View Full Version : For A Lifetime (Open to all!)

Drake Draven
07-24-08, 01:58 PM
(Out of character:: I am going to try to make this as interesting as possible! I would like to make a quest, anyone is welcome! ^_^)

Scara Brae.

Drake didn't like that name at all. It sounded harsh. Harsh wasn't even the appropriate way to describe how he felt about it, but he didn't know exactly how to word it in his head. Scara sounded like something you got over but only if you were extremely lucky. Like Leprosy, the plague, pneumonia even. Brae..The Brae part by itself didn't sound too bad but when it was paired with Scara it rubbed him the wrong way. Scara..Brae..Scarab, bug, disgusting.

Myrrh mewled in his left ear. Drake jumped from the unsuspected noise as his large thick fingered hand darted to his heart. She was a little raggle-taggle colored kitten of bones. Not to say she was a skeletal kitten, no, she was of normal feline variety...She was just very skinny. Drake had found her that way though and had only had her for a week or so so she hadn't had time yet to plump up. She was mostly black and flecked with orange and brown spots, had white feet and a white chest, orange stripes over the black on her right leg and above her white paw, orange stripes over the black on her face on her right side, and two patches of orange tabby stripes above each hind leg above the white. Myrrh was perhaps an unusual and slightly ugly little kitten. Her meow was forced and sickly, like she was being strangled, and her eyes were always runny and unfocused.
Drake loved her with all his big soft heart.
He had come up with the name of Myrrh on his travels. Along the way he had run in to some gypsies on the road. They were partial to herbs and spices for cooking as well for witchery or whatever it is that they do. When he had heard one of them say the word Myrrh as he was walking down the road and looking in to the little unfocused eyes of his new charge it stuck. From that point on the little kitten was named Myrrh.

That was a week ago today, Drake realized, and maybe he should celebrate that in some way. Drake only had one friend in the world besides his adopted father and that was the kitten sitting on his left shoulder. No matter where he went or where he stayed, she followed him or rode on his shoulder, content as can be being a traveling cat.

Drake turned his face to the left to look at the little kitten that was now furiously purring. She rubbed her dainty face against his beard and elicited a deep chested chuckle. Drake lifted his left hand and patted her very gently. His hand was larger than most human men's. The fingers were very thick and almost stubby in a way. Needless to say his large hand engulfed the kitten and could have easily crushed her. But the callouses and the scars, the thick bones and the thick skin, were like velvet and lace to the kitten.

Drake always wore a sandy colored wool cape. So perhaps it wouldn't have been as noticeable for passersby's to notice his girth. He was not fat in the least, no, in truth his body had very minimal body fat from his travels across the country on foot. Drake just had a very..unique..build. His shoulders were twice the width of a man twice his height. You see he was only 5'5'' and that was somewhat shorter than most men. The burly and wide shoulders were the anchors for massively thick arms and large palmed hands tipped with thick fingers. His arms looked a little longer than they should have been for his body. But they were in such a way that one seen it more as an abstract oddity, meaning, they might see it but not realize that's exactly what they were noticing. Just that something was a bit off. He had a barrel chest and strong muscular back that went down to a thick and wide abdomen like the rest of him. Though his stomach was flat, hard as iron, however it did not have the 'six pack' of muscle one would if they worked out. His legs were a little too short for his body and were also massively thick like his arms. Just as his hands his feet were bigger than perhaps they should have been. They were clad in black, steel toed, boots. He was wearing a long sleeved cotton shirt that laced up the collar, sandy in color like his cape, and that was tailored to his shape. Around his waist was a black leather belt, silver buckle, holding up soft black wool pants. Atop his head was a wide brimmed straw hat. It was the sort of style people would wear to keep the sun from their eyes and out of their face. Beneath the sandy cape on his back was an indistinct bulge. This would be from his dwarven style warhammer that he kept strapped on his back much the same way a longsword would be. Though the cape covered it. The cape covered all of that previously described because he was very self conscious of his body.

Right now, though, the hat wouldn't be considered too odd. Drake and Myrrh had walked in to the outskirts of Scara Brae at high noon. The sun was out and beating down on the city mercilessly. It made Drake pour sweat from every inch of his body. Though since he had gotten most of his clothes in wool he was used to sweating. That and his childhood...Just..Drake was accustomed to feeling uncomfortably hot. He lowered his left hand back to his side so that he could draw the cape closer around himself. As of yet he had to actually walk in to Scara Brae instead of the outskirt of it. The smell of salt from the sea and the sounds of the ocean over the hustle and bustle of city life was something pleasant to him, something new, something different.

