View Full Version : Anybody up for something action-y?

Of Wolf and Man
07-19-08, 04:12 PM
So, I created this character of a very pissed off wolf that wants to kill a lot of people. Anybody want to pet him? He doesn't bite... Ok, he does, but still, it's worth the experience. Besides, if he bites off your hand, you still have the other one, right?

Anyways, the basic idea is this. Aroth and his pack are about to hit a village and kill a lot of people. I wondered if somebody wanted to be a part of a good slaughter. If there is somebody who could put their character in some random village in a random region of the frozen North (not Salvar, it's not the only land that is in the North), feel free to post. The first two people that post in the thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=16811) are in. You can be a random bystander, or you can try to fight the wolves, or you can run for your lives, or you can hide with the shepherd girl in some barn and do some rolling in the hay. It's all good. Just keep in mind that Aroth and his pack will kill most of the inhabitants of the village.

Other than that, I'm pretty much winging it. Bring to the table whatever you desire to.

The Great Guardian
07-19-08, 10:07 PM
Hey. I hope you don't mind, but I replied to your thread. My character's here to help the villagers, and I set it a couple of minutes after your attack began. Let me know if you wanted to see any changes in my post or anything.

07-19-08, 11:14 PM
I would just like to make a note to you that your character hasn't been approved yet, and the thread may be locked on you by a mod or admin until you are.

On that note, after Rose here gets approved I might be interested in joining with her. My other account is Winterhair, but I've got a couple things going on with him. However, if you decide you like him better than her, then I think leeway is fine.

Of Wolf and Man
07-20-08, 04:02 AM
Thanks for the warning, Rebellion, but I'm not actually new here so I kind of know how things work. I had this spur to write and I couldn't wait for the RoG to approve the character lest I lose the temporary drive. They can lock the thread, yes, but since the profile isn't terribly out of balance, I reckon the approval is a matter of formality.

Anyways, thanks for the quick reply everyone. With the Numbers guy posting and Rebellion joining I think we have enough people for now. Although if somebody wants to join with a desire not to help the villagers, that would be neat.

07-20-08, 07:04 AM
No problem. Yeah, Rose would most likely of all things be there to help the villagers, unless the wolves or wolf men or something hired her otherwise.

EDIT:...and you're approved! I had Megan take a look at it first thing today, she said it was fine. c: Go off and RP, you!
On another edited note, I'd like some clarification as to what side Rose should be on. Either is fine, just as long as she has a good reason. Like getting paid. She won't be helping the villagers out of the goodness of her heart, neither will she be attacking them out of draconic fury, if you know what I mean.

Of Wolf and Man
07-20-08, 11:50 AM
Well, there could be a plausible way for Rose to join Aroth's side in this. Wreja, the alleged goddess who gave Aroth his power and who's basically the moving power behiind his revenge, could've contacted Rose in the same manner and offered her money or something. Since her modus operandi is to use other people/creatures to do her bidding, it's not unlikely that she would hire someone to help Aroth in his vengeance. Wreja looks like a woman with skin made of blue scales and she uses a incorporeal image to contact people. She also has super-mega-awesome magic powers. So you can make her hire Rose to help. Or you can just gang up on the wolves. Or just come up with something of your own. Your call.

07-20-08, 01:34 PM
Posted. I hope you like it.

Of Wolf and Man
07-20-08, 01:39 PM
I'd like it even more if I didn't have to select the text to read it. Using the default skin here. :P

Seriously, though, it's all good.

07-20-08, 02:02 PM
Woot woot. Looks like TGG and I against you two. Let the games begin!

... as soon as Josh gets out of the cellar.

07-20-08, 02:05 PM
Oh, lol, I'm sorry. I'm a Dark user here. :P
Thank you. I'm just getting used to writing with Rose.

Looks like it. I'll probably be facing off against TGG, but if you'd like him Wolfy, go ahead. I'll just fight Josh then.

Of Wolf and Man
07-20-08, 03:32 PM
I'm fine with taking on Josh, though given the strength of his character, it could be kind of a one-sided fight. Good thing he's suffering from quite a hangover.

Also, y'all keep in mind that this isn't a battle thread in the strict manner of speaking, but more of a quest with a lot of action in it, so to make the action go smoother, feel free to bunny some of the people (with their permission, of course).

