View Full Version : Andrael Meridius

08-01-08, 11:43 PM
A mother's last memory of her daughter before she leaves home.

It is sometimes said that the celestial bureaucracy is larger than the multiverse that it seeks to protect. While this is an exaggeration (though, perhaps not too much of one), it is often true that branches and pieces can go for ages without communicating. Sometimes, groups of celestial agents will even work against each other without being aware of it.

This tale concerns a particular sect of celestials and their agents, the Order of the Scroll-Bound Sword. Scholars and warriors all, the Order seeks to obtain a better understanding of the multiverse and the motivations of its inhabitants towards the end of a lasting victory of good over evil. Though not among the most militant of the forces of Good, the Order nevertheless respected those who took up the fight against evil creatures and constructs directly, and most especially those who would do so with caution and deliberation so as not to destroy any potentially useful knowledge.

Thus it was that they became aware of the plight of a warrior-mage by the name of Aleska. Although she had won countless triumphs and slain fearsome enemies, the goal that she most desired remained out of her reach... the goal of becoming a mother. Oh, she'd tried -- both with a man she loved that had subsequently died by her side, and with other romantic flings of greater and lesser repute. But nothing brought results, and healers confirmed what she'd thought; she was barren, unable to conceive by mortal means.

Her exploits, though, had drawn the attention of immortals by now. And so it as that a senior celestial of the Order, Ivon Tarkalen d'Meridius, approached the scholar with an offer. If she would become his consort, then his blood and power would see to it that her mortal infirmity was not a bar. She would bear children, and children of celestial blood at that, and he would be a dutiful and loving father to them as well. Most of Aleska's mortal companions were by now dead or settling down elsewhere, so she accepted his offer and ascended with him into the celestial planes.

As few things seemingly do, it turned out exactly as they had hoped. Aleska grew to love her celestial partner, and while he was too distant to properly experience the same degree of emotion, he looked upon Aleska with fondness and respect. They raised three children. The eldest was a girl with dark markings and a lust for excitement both passed down from her mother...

Name: Andrael Tehrellin d'Meridius (Andrael Meridius, Andrael, Rae)
Age: 23
Race: Half-celestial, half-human
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 182 lbs
Skin Color: Pale, marked with a few training scars
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Grey-Blue
Occupation: Neophyte of the Order of the Scroll-Bound Sword

Appearance: The first thing to draw the eyes about Andrael are her dark-feathered wings, which join her upper back and are usually kept in a resting position fanned out to either side or tucked backwards. Her wings match the gloss-black of her hair, which she loves to keep unbound in times of leisure but will always tightly braid when confronting danger or travel. The angular features of her face and her high cheekbones both lend her a slightly alien quality, which even without the wings make it clear that she's probably not entirely human. She cuts a fairly imposing figure, standing as tall and broad at the shoulder as many men -- with her wings, she presents a formidable profile. The impression is supported by the muscle developed through her body by intensive armor and weapons drills. Despite this, her manner is not usually one of a soldier. She relaxes easily, is quick to laugh and often wears a smile... at least, until confronted with a danger or with overt evil.

The Rest of the Story: Andrael grew up in the planar fortress of the Order, among young celestials and the children of other allies that had been drawn to the place under similar circumstances. Her childhood, while filled with the normal storms of adolescence and a brief spurt of rebellion against everything celestial, was a pleasant one. With few exceptions, she took to the discipline and benevolence of her surroundings with cheerful grace.

While not of a stunning intellect compared to her middle brother and some of the other students in the fortress-monastery, Andrael was quick-witted and eager to please, doing well both in formal scholastic study and in informal reading at the libraries scattered through the complex. She settled on no one topic for intense study, but instead spread herself throughout the stacks, learning something about everything that struck her fancy.

More captivating to her, though, was the art of combat. Individual swordplay and combat tactics both seized her attention, and from the age of fourteen she began to train with her classmates that had dedicated themselves to a martial path. Her mother's resolve and strength showed through, and despite the bruises and lumps Andrael loved weaponsdrill. It allowed her to vent lingering traces of frustration at the order around her, and aches aside allowed her to focus more completely on her studies.

By the time she had come of the celestial age of responsibility at the equivalent of twenty-two years old, Andrael had acquired the skills necessary to be accepted into the Order by her own merits. A satisfied celestial father and a proud human mother watched as their daughter was initiated, then immediately given her first assignment.