Drake had stopped beside an area he guessed was used as homes. They were little wooden houses that just looked homey. A lot of them had herbs and flowers hanging outside beside drying fish. Children played in between the houses and women could be seen outside some of the huts lounging in the heat or fussing at a hoard of unruly children. Drake smiled at the scene as he continued to walk in a slow casually fashion. He kept his head down so that the wide brimmed straw hat would hide his face. Myrrh continued to purr as she settled down on his wide left shoulder and went to take a cat nap.

Drake didn't really keep track of how long he was walking or where he was walking since he was looking more at his feet. At the cobblestone and sand underneath his boots. The sounds all around him of life and love. Of good fortunes and new beginnings.

Though..Perhaps..he should have paid attention.

"Give us all your gold and no one'll get hurt!" Was his first greeting from another living being. The voice was harsh and cruel.

Drake stopped as ice seeped through his heart and his body. Through the heat of the day he felt as if he just jumped in to a half frozen pond. Slowly he lifted his face from looking at his feet and ahead of him. Directly in front of him was a human male. (OOC: not going to describe him other than that in case someone wants to be him)

Behind the man was a wall made of some sort of sandy looking brick, well maybe it wasn't even a kind of brick, whatever it was sandy colored and looked almost like it was melting in the heat. It wasn't too terribly high but Drake could never hope to jump high enough to reach the edge of it. His usual heavy lidded eyes were opened a little wider than usual to reveal obsidian black eyes. Drake was also not the most handsome of beings--so he was raised to believe. His head was large to fit the rest of him, and his face was wide, eyes set a little farther apart. He had a wide nostril nose that was almost flat against his face. Though, from the side, it did have a sort of bridge that curved inward not too ghastly. His mouth was wide and his lips a little on the thick side. But his lips and mouth were mostly covered by a very well kept mustache and beard. His beard was as black as a crows wing and shone brightly in the sun. It was straight and meticulously combed. It followed the wide square curve of his jaw and chin, meaning, it was cut in to the shape of his jaw instead of letting having grown out in to a point. His cheeks looked a little plump, however, it was just another trick of his beard because they were his rounded strong cheekbones. Perhaps now that one could see his face it was apparent he was not a normal human man. That or a very malformed one.

"I don't want to fight with you." Drake said imploringly. His voice was one for screaming out commands, it was very deep and very strong, authoritative. However he never used it in such a way.

"Then you should hand over your money!" The man commanded.

Drake swallowed a lump that seemed to have formed in his throat. He lifted his hands to put them on his hips. The cape followed suit and fell from around him to just his back. After this he slid his left hand behind his lower back and seemed to fiddle around a bit.

"Nothing funny!" The man warned.

"I-I'm trying to untie my pack.." Drake said in a scolded voice. After fumbling for what felt like eternity he managed to make his thick fingers untie the straps that held his traveling pack to the back of his belt. It was a medium sized sack of brown leather and that readily appeared empty. The only things in the sack were his second pair of clothing and his purse of money. He pulled open the string to open the sack.

Snatched Myrrh from off his left shoulder, threw her in the sack, turned, and ran as fast as his barrel legs would let him. Which wasn't very fast in all honesty. As he ran he held his right hand on the top of his head so that his hat didn't fly off. His sack was in his left hand as he ran. The cape that had covered his odd shaped body was flying behind him in his haste and the brim of the straw hat he used to cover his face was flying hind wards also. His thick legs soon tired and he was forced to turn around and face the man that was chasing him. Though, thank the creators in heaven, they were more in a public spot instead of a back alley. Drake tossed his sack against a barrel resting by some building or another and ripped off his cape. The wool fabric pooled around his feet. He was hoping that the man would stop this silly pursuit of trying to rob him when he could see how big Drake truly was. Oh, and the warhammer hanging off of his back.

"Please go your separate way, sir, and leave me be." Drake's voice was pleading. He backed slowly up towards the building where he had threw his sack so that no one could steal it while he was occupied. The money didn't bother him or the clothes, no, he just had Myrrh in there and couldn't bare the thought of losing her in such a way.

Spectators were already starting to gather around and say some odd things. Drake felt naked and exposed. Despite the situation he bent down and picked up his cape. He had to fight the urge to wrap it around himself to hide, instead he tossed it behind him, beside the sack.