The idea I had after writing the second post is that, with the help of Joshua and Glory, the remaining villagers manage to rout Aroth and Rose. I figure then they can give pursuit, but Wreya being the powerful bitch that she is summons even more help to Aroth.

07-20-08, 03:48 PM
Alright. What did you have in mind for help?
And all of you have permission to bunny my character in any way, just as long as you stick to her personality please.

The Great Guardian
07-21-08, 04:44 PM
Sounds like it'd be cool to see the kinds of crazy things we can throw into this. TGG can be bunnied, just keep in mind he's supposed to be one of them 'do-gooders'. I'll be posting shortly, as well.

(PS: Josh and Cosh at it again!)

07-21-08, 07:08 PM
Haha, indeed we are! And fighting on the same side no less!

You should try to get on msn once in awhile so we can reminiscesses and all that.

Of Wolf and Man
07-25-08, 07:53 PM
Alright, I've been thinking a bit about the path this quest might take and I've come up with an idea I wanted to run by all of you. So Joshua and Glory help the villagers stop Aroth, Rose and the wolves and force them to run away after a good beating. Thinking it would be best to put an end to this threat once and for all, the remaining hunters gather people from the nearby villages and decide to hunt down the beasts while Aroth and Rose make a run for the Pass of Cha-ruk which Rebellion mentioned in his post. The hunters (joined with Joshua and Glory, I assume) manage to follow the tracks, but it leads them straight into an ambush that Wreja more or less set up. So what we get is a sort of an inversion, where the beast outthinks the man and the man gets ambushed like a wild beast. Naturally, Josh and Glory find some miraculous way to survive the final onslaught.

Thoughts? Ideas? Beer?

Also, I'll be posting tomorrow. Busy goddamned week.

07-25-08, 08:01 PM
Sounds good to me. Just two words: Ice Elementals. Please. :D
I'll post tomorrow after Wolf. I'll be home all day alone, lots of free time.

The Great Guardian
07-26-08, 03:05 PM
Sounds good to me! If you don't mind, I'l send your shadow wolves back to you with their tails between their legs, but then when you ambush us I'll fly away crying. Will this be alright?

Of Wolf and Man
07-26-08, 03:11 PM
Feel free killing one or even both of them. They'll just pretty much vanish in a puff of smoke.

07-27-08, 12:08 AM
Guys, I'll admit, I'm a little confused.

Landing light as a leaf a couple yards behind the redhead, I straightened up and targeted her neck. I could have torn through the armor with my bare hands, but it hardly seemed worth the effort. From a pace away I swung my spear in a tight arc, aiming to club her carotid with the sturdy redwood haft. It was a simple yet effective move, capable of stunning or even knocking out the enemy. The blunt force trauma to that lifegiving artery could turn off blood flow to the brain like a lightswitch. I rehearsed dozens of followup attacks and potential counters in my mind, but doubted they would be necessary. Endless repetitions had made my striking as quick and reliable as a laser beam.

Where do you see Josh throwing the spear???

I don't get it...

07-27-08, 12:13 AM
Ergh, me too, but I went along with it. I said that he yanked the spear out of your hands instead...:\

Mithra Reborn
07-27-08, 01:49 AM
it looks like i'm already commited to a lot of RPs. I think i'm gonna withdraw myself from this possible RP. Thanks though, and everyone else have fun!

07-27-08, 05:12 AM
Guys, I'll admit, I'm a little confused.

Where do you see Josh throwing the spear???

I don't get it...My apologies. This is what happens when your will to write is stronger than your will to read. I'll make the edit, saying that Aroth merely swatted the spear away. Again, sorry for the mix-up.

Mithra, are you also The Great Guardian? If so, sorry to see you go, but better to quit now than somewhere in the middle of the whole thing. Do you think you could write yourself out in some manner?

07-27-08, 05:58 AM
I'm guessing I'm going to have to edit my post as well saying that Aroth did so. My post stated that he had bitten the weapon as it was swung, basically yanking it out of Josh's hands before spitting it out.

07-27-08, 06:05 AM
If Josh is cool with getting it yanked out of his hands, I'll just have to edit saying that it wasn't thrown, but rather just thrust at Rose.

