View Full Version : Ballantyne’s Pact of Vexile ‘d Alto

07-02-08, 12:21 AM
Preview: The township of Vexile ‘d Alto has a population of fifteen thousand, lies in the mountains of Alerar, somewhere between Kachuck and the Mountains of Dawn, and has a big problem. Having nothing else to do a rather lethal contingent of the former Mazzra are terrorizing the Vexile ‘d Alto, taking money, crops, and even women. With the new government being preoccupied with its own problems the township needs to learn how to fend for itself. That’s where the Ballantynes come in. Evan and Lilith have been called to train every healthy adult male in the town and form a sufficient defense force.

I’m cool with two people joining this quest as long as you can post about once a day. I'd like to have this done before the next chapter of the feature quest. Depending on the character you might serve as a fellow trainer or a security supplement until the town is ready to defend itself.

07-02-08, 12:47 AM
I'm pretty sure the Kyorl were pretty tough. I don't see how it makes sense to have a level zero train a town of fifteen thousand.

07-02-08, 07:33 PM
Seeing as there's little to no information on any of the former military orders of Alerar I just picked a name and used it. Would you rather me use a different one?

Either way, I can assure you the details of why a town in Alerar would request the services of my character are realistic and would comply with the standards of continuity on Althanas. Also take not that I said Evan and his sister, Lilith, would train every healthy adult male. Realistically that would cut the force down to about five hundred. I figured for these guys to prevail the Kyorl would have a force of two or three hundred, and their great underestimation of the townsfolk would be their undoing. Forming an army of perfection is an admitted exaggeration especially since I had a very humble result in mind.

07-02-08, 10:47 PM
What I know of the Kyorl is that they were basically the Aleraran equivalent of Raiaera's Tel Aglarim. Even if these guys went rogue, five-hundred quickly-trained townsfolk would probably not cut it, unless you gave them an additional edge. You're free to write it however you want, though, especially if you already have something planned to keep the reader from thinking 'is this right?'

If you don't want to cut corners, there's also this list of military forces that you may or may not have seen, in case you want to pick up another random group. On a side note, you could have a smaller faction of the ex-Kyorls band together and take on a whole other name, if you don't feel like brushing elbows with the Kyorl themselves.

Althanas Almanach, under Alerar (http://www.althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=althanasalmanac)

Military: The Aleranian Army/The Mazzra, The Kyorl, UAK (The United Armies of Kachuk)

07-03-08, 06:34 PM
I've changed the bad guys to the Mazzra. Seeing as they're the standard issue army I figured they'd be less skilled than the Kyorl.