07-24-08, 02:04 PM
yeah sure i will i have been trying to do one myself but i dont know how and i am new

Drake Draven
07-24-08, 02:07 PM
(OOC: I think we just rp here till we get to know each other and think up a quest as we go??? Either way I want Drake to meet people before he goes on a quest. It's no fun by yourself!)

Drake Draven
07-30-08, 10:39 AM
(ooc: Why does no one want to reply to me =( )

07-30-08, 02:59 PM
Figured I’d join too. Another cat for Kiro to play with .
Please keep all your post mainly IC

Karl and Kiro had left the Peaceful Promenade a couple of weeks ago. They had hung about for a couple of days, discovered that the supplies for the traders were being captured by bandits. Together with a young girl, Celeste, they were able to fend them off long enough for the guards to arrive and take care of business. Once Karl was sure that the merchants were being resupplied, he knew it was time to go.

Karl enjoyed the last night of the comfort of a bed in the inn. The following morning he and Kiro left at the break of dawn. Karl looked practically like any other man. His long black hair which just fell below the line of his broad, strong shoulders was clean and tied into a ponytail. The leather cuirass he had strapped on to protect his chest and belly did not cover his long, strong arms. He was pretty tall for a human, almost two metres. He carried a sword on his hip and a small knife behind his belt.

Next to him walked Kiro. Kiro was a white tiger. Its short muscular paws hid its sharp nails. His teeth were those of a carnivore, intended to grab and to tear. He was fast, strong and deadly. What nobody knew was that Kiro was the personification of Karl. Karl had died thousands of years ago. It was decided however that Karl his job on earth was not yet completed. So The Judge, as the being was called, returned Karl back on earth.

Days and days they walked. Searching for a place called Scara Brea. Karl had never been there before and he wanted to explore this new world he is in. Remember, he has been gone for more then three thousand years, and the world had changed quite a bit. Kiro had been able to keep the both of them alive during the trip. On occasion he left Karl to do some hunting and most of the times he came back with a good kill like a deer or a boar.

The last few days however they had found nothing. They had lived on some of roasted meat that Karl had prepared, but Karl his backpack was empty by now. Tigers require a lot of flesh, and they prefer it fresh. They had left the woods a couple of days ago until Kiro suddenly remarked: “I smell fires, water and people! We must be nearing that place, Scara Brea!” Karl looked proud at his companion. His strong senses were such an aid in life, they had helped Karl numerous times. It was still an hour walk to the village though. Once there, Karl realised that this could not be Scara Brea. From the stories he heard, Scara Brea was a large town. Perhaps these were just the outskirts.

Karl decided not to take any risks with Kiro at his side. The last thing he wanted was to spend a night in jail. Trying to convince some peasant in an uniform that Kiro would harm no one unless Karl said so. Karl made a camp a few miles from the village. There they spent the night and the next morning, both of them got up early to go fishing in the river. They already had gathered quite some fish. The other fishermen were staring jealous, and a bit anxious, at Karl and Kiro. Suddenly Kiro raised his head. His ears twisted around as if he was catching a sound, but did not know where it came from. Some noise from the village alerted Karl.

Karl turned around and saw that everybody had run out to see something. Karl could not see it, not just because of the distance, but there was quite a crowd out there, blocking his view. Karl said: “Let’s check it out.” And looked at Kiro. The cat growled, his hair high on his back. Karl knew Kiro his body language very well and knew that there was trouble. Kiro ran off to the crowd.

The ground seemed to tremble under his mighty paws. He felt his nails drive into the ground to push him off even further. Kiro had heard that another feline was in trouble. The meowing was faint, smothered. But Kiro knew that the cat was in trouble. He ran as fast as he could. A small man carried a pouch. This must be the source of the meowing. He quickly made an assessment of the situation. At first he thought that the short guy was trying to hurt the little kitten. Kiro knew it was a kitten because of the pitch of the sound. But he saw how the dwarf was protecting the sack so his attention shifted to the person in front of him. With his hand held up high he demanded for money.

Kiro used his rage, his anger, to pump up his muscles, to accelerate even faster. He jumped up high in the air, his paws stretched out. His nails shot out of their protective sacks and penetrated into the flash of man. Because of the bodyweight and the momentum of the cat, the man fell hard on his back. Kiro growled hard and said: “Do not hurt that kitten or I will tear you apart!” The man turned pale, and not only because of the stench of rotten fish that came out of Kiro his throat. He mumbled a bit but was too much in shock to reply.

Karl saw how Kiro darted away and he followed him as quick as possible. He saw how Kiro reacted and knew that the guy on the ground was up to no good. Karl walked to small man. He laid his hand on his shoulder and said: “What is going on here? I have never seen Kiro be so violent before!”