07-27-08, 06:44 AM
Alrighty. Works for me. Maybe Josh could be surprised at the sudden appearance of the wolf so that he loosens his grip on the weapon, if but for a split second.
I really want that spear. <3

The Great Guardian
07-27-08, 09:06 AM
Mirthra isn't The Great Guardian, I am. I'm also Solomon. Which also makes me wonder, who are you Mithra Reborn?

07-27-08, 10:23 AM
Alrighty. Works for me. Maybe Josh could be surprised at the sudden appearance of the wolf so that he loosens his grip on the weapon, if but for a split second.
I really want that spear. <3

I have a problem with that. As a general note, in the future please take into account what other characters are doing while your character is moving. For example, I find it highly unlikely that Josh stands around twiddling his thumbs while Rose steals his spear and kills two men.

07-27-08, 10:31 AM
Mirthra isn't The Great Guardian, I am. I'm also Solomon. Which also makes me wonder, who are you Mithra Reborn?Yeah, me too. I'm not sure why she posted here. Anyways, it doesn't really matter and we're still set to go.

I have a problem with that. As a general note, in the future please take into account what other characters are doing while your character is moving. For example, I find it highly unlikely that Josh stands around twiddling his thumbs while Rose steals his spear and kills two men.Well, if you take into consideration that Aroth stepped between Josh and Rose, I figure he would be more focused on the huge ball of fur in front of him than the hot chick behind the wolf. ;)

Anyways, no need for anybody get worked up over this. I'll just edit my post saying that Aroth swatted the spear away and Rebellion can then edit his post as well, not picking up the spear. Sounds good?

EDIT: And edited.

07-27-08, 11:01 AM
Fine with me, but I'll have to edit it taking Rose grabbing spear out later today, as I'm going to be gone most of the day. Josh, feel free to post saying you grabbed your spear from the ground or something, I'll get to editing out that part eventually. Sorry, but I'm rather busy today in RL. :\

07-27-08, 07:12 PM
I edited my post, making sure I got every instance of Rose using the spear taken away and reworded. She drew her short sword instead.

07-27-08, 08:23 PM
Anyways, no need for anybody get worked up over this. I'll just edit my post saying that Aroth swatted the spear away and Rebellion can then edit his post as well, not picking up the spear. Sounds good?

EDIT: And edited.

It wasn't my intention to sound hostile, sorry if it came off that way. I typed that post very fast just before leaving for a rehearsal I really didn't want to go to, and the upmost thing in my mind was making sure you understood me. You did, and I thank you both for your prompt responses.

Btw Winterhair, you missed the part where you referred to Josh as a spear thrower :P:P

I'll have my post up soon.

07-27-08, 10:09 PM
Crap. >.< Will edit that before I gotta get off the comp.

The Great Guardian
07-28-08, 11:05 PM
Sorry I didn't post earilier. Wrote it this morning, but didn't get back on the compy b4 work. I figured I'd give everyone a little time to scrap before I joined the fray.

07-29-08, 05:02 AM
It wasn't my intention to sound hostile, sorry if it came off that way. I typed that post very fast just before leaving for a rehearsal I really didn't want to go to, and the upmost thing in my mind was making sure you understood me. You did, and I thank you both for your prompt responses.That's good to hear. I would hate to see some tension rising needlessly over a quest that was supposed do be fun for everyone.

07-29-08, 09:15 AM
Boom shucka. Feel free to bunny the outcome of our little aerial battle. I figure if Josh timed it right he might knock out a few of Aroth's teeth, and if he didn't Aroth might get ahold of his leg. Hell, both those things could happen, or neither. We should have called this thread 'Crouching Breaker, Hidden Wolfman'.

07-31-08, 06:37 PM
Fine with the outcome. c: Hopefully I'll get a post in soon. Gawddammit this sucks not being able to go on my laptop.

08-02-08, 04:59 PM
Seeing as Rebellion has some trouble with his computer, I figure we can post out of order this time around to get this thing moving a bit faster. So if any of you other two want to post, go on ahead. Seeing as Rose isn't directly involved with any of the PCs, there shouldn't be any problems. No pressure, though. We're not in a hurry to get anywhere.

08-03-08, 10:50 AM
Sorry about that guys. Yeah, its been getting hard to get on. I'll post when I can. Thank you for understanding.

