View Full Version : Hey Everyone

07-27-08, 09:02 PM
Yuuup, im pretty new here. This is my first time ever doing RP, but so far its pretty cool, even though i havent even been approved yet. This whole PbP thing is unusual for me and i dont even know if ill be good at it, but i guess ill find out soon huh. Especially since im not a very good writer, I think i might not fit in. But im hoping that if work at it i'll get the hang of it.
Well anyway, I'm just introducing myself here.

(PS. Approve me now! I wanna get questing!)

07-27-08, 09:35 PM
Tyrael FTW. ;)

Anyways, welcome to Althanas!

Please remember that you will be starting out relatively "weak" compared to some other characters here (you are level 0, after all). As you gain levels, you will be able to make changes to your character's power level as well as skill sets. Just remember to be reasonable and no "Uber Meteor Strike" until late-game (so to say).

Here, we reward effective and dynamic writing over power plays, although if you can pull both off we will be greatly impressed. ;)

Last but not least, drop by the Bazaar after your approval process to buy gears you might be missing during registration! And don't forget to hang out with us in the OOC areas for news and events that are taking place everyday!

Have fun!

07-27-08, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the advice Advent. I'm really starting to feel at home here, and can't wait to get started in all that Althanas has to offer.:D

07-27-08, 10:34 PM
...and can't wait to get started in all that Althanas has to offer.:D

You copy of Althanas comes with the following:
Crazy people, Were-creatures, Dragonoids. Inanity, Cheesyness, Cookies, Poison, Slavery (including your own!), a gratuitous lifetime addiction, I mean subscription, Trolls of both the OOC and IC variety, Hatred, anguish, Love, happiness, peace, contentment, Redheads, and a Straight Jacket. Everything else is extra.

Welcome, and enjoy your stay.

07-27-08, 10:51 PM
You copy of Althanas comes with the following:
Crazy people, Were-creatures, Dragonoids. Inanity, Cheesyness, Cookies, Poison, Slavery (including your own!), a gratuitous lifetime addiction, I mean subscription, Trolls of both the OOC and IC variety, Hatred, anguish, Love, happiness, peace, contentment, Redheads, and a Straight Jacket. Everything else is extra.

Welcome, and enjoy your stay.

LOL, I'd better get prepared!

On another note, i have a question:
I've already submitted my registration, though its hasnt been approved yet, am I allowed to edit it. Reason being I thought up a change for my history that I'd like to put in, but am not sure if its legal.

07-27-08, 10:55 PM
Go for it, shouldn't be a problem. Granted, the moderator looking at the thread will probably skim through the history to make sure that it fits with Althanas, history's not too big a deal.


07-28-08, 07:44 AM
w00t! Welcome to Althanas!

You are approved, so run off and start writing you impatience butt muncher. ;)

07-28-08, 08:34 AM
Ooh, thanks for reminding me about that, Esmerelda.

*Takes your measurements, then sends it off to the Silver Spool for your custom-tailored straightjacket. It should arrive within a few days*


Try the cookies. They're really good. :D

07-28-08, 08:39 AM

Grittings and welcome.

07-28-08, 03:09 PM
Lol, you guys are funny.
But the real funny thing is I was so eager to start but when I was goin to, I figured out I had nothing to write about. So now I'm thinkin up a first quest. But in the mean time I guess I'll go get started in the Peaceful Promenade. And thanks for all the warm welcomes, however wierd they may be.

07-28-08, 06:07 PM
I know the feeling man. This is what I do: Listen to music and watch movies. Inspiration will come to you shortly.
I should know. Shortly after making my first character Vincent, I could think of nothing for him. Then I went and watched Silent Hill. Changed mah lyfe. xD

07-28-08, 06:48 PM
Ty much for the advice, ill be sure to try it!

07-30-08, 02:09 AM

Welcome to Althanas! If you have questions, nag one of the mods. Especially that cat with no whiskers over there. He's got plenty of time to waste. ^^