned around at just the right second to reach for his knife.

She hadn't stuck around to see him turn back.

Now, way high up where no one could reach her, she sat on the rooftop and squinted her eyes, watching the sandwich appear out of thin air. It was still hot to the touch, and she nibbled on the melted cheese for a second, savoring the smell and the anticipation of a big, warm meal for the first time in at least a week.


Something else landed on the roof not far from her, and Aly whipped around to see what it was. NO ONE else was going to be getting her sandwich, not today. She'd stolen it fair and square, she was gonna eat it.

But it was just a little gray and white cat, who had a prize of its own - a nice big fish taken from the market.

"Dos phuul natha olplyn, ichl, nau?" She grinned. How appropriate that a fellow food thief join her. She took a bite of her sandwich, hearing the greens crunch inside and feeling the warm strips of chicken almost melt on her tongue, and the cat watched her for a minute before sitting down, grooming her face, and starting to chew on its own dinner.

Leaning back, Aly watched the sun set over the dark buildings of Ettermire and the formidable Valshanth d'Isto in the distance. Sure, she was still an orphan and would be hungry again tomorrow...but right now, she had a full belly, a great view, and was having dinner with a like-minded individual. What else could matter, under those circumstances?



Aly chuckled again, stepping back out of her room to meet her boys. I wonder what ever became of that cat...

02-27-09, 11:58 PM
Flames of Hyperion comes in first and gets 250 EXP and 100 GP.

A Nony Mouse comes in second and gets 250 EXP and 75 GP.

Smuggler's Run comes in 3rd and gets 175 EXP and 50 GP.

Where in the World? gets 150 EXP.

Xos gets 150 EXP.

02-28-09, 12:07 AM
Exp and Gp added