Drake Draven
07-31-08, 09:16 PM
Everyone seemed to see it as fit to stand around and watch instead of helping. This both frightened and relieved Drake. For one; no one else would get hurt since they kept somewhat their own business. Another; what if this man was some skilled fighter and not just a petty robber. It took gall to chase Drake out in to the open and still demand money with a crowd gathered about. Behind him Myrrh was crying. Undoubtedly she had no idea what was going on and didn't know why she was shoved in to the thick leather sack. Her white paws were poking out the front of it to try to open it further. However, she was too meek and small and Drake had tied it too tight for her to get out.

Drake took a step back again and the man took a step forward. His face was twisted in anger and...insanity? Drake didn't know what it was but it was an expression he hoped to never see again. The man's eyebrows were both raised and scowling, his teeth were bared like an animals, and his voice almost seemed to be like a growl as he demanded again and again for money. Drake swallowed nervously. Slowly and with caution his right arm raised towards his left shoulder. The long and thick handle of his warhammer stuck out much like a long sword's hilt would. His thick calloused fingers coiled about the handle of the hammer and pulled it free of it's holding. What held it to his back were a series of thin leather straps and buttons. Meaning with one good yank, the holding itself fell to his feet and, the hammer came away as smooth as butter. A collective gasp and the odd occasional cheer greeted the hammer in Drake's hands. His obsidian eyes darted from side to side at the expectant faces of the people surrounding them before returning to the man once more.

He flexed his fingers against the handle. They cracked loudly and became taut. Strong as the steel and metal the hammer was fashioned from. His right hand was further up the handle; almost directly beneath the head. Left hand was down further to the bottom of the handle. It was obvious to anyone similar with this fashion of weapon was that it was custom made. Being much bigger than the average war hammer. The handle was longer and the hammer part bigger. But it fit him, it fit his frame. Drake's right foot dug in to the cobbles of the street and so did his left foot. He was securely planted like an unmovable boulder. The massive muscles in his stout legs and arms flexed beneath the fabric of his clothing. As he tightened his body like a spring but as strong as a mountain he could hear some of the crowd comment on his tone. If they only knew he was naturally this shape. It was not from working out to purposely look this way.

He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. His expression remained calm but alert. The man went to charge when a sound akin to thunder roared over top Drake's head and landed against the man. Drake had fell to his left knee reflexively while his right leg was crouched down. The hammer held above his head on his right side to crush bone and turn internal organs in to pulp. However, there was something hulking..beast..pinning the man down. Drake's drooping black eyes widened at the sight of the creature. It reminded him of a cross between a bear and a cat. Wild black and white stripes covered it's body.

There was a moment of silence before the crowd went berserk and started running around screaming. It was something similar to that if a fox were to pop in a chicken coop. Drake stood up and lowered the hammer. His muscles throbbed from having been told to work but then denied the effort. It was almost like an ache and he hated the feeling he got. No one had ever told him, but he assumed it was half of his blood that did it, since dwarves were a very war-hearty race. The testosterone coursing through his body would later give him an awful headache because of the rush of a fight was cut short. He was breathing heavily to try to relax his tight muscles when a man walked up to him and clapped a hand to his shoulder.

Drake wasn't too terribly short. Standing at 5'5'', about the height of the average female human, he could perhaps pass as a shirt muscular man. But the shape of his face and his body was all wrong. He was too stout and thick to be a mere human.

His hammer lowered more to show this new stranger that he really didn't want trouble.

"He surprised me in an alley," Drake's voice was deep and gravelly. Like a mountain avalanche of stone. "I told him that I didn't want trouble but he chased me out in to the open and pursued the matter."

He licked and pursed his thick, mustache and beard covered lips, because they had become dry. Then he blurted; "What is that thing?"

Behind them Myrrh was still crying. Drake let his hammer clang to the cobbles as he turned and pulled open the leather sack. Myrrh popped her head out and cried all the louder. Drake picked her up and she burrowed her face in to his beard. She was no worse for the wear. The little kitten was just startled and confused. Moreso because she was half blind.

Not wanting to be rude; he turned and walked back up to the man with Myrrh in tow. He bent down and gathered up the leather strings that kept his hammer strapped to his back. It may have been slightly comical that he could have used both hands for this purpose because Myrrh was clinging to his shirt with all of her claws. This done-he returned his hammer to his back, wrapped his cape around himself once more, and stuck his hat on his head. Still his sack was behind him and against the wall. He had to walk away once more from the man and the odd monster to retrieve it and come back with it in his left hand.

