View Full Version : Return of the RH

07-31-08, 04:17 PM
To those of you not familiar with the Red Hand - which now goes by the name The Gol'Bron as it always has to some degree - we are by far the oldest powergroup currently on the site. It was originally established as a clan dedicated to the fiscal gain of it's members. The original leader, the draken lord Ithermoss, founded the clan with a firm base that we have built and developed on.

However, we cannot do things without an active base, which is why I now appeal to you that may be interested. Currently we have undertaken the heavy burden of creating and establishing a new base of operations. Under the leadership of myself and the member Sorahn (who is the leader of the clan) we have begun our expansion and created a means for many more to join than ever before.

Information regarding current undertakings and the path of the Red Hand as a whole can be found here:

The Forgotten Fist (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=12195) Still open and though one has disappeared (Tenki) it is still open and we should go on with it. This thread is regarding the reestablishment and gains of the Pandemonium's Fist, an ancient draken hold originally belonging to Ithermoss. It was the original base of operations, a highly defensible cavernous hold with rooms hollowed out for all trades to work at their own will.

Justice Depends on your perspective (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10762) The war has started, and I believe that this thread is a pivotal part of the way the RH is moving. This thread is currently regarding the war betwen the clan and one of the two factions that is invovled with the civil war of Corone. The Corone Empire has declared war against The Gol'Bron, leaving uneasy allies between the clan and the Corone Republic. (To be expanded on below)

Past Undertakings, regarding the establishment of the clan's base:

reestablishing what was lost (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5803) This thread explains the establishment of the town we now hold. It is a pivotal part of the clan.

Future Undertakings:

We are at war, as I have stated, which opens a lot of doors for the clan as a whole. If you are interested in becoming a member it is important you understand the nature of the clan as it is seen by both the public and within our own ranks. War is a necessary evil regarding the world of Althanas, and as such consumes almost all those that are currently living. The Gol'Bron is not without it's own issues regarding war, and with the Empire threatening us as well as being threatened outside of our faction, it is easily believable that we will rise to power within Corone once again.

The Gol'Bron once fought against the defenders of the Radasanthian Bazaar, and put down all resistance at the time creating a trade embargo that put our raw materials at a premium. That power is not forgotten by the country, and quelling us is a priority that comes before quelling the strife that threatens their own base. We, however, are strong and founded well... making our allies close and our power stronger.

Further History and Necessary information:

The Gol'Bron was once called the Red Hand, a faction of merchants and raw material gatherer's that banded together to create a powerful force. The clan is currently placed into three different sections, which you do not have to be part of all of them, but must be part of at least one. They are as follows:

The Gol'Bron: Once the mystic and unknown section of the clan, the Gol'Bron is the piece of the puzzle that most still do not fully understand or recognize. This fraction is dedicated to the following of the Thayne, though other religious followers will be recognized so long as they do not go against the Cult of the Thayne completely. To become part of this section you need only to explain your beliefs, chose a Thayne or other such deity, and dedicate yourself to following your chosen god or goddess. Most of the Gol'Bron followers are also members of one of the other two area's, and as such are not limited in what faculty they can assist the clan.

The Red Hand: The original foundation of the clan, the Red Hand is the merchants and raw material gathers that founded the clan. To become part of this section you need only to pick a skill that you wish to pursue, and the list is endless. Lord Ithermoss was the founder, making his money and prestige through mining ore from Pandemonium's Fist. Ranger, like Ithy, is a miner of raw ore. We have other professions, such as Enchanting, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, and others...

The Black Hand: The warrior section of the group is the newest added of the pieces to the Gol'Bron. It is dedicated to the protection of the ground, and as such acts as the militaristic power backing the clan. To be part of the Black Hand is to be part of that which is a pivotal part of the clan. You need only to be a warrior and willing to protect the lives of the members of the clan. Benefits for being part of the BH are the monetary backing of the clan, weapons and items at discounted prices (if not free) made by the RH, and any support necessary.

If you are interested in joining the clan you can do so at any time. This thread is the easiest way to express your interest and ask any questions pertinent to your understanding. I would be pleased to answer anything that you can think may cause an issue, and help any that are interest in joining do so.

I ask for one thing: If you express interest be prepared to chose your path within the clan and your reasoning well so that you do not conflict with the way the clan works. It is not difficult to join, and we can find anyway to add new and interesting members.

Thank you for your interest. Once you have expressed it, you may join a number of ways. Via a personal quest with a currently 'leader' of the clan, or you can post up in the thread in the Minstrils Perch labeled "Plight of the Red Hand" (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=12194) which I am running currently. It can be your IC recruitment thread if you so wish it to be.