View Full Version : Vignette Contest: August

08-01-08, 02:01 PM
It’s that time of the month again, sans the tampons! August is here, and that means we’ll be starting a brand new Vignette Contest to get your juices, creative or otherwise, flowing.

I hope that made you groan, or else my job isn’t done.

And now, The Rules of the Internet:

1) One submission per character. Multiple accounts by the same author are allowed.
2) Please make your posts during the duration of time allotted (which is during the month of August). Editing your posts is permitted so long as they are edited within the contest's time frame.
3) The moderator judging the monthly vignette contest will post a vignette at the end, but will not be eligible for a prize.
4) Only on-topic vignettes will be considered for the prize. The topics are meant to be broad enough that no character should be particularly limited.
5) PCs must be involved in all vignettes. How "canonical" you choose to have the events of the vignette is up to you.
6) All participants receive 5% of the EXP they need to reach the next level. The top three finishers get 100, 75 and 50 GP respectively.

We’ve all come to notice it: the era of superheroes and supervillains alike has returned. Now, however, is the time for the denizens of Althanas to fall in stride. As such, here is the basis for your vignette:

Power is gained, and it has the potential to change the world (or a small part of it) for better or for worse. In one way or another, your character finds itself involved with this power, and is faced with a choice.The person to gain this power could be anyone: a stranger, an acquaintance, a group of people, your character itself. Perhaps, even, a mix of all four. Moreover, the nature and the origin of this power is up to you. The bellhop was bitten by a nuclear monkey? Your butler laced your tea with radioactive waste? Groundhogs can now levitate used Kleenexes weighing between 0.1 and 0.3 grams at 3:00 in the morning as long as they sleep in a handstand? Calamity Jane meets Pancho Villa meets Stan Lee? Surprise us.

Simply put, you have complete leeway with any of your choices (you could even go Ã* la Batman, if that is your wish). As for the choice, it can be anything you want as well. It could be life-changing or amusingly trivial.

Make us laugh, make us cry, make us wet ourselves on any level you wish. As campy as it sounds, you have the power.

08-31-08, 10:51 PM
Sorry for the last minute entry, Atar, it wasn't an easy topic to come up with an idea for.

Jalaan had, for generations, been a land of both peace and prosperity. So far to the east of the main countries in Althanas that few had ever even heard of its existence, it had been under the rule of the same family for over three hundred years. The economy was stable, the people content, peaceful, and pleasant, and the land beautiful.

In fact, if not for one thing, Karuka would have thought it was a perfect place to settle down and ignore all the crap happening in the rest of Althanas. Maybe, in ten or fifteen years, when the redhead was ready to just settle down, the situation that was turning her away from it would have smoothed over and she'd be able to reconsider it.

That factor was succession. The old Duke had died not long before Karuka had found her way to the island country's capital city, and his choice of successor was his middle son. While it was the Duke's right to name his successor, it was normally the eldest son...and that son was not taking his disenfranchisement with grace.

Not that many subjects could blame him. The firstborn son, while not as personable or popular as his brothers, had a strong command presence and a more decisive personality. He was for expanding Jalaan's territory, even at the expense of nations that had been peaceful with the Duchy for hundreds of years. As a nation with a burgeoning population, some citizens were feeling the need for more space. Even the army was behind the charismatic eldest.

The middle son, somewhat frail and indecisive, didn't seem to Karuka to be the right sort of man for a job, especially as he bustled around his office, explaining in stumbling words how he only had a few political allies. He'd sent for her, upon hearing that she was a traveler from the far west, and hadn't spoken with her for very long before asking her to be his bodyguard.

Karuka had sworn off of getting involved in political struggles. Normally it was two despots going at it and neither evil was any greater than the other, or lesser. Just slightly different. But this time...she saw the earnestness in the young Duke's face...the fear his brother would do something rash and the lack of desire for power for power's sake in his stance. So...despite her normal attitude telling her that it was a bad idea...she decided to do it.