The Great Guardian
08-04-08, 05:19 PM
Nao worries here, Rebellion!

I've also been trying to post, but unfortunately work's been keeping me busy... and I was recently introduced to the show 'Dexter' which as also been taking up a lot of my time. I'm aming to have something up either tonight or tomorrow.

The Great Guardian
08-06-08, 03:57 PM
K, I posted. I'm coming up behind you Rebellion. I mentioned your back was turned because you were dealing with the guards, but my feet and my weapon 'singing in the wind' might give me away.

08-09-08, 04:36 PM
Sorry for lagging behind guys... I should have my post up sometime tomorrow at the latest.

Death to imaginary wolves!

08-12-08, 11:29 AM
Well, I lied. sorry for the lateness and crappiness of my post, but at least we can get this thing back underway now.

Of Wolf and Man
08-15-08, 03:52 PM
Alright, I decided to write Rebellion out of it a bit. Well, not really writing her out as much as leaving her behind since I want to get this thing back on track.

Anyways, I basically made Aroth escape and the maid is dying. I figured the villagers should gather some of the people from the nearby villages (who have hounds) and chase down the beast. And you two can join them.

I planned for us to have a huge battle in the pass. Everybody fine with a crapload of werewolves coming out to tear you apart? :D

The Great Guardian
08-15-08, 07:29 PM
I'm fine with that... although Aroth, I would like to request a little one on one if you'd be so kind. Just think of all the amazing ways you could tear me limb from limb!

08-15-08, 07:36 PM
Fine; you two fight. I'll fight the werewolves.


Damn... forgot to buy silver bullets.

08-15-08, 07:46 PM
Do keep in mind that the villagers and both of you are supposed to lose as there will be tons of werewolves. And I mean TONS! Not even the super-duper-Jason-Bourne-ripoff won't be able to handle them all!

And TGG, I'm cool with one-on-one. Mano a mano, man to man, just you and me... and my wolves! ;)

08-15-08, 07:55 PM
Oh I don't mind losing... just keep in mind, you'll have to work for the victory ;)

08-15-08, 08:08 PM
All work and no play make Aroth a mad wolf.

The Great Guardian
08-20-08, 01:48 PM
And TGG, I'm cool with one-on-one. Mano a mano, man to man, just you and me... and my wolves! ;)

Awesome! I've got a few ideas for a hot battle, keeping in mind I'm going to lose it of course. I thought it would be good if Glory is defeated, and then little Miko has to try and escape the fray. Perhaps with Aroth or the warewolves in pursuit?

Also, did you guys want me to go ahead and get my next post up, or were we slowing it down for Rebellion's sake?

08-20-08, 01:57 PM
You can go ahead and post if you wish. If Rebellion gets back, she can join us if she finds a plausible way to do so, but I'm not holding my breath as this is going to move rather fast to a climactic finish.

The Great Guardian
08-24-08, 09:16 PM
Okay, new post is up. I hope you guys don't mind, but I took the liberty of deciding the fate of the partially shredded maiden. And I also bunnied Josh a little bit, saying he'd been watching Aroth go while Glory 'took care' of the lil' lady. Let me know if you want anything changed.

08-26-08, 04:39 AM
It's all good with me. I think it's even better if she survives. Then she can like say something to Josh that would make him want to track down Aroth. I figure he needs some incentive since I couldn't plausibly take her hostage now that Rebellion went AWOL. But since she already spoke to Josh (and he got her into bed ;)), I figure she'd turn to him for help again. Just an idea, though.

The Great Guardian
09-04-08, 09:34 AM
Haven't heard from you guys in a while. What's goin' on fellas?

09-05-08, 02:04 PM
The Numbers dude is nowhere to be seen lately. I'm waiting on him in another thread of mine, so I figure he's either very busy or he's dealing with some crap. Or both. Anyways, if he doesn't post in a day or two, I'll skip him this time around.

The Great Guardian
09-06-08, 11:28 AM
Really? Okay, I didn't know what was up. I don't mind waiting a little longer to see what ol' Josh is up to either. Just wanted to know what was going on.

The Great Guardian
10-07-08, 05:47 PM
Just to let you guys know: I'm still around, and am still interested in finishing. I know both you guys just announced re-arrival, so I thought I'd let you know I hadn't thrown the towel in.