View Full Version : Not so new xD

07-24-08, 02:02 AM
Lol, i think i created this character a while ago, but i never actually did anything. I recently got back into roleplaying (its winter where i am) and know only a little about it.
I'm still in school, I've got a friend RPing here already, and I'm a redhead. I write short-stories sometimes, and i'm horrid at math..

Is this place medieval with horse-and-carts slaves and shit or is it present with lots of weird people walking around? I just need to know so I dont end up saying someone's riding a horse texting their friend xD

Well, pleased to be a member of Althanas, =]

07-24-08, 02:25 AM
I'm still in school, I've got a friend RPing here already, and I'm a redhead.

Oh jesus. Thats just an invitation to be raped.
Welcome back, I guess? Anyways, its mainly medieval around here, but to be honest you can create almost any character you like as long as you follow the Laws of Sensibility. (Pffsh. Damn laws.) As for texting, well, you probably won't find that here. Guns are hard to come by, even, but they do exist here.
I'd take a look around if I were you and read through the FAQ and some of the Regions. You'll find most of your answers there. If not, well, contact a moderator and/or admin. They'll be happy to help.
Time for the rapeage to ensue.

Mithra Reborn
07-24-08, 02:44 AM
I would, but i'm overly faithful to my boyfriend, and i don't swing that way. so, thou art spared. kinda.

welcome back! and what he said!*points at rapist* laws of sensibility are helpful and...umm...they make sense!

oh yeah. ceremonial cookies. *hands a plate* eat them. if you wish. feed one to your dog before yourself to see if they're poisoned or not.

07-24-08, 02:53 AM
oh shit. *hides from Winterhair*

lol, I'll take a look at it when i can be bothered.
*takes whole plate and eats them up* Posion? I dont taste anything..

07-24-08, 03:25 AM
Hi, Ellomora! Welcome to Althanas!

I don't think you have much to worry about, since I've heard the man who likes to carry off redheads went into hiding. Well, heard about it anyway.

I think you can consider this place more or less a fusion of high fantasy and medieval fantasy, since we have everything from elves to catpeople. There's magic and technology, although magic is more used than the other. If you need help, I'm available. I'll nag one of the mods (who I happen to have within punching range) if you're stuck on some rp details. ^^

07-24-08, 03:37 AM
I don't think you have much to worry about, since I've heard the man who likes to carry off redheads went into hiding. Well, heard about it anyway.

Lies. :D
And you shouldn't have to worry too much 'bout me. I'm under the slave-eh-tude of another member on here anyways, and she'd kick my ass (both OOC'ly and IC'ly) if I tried anything. What are friends for?
You will be raped.
Maybe not by me, but you brought it upon yourself. Curse your redheadedness. Curse it as the raper of all things red-headed descends upon youuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Like chocolate raisins.
Damn Duro. :D

Terminus Mortis
07-24-08, 04:13 AM
Yeah, something I've noticed is that these freaks have something on for redheads. Not that I don't. Never freely admit anything here.

Anyways, welcome to the party. If anyone but me brings you a beer already opened or in a plastic cup, run. Run fast and run far, and don't stop running until you realize you look like an idiot. Won't be too far, trust me.

Don't mind the rape, either. It seems they consider it an initiation. Someone should be along shortly to gnaw at your leg. Once again, welcome to the party.

Pfft, no guns. I've got a Springfield M1A SOCOM II with a custom McMillain Carbine stock and a 3-9x MilDot scope. Of course it's busted...

07-24-08, 07:29 AM
Welcome to Althanas!

Please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times, or they may be removed by rabid, zombified characters. Do not feed the following people: Christoph, Serilliant, Winterhair, Zook Murnig, Skie and Avery, Ataraxis, Artifex Felicis and Bloodrose for they may become dependant on you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sounds of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day. ^^

*offers you a plate of cupcakes*