And now he was writing his younger brother, so far not supporting either brother, to see if it was possible to set up talks with the militant one without having things escalate to violence.

"Why did your father choose you?"

"I...well...I don't...don't know, exactly. He...he was somewhat senile in his last days...but..."

"Why. Why did your father choose you? There had to be a reason to pass over a strong and charismatic son and an able politician with a gentle and soothing manner both for the one who cowers back?"

The presumptive Duke sighed, sitting back in his chair and removing his ceremonial head covering to run his fingers through his coal black hair. "My older brother would be a patron of the army, using it to throw this region into chaos. My younger brother would negotiate political marriages and effect the same thing. I'd rather Jalaan prosper in its own way and in such a way that our allies can benefit as well....and perhaps so we can eventually begin to establish a relationship with the West. Trade could be massively successful. I've been entrusted with so much power...but...I can't...I don't have any real power."

"Because you're sitting on your ass and biting your nails when you should be gaining the confidence of your people. You let what little power you do have diminish by not using it."

"But my best wouldn't be good enough..."

Karuka snorted. "Your older brother can't do anything directly against you until he has the people prepared to overlook your replacement - probably by assassination - in favor of him." She leaned down over the desk, letting her bright blue eyes lock with his dark green ones. "You have a saying here, do you not? About the lazy elephant and the industrious earthworm?"

He raised an eyebrow. "The lazy elephant cannot move so much as a sapling, while if the earthworm is industrious, entire mountains may crumble before him."

"Are you the elephant...or the earthworm?"

"I think...for the sake of Jalaan, the jewel of Kebiras...I had best be the earthworm."


Preserving an earthworm from attacks was no easy task, and it took several months before the Duke was settled into his role and safe. He had his older brother as chief military advisor, thanks to the efforts of his younger brother, the chief negotiator. When everything finally settled, Karuka turned her eyes back to the west.

Kebiras had been an interesting diversion...but what people she knew...the friends she'd made and the roads she'd traveled...she'd have to go back. It was the closest thing to a home she had.

08-31-08, 10:55 PM
((OOC: I suck as well. Yay for 5 minutes to go.))


The watch turned a quarter, then stopped abruptly, the teeth of its gears getting stuck on Maia’s small needle. She removed the instrument, pulling a small gear from its place. She placed the gear on the table and replaced with another. It fit in snugly, teeth clicking as the metal bounced. The gear began to turn slowly and methodically.


The small object began to pulse in her hand, pushing in and out as it began to whir. She didn’t know what it was, nor how to use it. She knew how it worked, and how to rebuild it. The iron heart seemed to sing its workings to her. A small puff of steam whistled through a small tube, pushing and expanding the copper till it pressed against its iron bindings. It began to deflate, collapsing into itself as another puff of steam escaped.


Maia grinned turning the piece around to have a better view of its underside. Everything was so familiar, but she knew nothing. She knew that one gear turned another and how their sizes altered the rate and force transferred. The iron heart began to thrum once more, the copper unfolding until it hit against the iron frame with a soft click. She put the heart down on the table thrumming, standing from her chair and yawning. It thrummed once more on the table before stopping with a whirr. It remained silent there, broken and untouched as Maia prepared for sleep.

There would be time enough in the morning to fix it.

09-01-08, 01:47 AM
((please note that there doesn't seem to be a set time zone for when this is due. It is 10:46PM in Alaska as I post this))

Jasmine plodded tiredly up the barely-there trail. She and a few friends had been helping in the search for a powerful item. They had never been told exactly what the item was, just that it was extremely powerful and would give the wielder the power to do whatever they wished. Jasmine did not think such power belonged in the hands of mere mortals, but their guide had convinced them to come along and help him find it.

Thinking about him, Jasmine looked up to the head of their party. Their ‘leader’ was a human in his middle years. He had brown hair that was starting to grey at the temples and sported a finely trimmed beard and mustache that were also showing signs of age. He wore a simple, green linen shirt with black pants. Jasmine assumed that other ladies would find him attractive, but Jasmine had eyes only for Zerith. Growing tired of the endless walking, Jasmine called up to him.

