View Full Version : Ballantyne’s Monologues

07-05-08, 09:15 PM
Every now and then I imagine my character or a few npc’s in his quests spilling out their feelings for all to see. Though none of my quests have reached these points in the plot I thought it might be fun to show them off in the format of monologues. Hell, if you want to go on ahead and try to perform them.

Soon to be featured in Vexile d' Alto (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=125198#post125198)
Background Info: After having successfully defended their small town against the former Mazzra troops, the farmer turned soldier, Ixelior, bears his feelings about world events to Evan.

“I read in the newspaper that Salvar has descended into civil war, I hear through word of mouth that the Great Necromancer has returned to take Raiaera, and reports flow through that Corone has now split itself up. Corone? As many choice words as we Dark Elven have about Coronians we all know that they were the most prosperous and stable of all the Althanas people. And now they have fallen prey to chaos? On one hand I have never been so proud to be a citizen of Alerar, the last reasonably stable nation in the known world. On the other hand I am genuinely scared because we are the last reasonably stable nation in the known world. That shouldn’t be! That should never be!

“We’re next. Our new king doesn’t see that. Our High Graff doesn’t even see that. They’re busy building their trains and fiddling about with bureaucracy, while disorder from Salvar could infect us like a disease, this new Corone Empire could aim its massive fleet at us, and Xem’zund… I have no doubt that Xem’zund will set his sights on Alerar when, not if, but when he has taken Raiaera. If he gets to L' Renor Harlilen there will be no stopping him. For a while now I would wake up in the morning and expect one of these fates to befall my poor country because we’re not ready to face any one of them. We’re not ready.”

Soon to be featured in Games of Intrigue (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=16569)
Background Info: Evan finally reveals to an unlikely confidant why he’s decided to permanently relocate to Althanas, instead of returning to his seemingly perfect home in the Great South.

“The games we play in the Great South aren’t like the games you play here in Althanas. There are no boards, dice, or cards. There are no true rules or guidelines to a Southern game. At the age of six we’d be put in magical illusionary settings and our parents would whisper in our ears. They’d tell us to steal something, challenge someone to a duel, or even murder someone in the darkness of the night. Perhaps the setting would be a field and a thousand of us would have weapons and armor on our person. We’d split up into armies and go at it. Every now and then they’d leave us in a setting for days at a time with little food and too many mouths to feed. Someone would die, confess, or concede and the illusion would be over. Everything that had happened was undone. We’d step out and we’d be applauded for our actions, no matter how good or sinister. The villain of the situation would be just as venerated as the hero.

‘Good job protecting that innocent child, Evan. That was very heroic of you.’

‘That was a smart murder, Evan. I wouldn’t have thought of poison.’

Somewhere down the line it becomes an enjoyable experience for anyone who plays it, and the people of the Great South would use these Games of Intrigue as recreation for all ages. Seeing as I’m a particularly competitive person I was the best at whatever I did, whether I was the hero or villain. These Games are there to satisfy our uncivilized appetites and prepare for the rare instances when these things really did happen. It works for the most part. Crime is fairly low, we know how to ration our resources in times of drought or famine, and if anyone tries to invade a standing army will be ready. But for a lot of us, perhaps all of us, there’s a point where the Games aren’t enough. That’s why almost every Southerner vacations here in Althanas, where they can engage in those things for real. That’s why I’m here for good. Because for the past year or two the Games haven’t been enough for me, and I don’t think they ever will be.”