View Full Version : Time's up.

Canen Darkflight
07-08-08, 02:56 AM
I must apologise to those who were depending on me to get threads finished, namely Raelyse, but it looks as if there might be an indefinate period of time where I am just not here anymore.

There's a lot happening right now. On top of my training and new work commitments (burdens, more like), I have a girlfriend to appease (and she is pissed at me at the moment so that's double work involved to try and sort that out) and so many other things it sort of makes it impossible for me to find time for writing anymore.

I know I've said this before but I honestly think the last has been done of my writing here. I'll hang around the OOC once in a while if I have time, but other than that, I think that's pretty much it.

Thanks to everyone who wrote with me over the years and ever gave me a thumbs up.


07-08-08, 05:08 AM
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, eh?
Well, whatever the case, here's hopin' you stick around. As long as you don't give up completely, there's still hope left that you'll come back. Everyone eventually does.

07-08-08, 07:08 AM
I know I've said this before but I honestly think the last has been done of my writing here.

I thought that part of your post was really sad. Good luck with everything.

07-08-08, 07:43 AM
Damn it, Chris!

You promised a thread with me!!!!

Canen Darkflight
07-10-08, 04:21 AM
I know, but it would be very unfair to start something that I couldn't finish again. I really appreciate all the times you've helped out though. Maybe i'll be back sometime with another crazy, half baked Canen insurrection. Who knows. But as for now, I can't, I just don't have the access or the time anymore as much as it pains me.

I still love Althy though. :)

Edit: Still, if I get dumped, I could always come and and vent my anger. Lol.

07-10-08, 07:02 AM
lol, well I really hope you don't get dumped. I'd rather you enjoy yourself and stay away from Althy than see your girlfriend dump you.

Here's to hopin' you eventually have the time for Althy again and that I'm still here when you do. >.>

07-10-08, 01:59 PM
Here's also hoping everything works out for the best. ^^ I really enjoy your writing, as I know many here do, and it would be sad to permanently loose such an awesome writer.