“Jacques! Are we getting anywhere near close to where we’re going?”

“Patience my dear Jasmine!” he called back to her with a grin. “Our destination is just at the top of this hill. There you will all see the glorious Crystal.”

Jasmine sighed and continued up the trail.

This so called crystal had better be worth all the trouble we’ve been through.

The small group had been through many ordeals over the last month and a half. Everything from bandits to nearly-fatal traps had fallen in their path, but Jacques would not be deterred. According to him, another group was also trying to find the Crystal. It was imperative that their group find the Crystal first. If the opposing group found it, then the world as they knew it would come to an end. Jasmine thought the guy was bonkers, but she was bored doing ordinary guard work and the like.

At last they came to the top of the hill. The view up here was amazing. The hill took up the entire island. The place where they’d come ashore was barely 100 feet wide. From here, Jasmine could see the ship they had taken to the island and the tiny dinghy they had used to get from ship to shore. The sea stretched away as far as the eye could see from one horizon to the other. No clouds marred the blue sky. It was a perfect day for a walk with loved ones.

A pedestal stood in the exact center of the hill. It appeared to Jasmine that nothing sat on it and for a moment she thought that they were too late. Seeming to read her thoughts, Jacques smiled at her encouragingly.

“Wait for high noon. We are just in time. Now we hope that our enemies have not also reached this isle in time.”

Jasmine looked out around them and shook her head. Jacques’ hopes would be broken into a million pieces. She could see another small dinghy landing on the beach below and several men scrambling out. She chose not to bother Jacques with these details. She knew he would not be bothered by them in the least. Besides, that was why she and her friends had been hired. If the other searchers gained the top before Jacques gained the Crystal, then Jasmine and the others would simply have to fight them off.

As she waited and watched the pedestal, the minutes ticked by. Jasmine watched in wonder as a sparkling mist began to form on the pedestal. Just as the sun reached its zenith, the mist solidified into the largest, most perfect crystal Jasmine had ever seen. She stared at in open awe and thought that perhaps this crystal might possess special power after all.

Well of course I do! a voice snapped at her in her mind.

What? Who’s there? How did you get in my mind?

I am the Voice of the Crystal. You must help me.

Help you? How?

In a few minutes, the other searchers will join you. Do not try to stop them. Jacques is going to try to pick me up. Don’t let him. This is not a matter of whomever gets here first. Much as he would like it to be that way, it is not. A choice must be made between Jacques and the man that follows him, Marcus. You must make that choice.

Me!? Why me?

Why do they always ask that question? the voice asked rhetorically. You have to make it because I picked you. I cannot tell you how each would use my power. Though I have the knowledge, I’m forbidden by the Law of the Universe to tell you. You must make the decision on your own with no help from anyone. One of them will use my power for the good of the world; the other will use it for evil. That is all the information I can give you. Are you ready?

Jasmine kept her thoughts separate for a moment, then nodded almost imperceptibly, Yes, I’m ready.


The voice fell silent then, waiting for the moment of choice. While they waited, Jacques stepped forward to take the Crystal. Jasmine stepped in front of him.

“Not yet, Jacques.”

“Why ever not, Jasmine?”

“It is not time to take it yet. You should wait until your enemy has crested the hill, so he can witness your victory first hand.”

Jacques thought about that for a moment, then nodded. “Fine, I will wait.”

As soon as Jacques had stepped back to his previous place, the Voice came to Jasmine again.

Well done. You know, you don’t have to choose one of them. You could always choose yourself.


You could be great you know. The greatest woman Althanas has ever known.


Come on! You know you would like to have that kind of power yourself. Think of all the good you could do for your home and for your friends. Think of the wars you could stop single-handedly. No one would ever dare to oppose you!

I said ‘No’, Voice. Now let me be so I can think about my choice.

The Voice again fell silent and Jasmine was relieved.

