View Full Version : ...hmm?

07-24-08, 06:28 PM
And I quote:

Welcome back, BlackAndBlueEyes!

You haven't made a new post in several weeks and we miss you! Have you hit writers block? Is there something we can do to help? We're always looking for new suggestions and are eager to implement the desires of our players. Let us know what we can be doing better in the Your Word forum.

If it's just a creative slowdown for you, the easiest way to recover is to get right back on the horse. Find an open quest in the battle or regions forums, or make a new thread in the Role-Players Corner letting other roleplayers know that you're looking for a partner or partners. There are people just like you waiting for the right spark of creativity to get their stories moving again. And if you'd like to relax just a bit, head on over to the Flying Stone Tavern and have some general discussions with the players behind the characters.

We really want you to come back and start posting again, BlackAndBlueEyes. We look forward to your return very soon!

...de hell is this?


You guys didn't miss me that much.

07-24-08, 08:29 PM
We barely noticed you were gone. :0


Is that from the front page?

The Collector
07-24-08, 08:32 PM
It's an automatic thing if you don't post for a while.

07-24-08, 08:35 PM
Yeah, that was on the front page to greet me when I logged in tonight for the first time in almost a month.


I was gonna' get around to writin' a post soon anyways.

07-24-08, 08:42 PM
Welcome back, man. Once I'm less busy, you and I need to RP sometime.

07-24-08, 08:51 PM