View Full Version : Vacation

07-18-08, 11:07 AM
I'll be away with my family for about a week starting tonight. While I'm away, I should have access to the internet, but the time I have for posting will be limited, so I may be slower at it and almost certainly won't be able to get as much done as I would usually. Still, I don't think it'll be a total absence. I likely won't be on IMs or in the OOC forums or anything like that, and will instead rely on my subscriptions to e-mail me whenever I need to post... but then, the quests I'm in either haven't started yet or aren't very active, so I guess it won't be a problem. :p

For those who are out of the know, this absence will affect two accounts:

Christina Bredith

See you when I get back!

07-28-08, 02:43 PM
Well, we're back, as promised. Not that anything happened during the week that required my presence. :p But still!

Moonlit Raven
07-30-08, 09:56 AM
I'm shocked, no one wished you a happy and safe trip nor welcomed you back.

Welcome back, hope you had a fun, relaxing time.

(I don't see you online much, but Shadar tells me he wants to bear your children, soooo... he missed you during your short vacation too.)

07-30-08, 02:16 PM
Well... I haven't heard that one in a while. :p But thanks to you both!

07-30-08, 02:36 PM
I'm stoked your back, so there. lol.

Hopefully it was a fun vacation!