View Full Version : Decisions, decisions...a.k.a. Claiming My MVP Prize. Apparently.

Caden Law
07-20-08, 02:42 AM
Claiming my MVP Raiaera prize, as given in this thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=16728). Considering that I'm having trouble deciding, I'm just going to list my preferences from first to last. I'll be/have been questing for all of them at any rate, so it makes no lasting difference to me one way or the other. As with my original FQ reward (Wand of Nevermorrow) any and/or all of the money I've earned in the FQ and its reward ceremony thingies will go to pay for the chosen reward as necessary. I think that works out to 1153 gold, but feel free to knock off an extra hundred or so if necessary.

Sorceror's Mark: A set of tattoos starting at the face and encompassing the entire body; literally a roadmap of the body's own leylines, written in Sideways Diamonic and visible only when put to use (Starting at the face and then spreading as more and more power is brought into play). The Mark is a reward for a future quest -- and a probable biggy -- that I'd rather not go in depth about here. The mechanics of it are also something I'd rather not explain here. What they do is to boost Caden's power two or three times over (or more as levels are gained, during solos and Ridiculously Serious Plot Events involving the consent of other players). The problem is that they wreck havoc with his fine control and the more the Mark is visible, the more serious a toll it's going to take on him; anything from mild exhaustion to internal bleeding to outright death. Rate of use is variably fatal: Without a minimum of ten posts between one Marked spell and the next, Caden takes an increased risk of exhaustion, injury or death.

Sorcerous Satchel: Basically a good ol' fashioned Bag of Holding -- like the ones you see in Dungeons and Dragons (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bag_of_Holding). Outwardly resembles a plain blue-and-black leather satchel, its interior lined with an archaic mixture of dehlar and damascus fibers. The damascus is enchanted to yield a pocket dimension about the size of a small house or apartment, while the dehlar is specifically threaded to contain and stabilize it even when the bag is breached. The zipper is dehlar as well. Objects placed in the bag no longer produce weight in the real world. The bag's opening is too small to fit a person through, but small animals shouldn't be a problem...provided they don't do anything drastic to avoid it.

Tempid Prevalida: An extremely rare variant of Prevalida, drawing its name from a mash of the words Temporary and Liquid. Tempid is essentially regular Prevalida magicked into a liquid form, requiring contact with Liviol, solid Prevalida, Delyn or Damascus (or, for that matter, other magic substances not listed here). Primarily for use as the core for a Staff of Power.

Arcanist's Rod: The mid-ground between a Wand and a Staff, and a favorite of fighting magi everywhere. Caden's Arcanist Rod physically resembles his wand; twin caps of damascus on each end (larger and more rounded towards one), and a shaft of delyn carved in Diamonic runescript. The entire shaft is covered with blue-dyed leather and cored with liviol. Unlike Caden's Wand, its up and downsides are distinguished by a slight bulge towards the tip and a leather strap around the base.

EDIT: And in case it needs clarifying: I'm leaving the choice to Sighter or whoever else it is who hands these things out. Hit me :D

Caden Law
07-25-08, 01:43 AM
And not to whine or anything, but...come on, dammit. D:

Caden Law
08-11-08, 10:39 PM
By virtue of too many coin tosses, I've decided on the Satchel, which will be acquired (possibly along with the Rod) here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=16601).

So. Could I get a rubberstamp without having to ambush anyone, please? D:|

Caden Law
08-14-08, 12:48 PM
Right then. Due to a savage stonefisted beatdown by Godhand, during which Sighter was picked up and broken in half on my skull like a cheap baseball bat, I'm changing my request to the Arcanist Rod. It'll be acquired...sooner or later. Now pardon me as I go duct-tape my brain back into place. D:

Sighter Tnailog
08-14-08, 12:52 PM
Sure, sure. Sorry for the delay, I was in Germany.

One Arcanist's Rod, coming right up.