View Full Version : Wasted Time

Master Kilon
03-28-06, 05:30 PM
Name-Garet Kilon
Age-51 years
Height-34 inches
Weight-91 pounds
Hair Color-Blue-white
Eye Color-Yellow


-Garet is very short, even for a gnome. He has a very round head and a large-wide nose, most of his teeth are real, and large coin sized black glasses. Wears the standard dark blue monk-like robes of his ranking, has a strange blue hat. His hair is untamable but fits under his hat miraculously, still sticking out at odd angles.


-Garet is slightly detached from reality, often forgetting what he is doing or where he is, sometimes stopping mid-sentence. Garet spent most of his time among other gnomes and usually forgets to slow his words down so that other races can comprehend what he is saying. Although he claims to be happy as he is, anything that’s new or improved he simply must get, even if he doesn’t need it or know how to use it or have thought about it before.


-4 foot iron rod: primarily used for a walking stick as he hasn’t been trained to use as a weapon, Garet believes it makes him appear strong and wise.


-Conjuror’s robes: Dark Blue wizard robes that signify the rank of journeyman. Protects well against cold, low ventilation and uncomfortable in humidity. Has many pockets for ingredients, some ingredients in the past have been more lively then others and Garet has developed a mild fear of them, preferring to let things remain lost then search for them if he can.


-Garet learned quite a few spells during his time, but he only mastered a limited few. He can only use the ones he has mastered without ingredients, incantations, or symbols, most of which he doesn’t have, has forgotten, or can’t make quickly. He has mastered the spells of no friction, create food, create drink, and purge. He can use only one of these spells at a time and has the chance to break them, breaking a spell causes it to backfire or go horribly wrong and is always a bad thing for everyone involved.

No Friction: Garet reduces all of the friction on his body to a very high degree, making him very slippery. The drawback is that anything that isn’t attached to him and affected by the spell can’t touch him. It makes it impossible for him to hold anything in his hands or interact with.(Can still be attacked, blunter attacks lose some power from slickness)

Creation: Self-sufficiency is of vital importance for surviving in the world, also for not having money. The quality of things he can create is based on how much he is concentrating. For example, sitting down and focusing entirely on creating a dessert, he would be able to make a rich strawberry ice-cream, whereas while running from a pack of starving wolves in the forest and trying not to trip on a root, he would make warm sugary milk and squashed strawberries.

Purge: Forces excess materials from an item. Allows Garet to purge his clothes of water after getting rained on, pull the dirt out of the milk he spilt in the forest, or clean yesterday’s cereal off today’s ice-cream spoon.

Garet has other more powerful spells that can be cast but they all have prerequisites that must be fulfilled and take at the bare minimum 2 posts to perform and only with the permission of person(s) involved.


-Hat: Garet has a navy blue hat that he’s been wearing for years. Its real value comes from the fact that it talks to him offering him its opinion, he doesn’t even have to ask for it. On several occasions he has tried to wash the hat, but has since given up as the hat lets out ear-piercing screams and swears incoherently.


Many races brought up their young under strict discipline and the gnomes were no different. Garet was always one to rebel, sneaking out at night, stiffing diner owners, stealing wine from the bar, causing mischief all around. Unfortunately he wasn't very good at being mischievious and usually got caught, never thinking his plans through and acting mostly on impulse. The life of a juvenile youth suited him well enough, but on his 11th birthday his parents gifted him with glasses. Life as he knew it was over, once a gnome had glasses he was a full citizen, paid for everything himself, and had to work. The curse of glasses made him despair, somehow in his own naive way he had thought he would live with his parents forever, but the true terror was working. All of the jobs available seemed aweful to him; farming, building, street-sweeping, feces removal, sewer cleaning. All seemed lost, but one day he spotted a court magician conversing with the king during a parade. Of course! Royalty and everybody that worked with them did nothing all day long, the perfect job! He knew what he had to do, a little bit of hard working in school and a life-time of non-working would be his.

Garet spent most of his early years learning the magical arts among his people, inspired by the promise of power and wealth, that magic could make any dream come true. Reality broke his nose. It was a harsh realization that magic was just as much work and just as practical as any other job, just more mental then physical. Forty years of magic schooling and he could do so little, he had yet to make one dream come true. Given he hadn’t actively pursued a single dream it didn’t surprise him, but magic was suppose to make things magically happen, work-free. Fortunately for him, his hat did know how to make dreams come true. There was some fantastic mythical place called Althanas where dreams came true every day for everyone. A little instruction from the hat, fifteen tries at drawing the symbols on the floor correctly, and Garet was ready to pass through the portal to get to Althanas. The hat knew the portal really only took him about five miles to the south, but if Garet knew it wasn’t a different world he wouldn’t have gone, gnomes didn’t travel much and so the fact that they lived in Althanas wasn’t widely known.

03-29-06, 03:44 PM
Need a bit more history there. Talk about how he grew up his life as a young gnome ect ect.

Master Kilon
04-01-06, 10:00 AM

04-03-06, 06:20 PM