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Terminus Mortis
07-18-08, 04:40 PM
I'm no good with introductions...

Hi, I'm obviously new here. You guys can call me Sean if it's easier then typing out my screen name. Terminus Mortis, by the way, is Latin for The Boundary of Death. It could also be translated to mean the end of death, but that would be more of a colloquialism, more idiomatic. Either way, it sounds cool.

I read a lot, and write poetry and short stories. That's probably the one thing here everyone has in common. I study history and the military, and I am a staunch advocate of the United States Marine Corps. I know quite a bit about, cars, guns, and medical practice. Sort of an odd mix, I know.

I captain a woods and scenario paintball team, and I co-captain an airsoft team a buddy of mine started.

Some of the things I enjoy are playing cards, pool, golf, and fishing. I love archery and shooting (obviously). I also draw, just pen and pencil though. I'm not great at it.

So... Good to meet you all.

07-18-08, 04:45 PM
Welcome. I'm also known as Winterhair around these parts. Don't let the anal rape bother you too much, it becomes natural after awhile.

07-18-08, 04:49 PM
Glad to have ya.
I have multiple accounts, but stalk the forums as my invisible ninja oocly.

Relax, take a break, the welcome wagon'll be around shortly to. well, it's best not to think about it.
I read more than is healthy, and have the unique ability to hallucenate without the aid of drugs, which is where 99.999999999999% of my stories come from.

I work at goodfellow Air force base, and support all branches of the us military.

I enjoy meditation, out of body experiences, lucid dreaming, music, and games.

So, nice to have you with us. Your room has been barred shut and padded for your convienience.

07-18-08, 04:58 PM
OMG Paintball!!!

*drags Sean off to the back room for some Witchblade style rapage*

Ahem... anyway. ^^;

Welcome to Althanas!

Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people; Letho, Serilliant, Winterhair, Skie and Avery, Arsene, Rayse Valentino, Godhand and Christoph for they may become attached to you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day. ^^

*offers you a pod of paint*

Terminus Mortis
07-18-08, 05:14 PM
... I think I'm going to like it here.

07-18-08, 05:18 PM
Well, you better, because it's too late to leave now! You're addicted now. Remember that sight prick you felt when you first registered? Yeah, that was the needle and by now the drug is running rampant in your system. ;) You're screwed.

Terminus Mortis
07-18-08, 05:20 PM
Ooh, we can't use the terms 'screwed' and 'anal rape' in the same topic... :eek: Heheh.

07-18-08, 05:40 PM

Hi thar, and welcome to the Thanas. I'd say something terribly witty followed by an allusion to the latest trend to hit introduction threads this week, but I'm afraid a simple offering of Welcome-Flan is going to have to suffice in lieu of the anal rapage this time around. Maybe later though.


07-18-08, 05:47 PM
Ooh, we can't use the terms 'screwed' and 'anal rape' in the same topic... :eek: Heheh.

I remember when I thought that way. Such green and nieve days. :)

07-18-08, 06:05 PM
Such days when you actually knew how to spell? ;)

07-18-08, 06:12 PM
I spell in my own fun and unique way. :)

Artifex Felicis
07-18-08, 06:17 PM
Curious, someone else who has a latin screen name.

Anyways, welcome to Althy. We're a bit insane, but a lovable bunch. though I'm now curious, what type of marker do you use anyway? Odd little side thing, but meh. My ancient piranha broke down a while ago and I've just been using an Ion lately.

Also, in an effort to live up to past expectations.


07-18-08, 06:20 PM
Ugh, I'm not a very big fan of Piranha's, or however you spell it. I like Tippman's myself. The '98 Custom or the A-5. I do plan on getting an A-5 when I save up some extra cash-o-la, sadly paintball is really expensive.

07-18-08, 09:24 PM
Dude, Nightstalker. You, like, totally rip'd my signature move! :(

*Has been ninj4'd*


Anyways, moves-stealing aside, welcome to Althanas!

Once you have an approved character profile, you are free to roam Althanas as you please! We have Scara Brae (which is relatively peaceful compared to the rest of the world), Corone and Salvar (both knee-deep in civil war), Raiaera (beating undead hordze over the head with a crowbar) and Alerar (who knows what they're up to) as well as Dheathain and Fallien where you can role-play with our members or go off on your own. Each region has unique histories, so ask around or check out the FAQ for more information!

There's also the Bazaar where you can buy and sell items, although there's a rumor going around about some underground market that sells stuff not normally sold in the Bazaar...

Just... Keep an eye out. Yeah.




*Gnaws on your shin*

Terminus Mortis
07-18-08, 09:34 PM
*Slaps on the nose*
No! No biting! Bad! Sit!

Bah! Tippmann's are overrated. I use a BT-4 Combat that I popped a scope, stock, and 16" barrel on. Works like a charm, and it's cheaper than a Tippy. Service is great, too. Warranty's faithful.

Ah, paralegal marketing. The only place that has what you really need.

