View Full Version : Rage, Blood and a Real Big Hammer

08-01-08, 09:31 PM
Just a side note: I also ran Zack through here, so any and all ‘bunnying’ between Dmitri and Zack is pre-approved okay because hey! I’m both of their authors. These two characters are going to be very inter-connected. I read in the description of Salvar that it was easy to obtain a small fiefdom, and I was wondering if this character could start with one. Keep in mind it would be a very small charge, perhaps a few hundred men. Also, Dmitri is so proud of his reputation and so bloodthirsty in battle that he would NEVER use these men in a fight, and only in quests with approval from all other characters and still only as a plot device, not a means around conflict. What kind of Man-Slayer sends his pawns to do his dirty work?

Name: Dmitri Ortusk, The Man-Slayer of Rythe.

Age: 27

Race: Human, although it is rumored that some Giant blood is in there, somewhere.

Hair Color: Dirty blonde, although he is usually shaven bald.

Eye Color: Bright glowing blue.

Height: 7’4

Weight: 412 lbs

Occupation: Second Commandant in Baron Jacob the Tyrant’s army

Personality: Commandant Ortusk is almost devoid of all emotion. He shows no mercy and no fear. He is entirely devoted to his liege, Jacob the Tyrant. Once he adopts a purpose (especially battle) he does not rest until his task is fulfilled or he is dead. He can be a very powerful ally, but a much more intimidating enemy.

Appearance: Massive. At first glance, or any other glance for that matter, The Man-Slayer looks absolutely intimidating. His bald, scarred head and snarling grin are enough to bring doubt and uncertainty into even the boldest warrior. He always wears crimson armor and a once bright white fur. Blood and soil from hundreds of battles have matted into it, making him smell about as bad as he looks. His thick armor was built around his rather rotund frame, sporting a very large encasing for his ‘pot’ belly.

History: Dmitri is unsure of his past beyond about age 8. His earliest memory is starting training at the academy. He was, of course, larger than his rivals, and given his Giantish knack for inflicting pain, he advanced very quickly. He graduated at age 13, whereas the typical graduate ranges from 16 to 17. He was already six and a half feet tall, well over one of his best friends, Erik Jacobson.

Erik was the Baron’s eldest son, although Dmitri didn’t realize it, and Erik didn’t think it mattered. Dmitri was invited to the Barony one day, and Jacob instantly took a liking to his barbaric, if subtle, nature.

Dmitri was hired into the Baron’s High Army at 17, when Erik graduated the academy. A few months later, Erik also joined. They were dispatched in the same troop, under a Lieutenant named Kossivar. They met their first taste of battle and Kossivar was killed. Erik quickly rose to the rank of Lieutenant, his father being Baron and all. The friendship between them quickly soured, as Dmitri’s bloodthirsty nature conflicted with Erik’s ‘Tried and True’ methods.

So Erik advanced up the ranks, eventually reaching Third Commandant. He promoted Dmitri to Lieutenant of his shock troops. Erik had found that Dmitri’s bloodlust was contagious, and he designated an entire unit of very large and scary people to the fearless barbarian.

At the beginning of the Rebellion, Jacob promoted Dmitri to Second Commandant and turned over command of Rythe. Relations between Erik and the new Second Commandant soured, because now the same lunatic warrior that he once kept in check was issuing orders for his men to overrun villages of women and children.

Eventually, his reputation began to precede him. His battle prowess was legendary, and he instilled a rage in his troops that was nearly unbeatable. He became known as The Man-Slayer of Rythe.

Skills: The Man-Slayer of Rythe would be nothing without his legendary fighting skills and his terrible maul, Eve.

NOTE: Dmitri Ortusk, The Man-Slayer of Rythe is left-handed.

Fist Fighting [Average]-Eve is rather slow, so when it comes down to it Dmitri sometimes has to just slug somebody.

Hammers [Average]- Dmitri never claims to be talented with Eve. He knows which end is heavy and what parts of general human anatomy crush the easiest. His fighting style is rather slow and clunky. “Hit and be hit” is his philosophy on conflict. Just hit them harder.

Intimidation [Below-Average]- Mostly just a role-playing element, Dmitri Ortusk, The Man-Slayer of Rythe is scary as hell. People have a hard time confronting this 7-foot bowling ball. Player characters are allowed to role-play their own reactions, of course, but NPC’s are rather leery about doing anything to make him angry.

Strength- [Rank 1]- Being of extremely large stature and Giant heritage, Dmitri is rather strong by human standards. In game terms, he can easily lift a person with one arm or bench press about 300lbs. He can wield Eve in one hand.

Toughness- [Rank 1] It’s part plate armor, part giant-hide but mostly insanity. Dmitri can shrug off some of the effects of wounds. Although he still takes damage, he just doesn’t care.


Eve- Eve is a thunderous maul. Weighing in the neighborhood of fifty pounds, she hurts. Fortunately she is slow as molasses, and very easily dodged. She is made of a simple oak handle with a massive stone head, literally. The stone is carved into a woman’s face. She has a merciless expression of hatred on her face, which is the part that smashes into people. Her hair flows backward into a rather blunt point which can be used to pierce armor. Dmitri’s extreme strength lets him use this in one hand.

Breast Plate- A massive iron cuirass guards the more vital parts of Dmitri. Iron plates also cover his legs and arms and such, but mostly padderd armor covers the rest of his body. All this armor, of course, slows him down even more. He rarely escapes a battle unharmed.

Survival Gear- Heralding from Sulgoran’s Axe, Dmitri is very accustomed to bad weather and survival tactics. He carries flint and steel, blankets, a tent, and a few torches.


Rythe- Rythe is known throughout Jacob's charge as a place of chaos and bloodlust. The Man-Slayer rules with an iron fist and a terrible wrath there. Rythe is rather small, only a small outpost and a couple of houses for quartering troops. The Man-Slayer owns only one unit of men, a group of equally bloodthirsting berserkers. They are primarily used as Jacob's shock troops, although the real problem with encountering the Rythian Unit is The Man-Slayer himself.

Rythe is a self-sustaining town. It neither generates income, nor goes into deficit. A few peasants work here, harvesting lumber to build and repair buildings, and trapping for furs to sell back to the Barony. All of the money that is gained, however, goes into the upkeep and pay of Dmtri's troops.

08-02-08, 07:16 AM
Breast Plate - the chainmail makes this a little much, you can keep the iron plates and cuirass.

Strength - please cut this down to 300

Also, you mentioned above that you wanted a fiefdom, you might want to actually list that as something the character owns and give it a brief description.

08-02-08, 10:57 AM
All changes made.

08-03-08, 08:07 AM