View Full Version : Rini

07-05-08, 08:44 PM
Name: Rini Serenity
Age: 901 years. Physically: 7 years. (She doesn't age.)
Race: Human
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Red
Height: 3' 2"
Weight: 40 lbs.

Personality: She is very stubborn when she first meets someone, but softens up when she gets to know them. She loves to be loved, and, once you are her friend, she will fight to the death to protect you, and be very sweet to you (most of the time). She has a hard time accepting people as friends; even if she loves them, she will still belive inside that they will, eventually, abandon her. She tries not to get too attached to people, but she is so young that she can barely stand being without a guardian or parental figure. She is hardly ever afraid of anything, except thunder and lightning.

Appearance: She is either seen as a beloved "little sister", or an annoying little brat.

History: She is the reencarnation of a princess, but she doesn't know it. She lost her parents when she was small; so small that she can only very vaguely recolect them. Ever since she has been running through the land; attaching to diffrent groups for a bit at a time. She usually runs away from the group for one of two reasons: she thinks she is getting too emotionally attached to the group, and knows that if they abandon her, she will be devestated, or, because they do betray her; choosing that she be traped or killed in place of another member of the group.

Skills: She has very powerful magical abilities that she can use in a time of need, but she uses them as little as possible. Using her powers weakens her greatly, and she is usually unable to move (with exeption of small movements), or speak more then a few sentances at a time. People with exeptional healing powers can reenergize her, but these people are few and far between; so time is her only current method of healing. Her powers are used simply by her willing it to be; no spoken incantation is needed.
Another of her extraordinary powers is emotional healing. She can calm anyone who is sad, upset, anxious, mad, bitter, hurt, etc.
Yet another of her powers is the ability to find friends who will love her (at least for a time), so that, when she is weak after using her power and is unable to move (for the most part), on of her friends will carry her to their home; her being only 40 lbs.

Equipment: She has almost no equiptment, as she is constantly on the run from groups she has recently parted from. The only things she usually has with her is the clothes on her back and (sometimes) food (both usually stolen).

07-05-08, 10:27 PM
For copy right reasons, I need you to change her name to something else.

I need you to list what kind of magical abilities she has and remember, you're level 0 so you're not going to be very powerful right now. Althanas has a level kind of system, note how I have experience and a level above my avatar.

Once you've changed it, post here again saying 'edited' so that I know it's done and I'll take another look at it.