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Zack, Son of Tyranny
07-29-08, 04:21 PM
Name: Erik Jacobson, although he goes by Zack

Age: 23 years old

Race: Human (Salvar)

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 6’5”

Weight: 182 lbs

Appearance: A royal face on a peasant’s body. Zack has the stern, solid look of a man who is sure in himself and knows what he is doing. He has long black hair, beautiful brown eyes and a chiseled jaw, always clean-shaven. His body contradicts his blood, however, as he dresses in the common rags and leathers of a ‘nobody’. He is very tall, dark, and foreboding. Anyone with any knowledge of baron Jacob will instantly recognize Zack as a relative.

Jacob the Tyrant is a name feared by most of Salvar. Even outside of his Barony, his wrath is feared. High taxes, ridiculous spending, and even some rumors of slavery plague his rule. Jacob the Tyrant is without a doubt one of the most hated rulers in the entire world. Jacob the Tyrant is without a doubt Erik Jacobson’s father.
Jacob has two sons, Erik and Alex. Erik is the elder of his sons and heir to his throne, thus a prime target to political mechanics. Fearing his younger brother’s ambition for power and the hatred he will inevitably inherit, he began to change.
Zack, as he became known as, only knew riches and power (far more than some princes, even) for all of his life. He lived a war-torn and conflict-ridden existence working his way up his father’s army. He loved and respected his father, rising to the powerful and influential post of 3rd Commandant. He had over 350 troops to his name, and zealously led them in the recent Civil War. Eventually, however, he realized the faults in his father’s barony. At first, he decided that when he was Baron, he would fix it.
He would return the embezzled Royal Funds; create programs to pay the populace back for the years of overtaxing; make amends to all of the tribes his father unjustly destroyed. He would fix it, but first he had an army to command.
Eventually however, he realized that he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. Some of the things he father did were not reversible. Alex, too, looked towards the crown, and Zack began to fear his younger brother’s ambitious nature. So he decided to leave. He would change his name, leave the throne to Alex and just go. He only took one possession other than the clothes on his back.
Myrmiah. She was a Phase blade, and heirloom to the barony. He took it as proof of his heritage in the event he would need to return. He didn’t fully understand her powers or he probably would have left her there.

Swordsmanship- [average]- Zack spent much of his time in the barony studying with the pages and squires. He has thus picked up more than a few tricks and tips and easily applies them in battle. Zack’s skills, despite his size, are focused on parrying, dodging and outlasting his opponent. He is quite adept at evading attacks, but not nearly as talented at delivering them.

Leadership- [above average] Zack is an incredible leader. His look, his commanding voice, and his just generally likeable demeanor all contribute to making people do what he wants. Although this skill really has nothing to do with actual combat or game play, it gives me another tool to role-play him with.

Traveling Rogue- [below average]- Life outside of Baron Jacob’s fortress is quite different than the comfy padded walls Zack is accustomed to. Thus being said, Zack is slowly picking up on some of the less-than-lawful ways of life. He, however, is terrible at it. He probably couldn’t open an unlocked door, or flinch a key off of a dead guard, but he tries nonetheless.

Equipment: Zack carries very little. A few stolen gold coins, a torch, a set of dirty leather clothes, etc. His one prized possession is his sword, Myrmiah.

Myrmiah- [Phase Blade]- The gem of Jacob’s hoard, Myrmiah is both a blessing and a curse. Long ago, she was bathed in the blood of thousands of virgins by a very dark and twisted evil. The sword gained intelligence and personality, albeit one that is unknown to Zack. She has led many of his ancestors to their own doom and she is why Jacob is such a tyrant. She constantly tries to further her own agenda, which is unknown to all but the genius sword. She has her own magic, which again, Zack knows nothing about but eventually she will show him when she sees fit.
Sentience- Myrmiah is very intelligent, although being an undying consciousness is very different than the sentience you or I possess. She has thousands of years to unleash her plans.
Corruption- Myrmiah slowly presses her will on her master. Zack currently doesn’t show any signs of corruption. Wounds dealt by Myrmiah also heal slower and are more agonizing than normal wounds.
Planesmagic- Myrmiah is a master of planesmagic. From controlling borders, to creating planes of existence, Myrmiah’s power knows no limits. Fortunately she needs a vessel to channel her magic through, and Zack is still unaware of her powers and can thus cast no spells and use none of her magic.

07-29-08, 05:54 PM
Just keep in mind that when Zack does start being able to use Planesmagic, he's not going to be a master of it, even if Myrmiah is really adept at it.