07-18-08, 10:32 PM

*Cups his nose*

...No Colt Pythons in the Bazaar for you! :(

Terminus Mortis
07-18-08, 10:50 PM
I'd rather have a Mk. V Trooper Lawman anyhow...

07-19-08, 07:35 AM

Yeah, but apparently my bro knows someone who can get me a brand new Tippy for buck twenty and I am so not passing up on that oppoturity. Throw a flatliner on that thing, get myself a flak vest, some smaller pods... hmmm...

Bah, anyway. Shame you live down in the states, otherwise I'd hunt your ass down for some paintball fun. ^^;

07-19-08, 08:50 AM
Dude, Nightstalker. You, like, totally rip'd my signature move! :(

*Has been ninj4'd*

But, Raven, didn't you know? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! :)

Terminus Mortis
07-19-08, 10:37 AM
Why pay over $100 for a Flatline? I have a barrel that gets me the same distance and accuracy, if not better, for only $45.

07-20-08, 08:23 AM

You have to excuse some of my ignorance when it comes to Paintball. I really enjoy playing it, but I don't know a heck of a lot about the equipment.

07-20-08, 10:57 AM

You have to excuse some of my ignorance when it comes to Paintball. I really enjoy playing it, but I don't know a heck of a lot about the equipment.

Shame shame. ;)

07-20-08, 10:19 PM
Like you're any better, Winter. :p

07-20-08, 10:54 PM
Touche', babe. You can rape me later.

Terminus Mortis
07-20-08, 11:41 PM
You have to tune Flatlines, and the bore match takes a largeer paint. Tuning them is a pain in the ass.

07-21-08, 09:18 AM
*rapes Winter*

Sorry, couldn't wait for later.

So what kind of barrel would you recommend then? Also, what's your opinion on putting on a remote coil and sticking your tank on your back? I sometimes find the tank gets in my way, though I've never used one with a remote so I'm not sure what shooting would be like.

07-21-08, 10:00 AM
*rapes Winter*

Sorry, couldn't wait for later. .

Oh I knew you couldn't resist all my wintery goodness. ;)
So...yeah, Terminus. Welcome to Althanas. C:

Terminus Mortis
07-21-08, 01:20 PM
Oy, again with the rape...

If you want a remote tank then I would suggest buying a cover for the line. It keeps it from snagging on branches or getting tangled up. For barrels, it's up to you. It's all based on how you play. Take a look at Special Ops Paintball (http://www.specialopspaintball.com/)

07-21-08, 01:29 PM
Sorry, I'm like the resident rapist or something. ^^;

Ohh, the website looks so pretty... so much paintball stuff... *orgasm* Have you ever tried using pistols?

Terminus Mortis
07-21-08, 01:35 PM
Not yet, but a friend of mine left one down at the shop that he was supposed to fix for someone. Now that it works I'm thinking of borrowing it for my next game. I have however taken a 16" barrel and used it as a sword. No one expects it.

"... Barrel tap!"

07-21-08, 01:49 PM

I don't really understand the point of thwacking someone with a barrel. It's not like you can call them out of the game like that. I dunno, my favourite surprise is mercy'ing people. Man, I swear this one kid I did it too once, I thought he needed to change his pants afterwards. He looked like he crapped himself.

Terminus Mortis
07-21-08, 01:56 PM
If you barrel tap someone they have to call themselves out. If they choose not too, then I shoot them in the face at close range, and I'm sure they don't want that.

Yeah, I was at a WWII scenario game once. My team got sent on a mission to secure a French VIP at a guard post down the road from Paris. We ended up surrounding these four kids from the German team who got lost. They thought we were on their team until we stuck our guns in their faces. They surrendered pretty quick.

07-21-08, 02:03 PM
Hahaha! That's pretty damn awesome. I've never heard of the barrel tap rule. Your rules might be slightly different down in the states. We have a ten foot mercy rule up here. If you're within ten feet of someone, you shout mercy at them, if they don't call themselves out, you light them up.

Terminus Mortis
07-21-08, 02:09 PM
It's the same here, except if you get too close you can barrel tap someone. It keeps things moving without having to shout for their surrender. Also makes sneaking behind the lines a little easier.

07-21-08, 02:31 PM
Hmm, yeah I can see the convenience of it. Next time I head over to my usual place to play, I'll ask them to throw it into the game rules and see what they say about it.

Terminus Mortis
07-21-08, 04:55 PM
It's fun. It's just like calling for a mercy, but more efficient. It's generally more stealthy, and it takes less time. Plus it's a convenient way to take someone out without wasting paint at ranges back from one meter. Who wants to be shot from less than three feet away?

07-21-08, 05:10 PM
No one, trust me... no one.

*curses Brian*

I called mercy on my friend and he shot me anyway. I was so pissed, I should have lit him up for it, but I ended up just walking off the field. I still pick on him, apparently he didn't hear me, hough why he thought I was just standing there and not shooting him is beyond me. Fuck, did it ever hurt though.