Moments later, the other team reached the top of the hill. Seeing that Jacques had not taken the Crystal. Marcus strode triumphantly forward. Jasmine allowed him to come to the Crystal but put her hand out when he reached for it.

“Not yet. Jacques, come forward, please.” She paused for Jacques to join them, then explained, “the Crystal has spoken to me. It said that a choice was to be made between you two. You will each be given a chance to tell me what you will do with the power in order to persuade me to choose you. I want you two to stand on either side of the Crystal and face each other. I will tap the one I choose on the shoulder with my sword. Marcus, you may go first.”

At this point, she was just stalling for time. Jasmine had already made her decision. She knew what should be done, she just didn’t know it she would be permitted to do it. From the looks on the men’s faces when she claimed that the Crystal had spoken to her, they were not aware that it was a sentient being with desires and probably a will of its own. No mortal would be able to stand against that for very long. The men did as they were instructed, glaring at each other across the Crystal.

“I will use the power to destroy all the evil in the world. That way there will be no more suffering. The poor will no longer be poor; the sick will be well. Children will no longer go hungry. With me holding the Crystal’s power, I will rule the world, and the world will prosper under me.”

Jasmine nodded, and then looked to Jacques.

“He speaks of making himself an empire. I will do no such thing. True, I will help in the same things, but not in the same ways. Evil is in the eyes of the beholder. Who am I to decide who is evil and who is not? The Crystal’s power will be used to mend the broken and heal the wounded. It will be a symbol of peace and hope in a dying world.”

Jasmine nodded and pursed her lips as if deep in thought. Then, she drew her sword and held it up right in front of her with both hands. She let it lean first toward Jacques, then back toward Marcus. Both men had given good speeches. Both appeared, outwardly, to want only the best for the world. However, Jasmine was certain that the Crystal might have other ideas. Otherwise, it would not have offered itself to her. Finally, she raised her sword high over her head.

“I choose...neither!”

At the last word, she brought her sword down with all her might. To her surprise, the idea worked! The Crystal shattered into billions of pieces. The isle shook and the wind picked up immediately. On the wind Jasmine could almost hear the Voice of the Crystal, screeching in anger and frustration. At that moment, she knew she had done the right thing. Sheathing her sword, she yelled at the top of her lungs.


No one seemed to need a second warning. Everyone hurried down to the ships except Marcus and Jacques. These stayed behind, dismayed at the loss of the Crystal. Frantically, they began gathering shards of the crystal in the hope that the shards would have at least a fraction of the Crystal’s power. Jasmine shook her head. They did not understand that the crystal had only been the home of another spirit. They were just pieces of crystal now.

“Jacques! Marcus! Come on, or you’ll be left behind!”

Jasmine hurried down the hillside and into the waiting dinghy. The oarsmen waited for a few minutes, but Jasmine urged them to go on.

“They have chosen their fate. I will not endanger all our lives for their foolishness. Take me and my friends back to the ship. You can return for Jacques then, if you are still able.”

The oarsmen looked worriedly at the trembling island, then quickly took the small boat out to the ship. Jasmine and her friends climbed up the rope ladder and looked out to the island. Jasmine bowed her head. As they watched, the island crumbled, taking Marcus and Jacques with it. In the space of about ten minutes, there were no traces of the island or the men that had been on it in the last minutes. Sighing, Jasmine turned to the captain of the ship.

“Take us back to Radasanth, please, Captain. There’s nothing left out here.”

09-20-08, 02:21 PM
At last, the results of August’s Vignette Contest! Also, don’t forget to check out this month’s contest (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17180)!

1. Karuka Tida
2. Jasmine
3. Maia

Congratulations everyone, and a big thanks for participating!

This is a bit unorthodox, but my vignette is… a single word.

“Infernale” (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17232)

And now, the rewards!

Jasmine gains 300 XP and 75 GP!
Karuka Tida gains 450 XP and 100 GP!
Maia gains 300 XP and 50 GP!
Ataraxis gains 350 XP!

Hope to see you all in numbers for this month and the next!

09-22-08, 09:25 AM
EXp and GP added!