View Full Version : Hey-lo

07-08-08, 12:16 PM
Yes, the game. Hello people of Althanas! I am known throughout the world of RPG as Zerix! (mostly) I have been forum RPing for, I think, about four years now and I currently own an RPG of my own, not quite up to the standard of this one it seems. I was violently coerced into joining this RPG by Lily(Twill, I think here). J/K

In other news, this looks like a great RPG, I hope to expand my horizons here. Now... BEGIN THE WELCOMINGS! I compel thee!

07-08-08, 12:25 PM
Hi thar

07-08-08, 12:29 PM
Excellent, that's four down. Only two to go.

07-08-08, 01:26 PM
Excellent, that's four down. Only two to go.
Let the metaphorical orgasms begin. Oh, and the not so metaphorical ones too.
Welcome to this hole called Althanas. We're all pretty friendly here, unless a) Slayer of the Rot hasn't touched a bottle in a week, b) Godhand decided to come out of his cave and spout random crap at anyone who draws near, c) Raelyse hasn't gotten laid in a couple weeks or so after futilely trying to man-whore himself during that time period, and d) if I don't get enough sleep and decide to pop on here OOC'ly and pull Godhandish comments out of my anal region.

All in all, hello there!

07-08-08, 01:35 PM
D happens a lot.
And I think you mean orgies? In which case I'm a little busy. Maybe later when I've had more to drink.

07-08-08, 01:42 PM
Let the metaphorical orgasms begin. Oh, and the not so metaphorical ones too.
Welcome to this hole called Althanas. We're all pretty friendly here, unless a) Slayer of the Rot hasn't touched a bottle in a week, b) Godhand decided to come out of his cave and spout random crap at anyone who draws near, c) Raelyse hasn't gotten laid in a couple weeks or so after futilely trying to man-whore himself during that time period, and d) if I don't get enough sleep and decide to pop on here OOC'ly and pull Godhandish comments out of my anal region.

All in all, hello there!

Stop talking about me twenty four hours a day. It's creeping me out.

07-08-08, 02:45 PM
I'm going to pretend I understood exactly what Winterhair was saying! I'm sure that I will figure out some things as I go along. Others are quite blatantly obvious... At least it seems that you people don't mind a bit of pervertedness.

Hello to all of you too! *ish creeped out*

07-08-08, 03:02 PM
If you think that's creepy and disturbing, wait until the weekend when the pants come off, provided they were on in the first place.

07-08-08, 03:07 PM
Just go find some shock images, stare at them until they don't shock you any more, and then come chat. It'll be much easier.

07-08-08, 03:52 PM
I'll do that...

07-08-08, 04:00 PM
Stop talking about me twenty four hours a day. It's creeping me out.

Awww, I think he someone has a crush on you.

Welcome to Althanas. We secretly hate you.

07-08-08, 04:07 PM
How nice of you! I appreciate your honesty!

07-08-08, 08:38 PM
Stop talking about me twenty four hours a day. It's creeping me out.

Why? Your my latest attempt at breaking my porn addiction. Which would I rather do, pick on the local assholic or watch...ah damn, good point. I'll be back; my porn awaits me.
The love is everywhere Zerix. You'll get used to it.

07-08-08, 08:50 PM
Actually, this is the most wonderful place ever created compared to a few of the forum RPGs I've been to/am currently on! Continue with the blatant loving!

07-08-08, 08:53 PM
Psshfa, screw the other sites. They suck. Kick them in their metaphorical ovaries and stay here...the stealing of your soul will come later.

07-08-08, 08:55 PM
... But it's like crack! I CAN'T GET OFF OF IT! It sucked me in long ago, don't fall to the same fate on any site but this! I'm warning you. Your mommy was right! "Just say no to drugs!"

07-08-08, 09:22 PM
I said no to drugs, but nobody ever said anything about the soul stealing websites.

07-09-08, 01:23 AM
No no no, do the drugs first. Then the soul-stealing websites.

07-09-08, 07:11 AM
Well, I don't do drugs, so there! :P Soul-Stealing Websites are what I do, in fact, I own one! Actually, co-own, but that don't matter!

In other news, my profile was approved in the first shot, WOOT. Now I should probably do something in terms of starting to RP...

07-09-08, 09:05 AM
I last logged onto Althanas the 7th. I woke up in Alberta seven hours ago. I have no idea what happened in between.

Don't do drugs, kids. Or rather, don't do drugs right next to an interprovincial bus stop.

Welcome, you!

07-09-08, 10:50 AM
I last logged onto Althanas the 7th. I woke up in Alberta seven hours ago. I have no idea what happened in between.

Don't do drugs, kids. Or rather, don't do drugs right next to an interprovincial bus stop.

Welcome, you!

I could tell you what happened in between, but mentally scarring people for life ain't nice, is it?
And he/she is right about not doing drugs right next to an interprovincial bus stop. The big kids will pick on you for not having the gewd stuff. Y'know. Then they will proceed in beating the living shit out of you, leaving your half-dead/dead body there on the bench, and take your crappy drugs and sell 'em on ebay and/or the local elementary school.
Ah...those were the good old days.

Mithra Reborn
07-10-08, 12:15 AM
oh man, and nobody offered you the ceremonial cookies? *hands you a plate* go ahead...they won't kill you...only take your soul down a twirling vortex of terror- i mean, taste good. ^^.

(and no, there is no anal rape down the swirling vortex of terror. just us. oh yeah, we're all a little off our rockers. hope you don't mind.)

07-10-08, 12:29 AM
Aye, don't mind these nutcases. We got straightjackets tailor'd for each and every one of them. Want one? They're really nifty. :D

*Wears his with pride*

Welcome to Althanas! If you have any questions, ask us Mods via PM, IM, or make a thread in the Your Word forum. You can also ask around, our members are quite helpful as long as you avoid their lustful fangs. ;)

On that note...


*Gnaws on your shin*

Mithra Reborn
07-10-08, 12:44 AM
what do you mean? I thought you had to earn your straight jacket! ;3;

07-10-08, 12:47 AM
Nah, I got mine in the mail just the other day.

07-10-08, 12:57 AM
I have a straight jacket, a nice padded room, and a man in a white suit who checks on me regularly. Sometimes I through myself against the walls because it's fun. It disturbs the men in white coats though.

Mithra Reborn
07-10-08, 04:26 AM
oh, great. I just wasted a bunch of time then. oh well, time to order one...

07-10-08, 07:28 AM
Ooh! Cookies! *devours* Very good... Don't worry about me! I have experience with crazy people, hopefully you aren't too surprise to find that most, if not all, RPers are crazy. Some moreso than you people! I could tell you some sick stories... But only if you care/would like to hear.