View Full Version : Luna Scabbard

07-31-08, 10:07 PM
Name: Luna May Scabbard
Age: 72, though she looks like a 14 year-old child
Race: vampire hybrid
Hair Color: Lavender like Blonde
Eye Color: Black when thirsty and Red when Not.
Height: 4' 11''
Weight: Very light, almost 114 pounds.
*Occupation: Wanderer

*Personality: Luna is most likely to be in a very conflicted mind when appearing to a new person. She can be hostile or even kind, but usually she is somewhat both, though usually that’s because her mood depends on her hunger. Luna has always seen herself as a monster, and continues to believe herself so, when completely alone she finds solace in doing penance for her "Meals".

Appearance: When first seen by another person, Luna could be viewed as a very petite young lady with light blonde hair tinged with lavender, she never looks very dependant. Unfortunately most people on first contacting her believe she is a harmless individual, who could blame them? Short and apparently young, traveling alone, no weapons. Her skin makes her seem pale and unhealthy and perhaps even afraid, it is never the case. Until they see that gleam in her eye or the shadows that follow her ominously, they have no idea the danger they could be in if anyone were to mess with her.

History: Luna, born almost seventy years ago, has seen enough of humanity’s foolishness to stay out of the way of their unhealthy antics. Born to a human mother and vampire father her days were time to sleep, unlike other children, and her nights were kept busy by her father or mother, always bustling with activity. Her father showing her some spell to heal someone, as that was his passion, or her mother teaching her embroidery or telling her stories of how she and her father met.

Though people may think it happens otherwise, Luna’s growth was normal until the first of her teenage years, vampire hybrids like her never know when they will stop growing, usually a person born from a vampire human relationship prosper until their late teens or young adult lives, for her, it was not the case. She stopped growing at the age of fourteen, and that was that.

Luna, born a half breed, knew that someday she would receive a magyk or Talent that other people most likely never could have unless they trained for years, maybe their whole lives. When she turned nineteen the day came, trying to control herself when near a person who was alone, weaponless, and smelled like an appetizing meal she found herself followed by shadows. Taking this with subtlety she found herself trying to track down her food, a very quick elfin male, she knew that he could most likely force her back if she attacked head on. Pondering her situation she tried thinking of ways to slow him down, and heard a soft scream. She looked up to find a shadow wrapped around the mans ankle. The beginning of her self-training began.
Like all good things, everything ends. When Luna was about thirty, still looking like a fourteen year old, her mother came down with a disease even her healer of a father couldn’t cure, and died peacefully in her sleep. Unfortunately she only heard of it a month after it happened, headed home as soon as she could, and found a distraught father and a grave with grass and flowers growing over it. Luna, who had never really felt at peace with her home, stayed with her father to comfort him. The person who had always looked like a strong, young, healthy man suddenly looked like a haggard individual. And it saddened Luna to see her father like this.

After some time with her father Luna left again, happy to see him getting back on the right foot. She has been wandering in places children who are the age she looks shouldn’t be, waiting for adults who think their brave enough to be there to fall unsuspectingly into her grasp, with a quick bite, and a quick end… To life.

Skills: Luna has many weaknesses on the battlefield, but also much strength. When fighting, her weaknesses include man made weapons, silver blades, and fighting on Holy land doesn’t help her in a battle at all.

When she is in a fight her skills range from simply molding a blade from shadow, to creating small protective barriers from other Magyk. She can do off hand tricks and spells, detecting other Magyk and the like, but doesn’t use it frequently. She can, once in a while, create shadow puppets, but only when she is fully fed or close. Her extra strength and agility can help her in a fight.

Equipment: Luna carries a small pack over her shoulder; it holds most of her random junk and also a few cures from her father. A charm to keep away necromancy spells as she sleeps lays around her neck. In her pack she carries two antidote for blood loss (Half vampires like her CAN bleed.), and two to counter the effects of silver. She carries three vials of blood with her at all times for emergencies, but she keeps them freshly stocked, no more than a month old.

*Familiars: Luna wishes very much to have a small pet, but cats do not take well to her kind and dogs bark at the mere smell of her. Birds are something to be desired for a vampire half-breed, but she has never found one that takes to her.

08-01-08, 07:15 AM
I need you to completely list her skills in battle as well as those weakness you listed. Something a little more organized, like this:

Shadows - Luna can manipulate the shadows to create blades with the strenght of steel or less... etc.

Also, the necromancy protection charm can't defend her against all necromancy spells, only mild spells.