View Full Version : Althanas Teaser (June 27, 2006)

Cyrus the virus
06-27-06, 06:42 PM
The return of the Althanas Teaser is upon us!

For those who don't know what it is, the Teaser is a portion of a current quest on Althanas, usually the introduction. It's designed to call attention to some interesting writing.

Below is the introduction of High Seas (link) (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1458), a quest in Corone that was started by Ira Shinkara. She is joined by three others on, yes, the high seas. Where it'll lead, nobody but the questers know.

Ira stood at the front of the ship, her eyes gazing out into what seemed to be a never-ending ocean of colours reflecting the setting sun. A ball of orange blazed in the sky in it’s last cry before night took over and the seas reflected it in a broken mass of orange gazing back as if talking to an imperfect brother. Soon that sun would be gone and the ocean would reflect the moon and the thousands of stars that shone with it, returning their light in their own broken way, an imperfect yet beautiful reflection that one could look at forever.

A gentle breeze was flowing over the sea, it filled the mast and carried the ship forward, it also blew her short, purple hair around her in a hurried mess, whipping it over her eyes. Her tanned Fallien clothing plastered against her back and legs and her two Irenian crystals gently rubbing against each other. She didn’t mind, it felt good and the smell of the salty water was different and nice. If only she could just stand here and enjoy this like any normal person would, but unfortunately she was here for a reason, she was here to do her job, something she almost wished she didn’t have to.

Little did she know she wasn’t going to get any kind of choice in this one.



“It’s me, Gereint.”

The black haze that had been surrounding her and blocking out the great dream she’d been having was pushed aside and Ira found herself sitting in Gereint’s tent, back in Fallien. The fire, like always, burned between them even in this place, even in her mind.

“Gereint? But aren’t I…?”

“Yes, yes, you’re asleep.”

“And I was having a great dream!”

Ira folded her arms over her chest and looked away from the withered old shaman, pretending to be angry with him.

“Hahaha! You can’t fool me with that one, you’ve been doing that to me since you were little, Ira and it’s not going to work.”

She rolled her eyes and looked back at him, “I was having a great dream though, want to hear all the juicy details?”

He cleared his throat, “I’ll pass.”

“Fine, so what is it you want, I know you don’t make a habit of reaching for people often unless you need something.”

“Right to the point, huh? You’re right though, I’ve felt some disruptions in the planes around the ocean no less.”

“The ocean?”

Now this was getting interesting.

“Yes, it must be a ghost ship, or something like that. I’m pretty sure it’s close to where you are right now so I thought I’d communicate with you instead of any of the others in Althanas.”

“A ghost ship? That means I’ll have to find someone to take me out to sea and that also means that others could get involved and be dragged into Purgatory with me.”

She’d never had to fight with others in Purgatory unless they were Calerian’s and she didn’t like the idea of having to baby sit a bunch of stupid ‘warriors’ because they couldn’t fight the dead. She needed to be able to do her job, not protect others.

“Yes, yes, I know this, Ira, but you don’t exactly have much choice.”

The blind Shaman smiled at her across the flames, which cast shadows in odd places over his face. It made him look even more mystical then he already was.

“Alright, if I have to, Old Man. And don’t give me any of that crap about not being that old; I don’t want to hear it. Just leave already so I can get some more sleep.”

Gereint and her had both laughed at that before he wished her luck and told her to reach for him once the mission was complete so he was sure that she was safe.

And now here she was, aboard a ship the name of which she didn’t even remember. Hell, she hadn’t cared, she’d just walked along the port listening in to the conversations the sailors were having with one another until she’d heard the crew of this ship talking about a ghost ship that had been appearing lately in the ocean and apparently they were heading right into the territory it seemed to dwell in. She’d quickly found out that it was a passenger ship and that it was heading for Raiaera, not that she’d really cared where it was going; it was the journey that mattered to her.

So, she’d talked to the Captain, who was a nice burly man that had let her on without her paying anything, of course she had to cook for the crew and do some cleaning around the ship but she didn’t mind. It seemed she had a way with smoothing things over with Captains; this was the second one that was letting her aboard his vessel without her paying a thing. Of course, her cooking was really good and she was a really hard worker. Who could refuse free help when all they had to do was get her from point A to point B, they didn’t need to know about any of the stuff most likely to happen in the middle.

Right now, with dinner having already been served, the Captain didn’t have anything for her to do, so she’d come up on deck to look out over the ocean and enjoy some time to herself before things got out of hand and before she had to return to Purgatory and whatever awaited her there. She had a bad feeling about this and she looked down at the silver necklace holding her two Irenian crystals, one was pure blue, the one she wasn’t bonded with and the other had a small red dot forming in the centre of it, letting her know how corrupted she was.

Barely anything, but it had been like this last time…and last time releasing that one Fallen had completely consumed and corrupted her to the likes of which Gereint had never witnessed and she never wanted to experience again. But she might if she wasn’t careful and it might be this time.