His expression was calm and nearly monotonous as he looked at the man and to the monster and back again. What an odd situation.

08-01-08, 06:42 AM
Kiro stood over the robber on the ground. His paws pinned the man to the ground. In the collision the mugger had lost his blade, which laid just a meter away from his right hand. The feline eyes of Kiro did not show any human emotion, yet his voice was filled by anger. He growled: “Your kind makes me sick! Always trying to benefit from others. Never working yourself. You make me puke!” Kiro raised a paw and slapped him. He had his nails stuck out just a few millimeters, but this was enough to tear the delicate human skin open. Blood poured out. Squirming with pain the man start begging for his life. “Please! Oh god, don’t kill me! Please! Someone! Do something!”

Karl decided that enough was enough. “Kiro! Come back!” Kiro growled loudly, making clear that he absolutely did not want to comply to the order. The wounded mugger pleaded: P..p…please, let me go!” His voice was filled by mortal fear. Kiro bit at his face. His jaws snapped loudly together, just a centimeter in front of the robber his face. He showed his teeth and said: “If I see you again, I will kill you!” And Kiro ran in a relaxed pace back to Karl.

Karl’s first impression of the guy next to him was that he seemed a bit to broad for a human. Yet, he was too large to be a dwarf. Upon closer examination, it turned that it was a crossbred. Not human, not a dwarf. Well, Karl was a crossbred in some way as well. He looked human, yet he was some kind of undead. He was killed millennia ago, and he was sent back. He was no angel, not cast away, he was a… And while Karl thought about that, the only word he could describe himself with, was nothing. And yet he was everything in between. Then he suddenly realized that the man had asked him something: “What is that thing?”.

Karl laughed: “That is Kiro, and I am Karl. Don’t worry, Kiro won’t harm you. Especially because of that cute cat of yours. It seemes he does not like to see one of his kin be harmed. I love cats too, but yours seems very dependant. Something wrong with her?” Karl had absolutely no idea of the gender of the cat, but somehow he knew it.

Karl then continued to the more pressing matters: “Me and Kiro were travelling towards Scara Brea. I believe these are the outskirts of the city. It seems we are not too far from it. Where were you heading, stranger?”

Drake Draven
08-01-08, 05:17 PM
Drake hated senseless violence. His brows curved up in to a slight expression of pity when the man started begging for his life. That..Whatever it was shouldn't kill him. Perhaps being scared just this once would make him reconsider his life and try harder. Try in a more justifiable, peace loving, way. Drake had the desire to try to put an end to what he believed would be the man's last day on earth but he didn't want to get caught up with that animal. He was well off enough to fight with other humanoids. But he was in no way special enough in fighting ability to fend off a large animal that probably weighed a third his weight. Not to mention any animal was better at fighting with what nature gave them than what a humanoid had to learn to fight with. Meaning that things claws and teeth were far more efficient than Drake's hammer could ever be. As much as he wanted peace for everyone in the world there was no way he was going to sacrifice his life, especially for someone who might as well jump up and stab him in the heart as soon as he was freed. Drake just sighed slowly and ran his calloused right hand down Myrrh's back. At the very least she was alright and no one else was harmed. The crowd had run off in fear just as he might have done.

The man to his side called out to the beast. With a growl that sent Drake's stomach in to cartwheels; the thing snarled down at the man and then turned and trotted up to them. Drake meant to be steadfast and brave but he could not help but take a step back as the thing approached. He clutched Myrrh tighter in his right hand and it made her squeak in surprise. Immediately he lessened his grip but kept his hand enveloped over her. All the sudden the man started to speak. Drake jumped at the sound as his full and utter attention was on the animal in front of him. He was debating how far he would get before it caught him if he turned and ran. With his short, stout, legs he imagined he'd get not even five steps before the thing had the back of his neck ripped out. He wanted to look away from it's large, catlike, white face to the man as he was speaking but he couldn't tear his eyes away. Apparently the thing went by the name of Kiro and the man of the simple name of Karl. The man promised safety and assured that Kiro would not attack him because of the fact that he owned Myrrh. What struck him hardest of what the man said was that Kiro was some kind of cat. He couldn't believe something that size and with that kind of strength could be any kind of cat. Drake's mind wandered off in to a netherworld after hearing that this thing was a cat and he regretfully didn't hear the rest of what the man said about Myrrh. His hearing only seemed to return when Karl started to speak of Scara Brae and asking him where he himself was headed.

Drake blinked a few times in quick cessation before forcing his face to turn toward the man and his face to land on the mans face. Despite himself his mouth was still agape at everything that had just happened. He tried to form an answer, a reply, and his mouth worked but sound refused to come forth. Awkwardly he cleared his throat and somehow deep inside his throat he found his voice. It was gravelly as usual and thick from all the wild emotions he was going through in such a short span of time.

"I'm not heading anywhere in particular..I just travel I guess you could say aimlessly."

(ooc: I do have a storyline planned for this quest btw. But it's going to take a little bit to take off. They have to get in to the city for it to actually start. Hope that isn't too much of a problem!)

08-02-08, 07:25 AM
"I'm not heading anywhere in particular..I just travel I guess you could say aimlessly."

Karl nodded: “I know what you mean. We never seem to have any destination as well. I just heard about the place and got curious about it.” Karl had noticed that the man was very frightened by Kiro. He and Kiro had a telepathical bond as well and this is how Kiro said to Karl: “I can smell his fear. Perhaps I have overdone it a bit?”

Karl turned to the man. He said: “You still have not properly introduced yourself. But I can tell that Kiro frightens you. It would be an endless story, but you must trust and believe me when I say that Kiro attacks nobody unless I tell him too. You see, Kiro is just as much a part of myself as that my arm is. So, as long as I do not want to attack you, he shall not engage. Would you like to travel to Scara Brea with me stranger? See what adventures await.”

Drake Draven
08-03-08, 09:18 AM
Drake tried to take Karl's word and promise that Kiro would not attack him. However, things like this would take time for anyone to get used to. He did try to calm down though. Myrrh crawled from his chest up to his shoulder and was gazing about as if the world was now right and nothing bad would happen. Drake wished he had that reckless abandon and innocence!

"Thank you for helping me with that man." Drake tried to relax and lose himself in talking. This had never worked for him before but he needed some sort of distraction.

"My name is Drake Draven and my kitten is Myrrh. It's been a while since I've spoken like this to anyone so my manners ran away with me. Especially since I was just looking at fighting someone probably until they were too wounded to fight any longer. Or I were dead. I don't understand most humans nature. They're no better than rabid animals and it just seems to get worse."

He shook his head and sighed. The jitters and the shakes were starting to go away. But fear still roiled in the pit of his stomach being so near Kiro. In the hot afternoon sun he still felt cold. Should he travel with Karl and Kiro or should he continue to remain on his own and see what awaited him then? Nothing he assumed awaited himself. Even if their travel was nothing more than walking towards Scara Brae and then disbanding upon arrival, that was fine, that was better than nothing. So after a minute or so of watching Kiro and thinking about his reply he spoke;

"I would travel with you."

He made sure he had everything in tow. His warhammer across his back, his sack below that on his back, hat, cape, and Myrrh and he was ready to set off. The crowd had still not come back since the attack on the man from Kiro. Not even an occasional gawker dared come back out to see how things had ended. That both saddened and relieved Drake. He didn't have a problem with apologizing..He just didn't want to spend the rest of his day doing it. Drake turned to Karl and waited for him to set the pace and the direction.

08-04-08, 12:15 PM
Karl realized that Drake was waiting for him to take the lead. Karl saw a trail that led through the village. Karl decided to follow this trail. He said to Kiro: “Start scouting ahead. I want to know what is further up this road!” Kiro ran of in the distance.

He could feel the grains of sand between his toes. His heart pumped and his lungs filled with fresh air. Kiro went through the village. Some screams of worried housewives rose as he passed by. Some screamed for their children, but Kiro had no interest in them. About five hundred meters passed the village, the road took a sharp turn to the right. Kiro found himself in a grassy landscape. Small hills covered the world around him. Somewhere far in the distance, he could already see the contours of a magnificent city. Large towers seemed to spring up everywhere on the horizon.

Kiro spoke to Karl: “Everything is fine here, up ahead. I can see a large city. I will wait for you here.”Karl on his turn spoke to Drake: “Kiro is far up ahead. He has scouted the road and told me he can see a large town. This might be Scara Brea!” Karl picked up the pace and started to walk through the village. He saw how people stared at him. Karl imagined that they would be glad that he left town.

10-02-09, 03:20 PM
This thread has been waiting for over a year. If you would like to complete it, or work on it further, you can PM myself or another staff member and ask for it to be moved. However, till that time, it will be resting in the Scara Brae Archive forum.