Powers and Abilities

Magic: While she might still possess some spark of wild talent, Andrael's magical gifts are dominated by her father's blood. Her ability to use these gifts is, for the moment, sharply curtailed -- having grown used to an environment where light and positive energy are overflowing, working such matters in the world as it stands is far more difficult.

Lightshaping -- A minor gift that allows her to create light in shapes and forms that she pleases, so long as her concentration holds and no one light is more powerful than an oil torch. After creating these lights, she can bind them to objects, but they will quickly fade if they stray far from her presence.
Andrael uses this gift to scribe the invocations necessary for some of her other gifts.

Faithward -- When called upon, this gift creates a soft nimbus of light around Andrael's body, deflecting potential harm for a short period of time. At present, it is capable of absorbing most of a strong physical blow or low-level direct spell before guttering out, and lasts for ten seconds. Any enchanted or especially strong blade, or a level 2 spell or higher, will lose only a small portion of its potency. Andrael usually prepares this as a contingency that can be activated with a single swiftly-drawn mark, but the preparation itself takes five minutes of uninterrupted meditation. She can only prepare it three times in a given day; any more than that and she begins to lose focus from the repetition.

Sunbeam -- The offensive application of her gift, currently very weak with her recent arrival. Andrael can project a beam of brilliant light that has little direct effect on most living creatures, though it can be used to blind or dazzle unwary enemies. Protracted exposure can cause minor burns at most. Against evil creatures, especially forms of undead vulnerable to light, it can do much more harm -- though a free-willed creature such as a true vampire will feel it far less than a mindless zombie or vampire spawn. Even the weakest undead will take some time to seriously damage. It takes no specific incantation to cast, though the hand projecting it will often glow beforehand.

Respite -- Andrael remains unable to work true healing, something that irritates her no end. The best she can currently do is with this gift, which grants the effects of an hour of rest in regards to fatigue and natural healing. This must be used with care, as severe or open wounds might hurt the injured person more through an hour of inactivity than they would heal! This blessing takes five minutes to prepare, and cannot be prepared in advance. Andrael may use it only twice per day without losing her focus.

Partial Light Affinity: Due to her heritage, Andrael receives somewhat more benefit from allied spells that are explicitly aligned with the forces of good (25%). She is almost never blinded or dazzled by bright light, and often meditates by staring into the sun.

Partial Dark Antipathy: By the same token, Andrael takes a full 50% more harm from spells that are channeled by explicitly evil means -- withering, demon energy, negative energy and the like. Her night vision is poorer than most humans, and she is also given to inherent claustrophobia if the space is unlit.

Flight: Andrael can ascend about thirty feet vertically for twice as much horizontal distance with an average load. This will leave her panting for breath, as though she'd just sprinted a long way. In other words, unless she's desperate or naked, her wings are mostly for show at the moment.

Combat Proficiencies:

Heavy Straight-Edged Blade: Average
Andrael has drilled thoroughly in basic technique with the greatsword, which could probably be applied to a bastard sword or longsword, especially when wielded in two hands. Her supply of tricks and traps is nonexistent, however, and she doesn't rise much beyond 'competence' at the moment.

Dagger: Below Average
While Andrael can handle a dagger to peel potatoes and draw ritual circles, her use of it in combat is... somewhat lacking. She has had some training with doing so, however.

Chainmail and Lighter Armor: Above Average
The Order emphasises defense over offense, and through months of aching ribs Andrael has learned to use most lighter varieties of armor to good effect. Not only can she move with less hindrance (provided that it's custom-cut to not bind her wings, the stupid things), but she's also learning more advanced techniques for letting blows catch heavier portions of her armor. She's no master, but she knows how to stay in a fight.

Non-Combat Proficiencies

Academia: Above Average
Whatever it is, Andrael has probably read something about it. If she hasn't, she knows how to do research from long hours of experience. Her weakness is that she's only gone in-depth on subjects immediately related to her magical gifts and combat.

Persuasive Speaking: Average
She's not afraid to talk to others, and somewhat relishes the chance to address a group. However, her current deficit of true experience and common sense are a hindrance to what would otherwise allow her to persuade quite well.

Singing: Average
Andrael has a pleasant voice, and enjoys singing, though she's utterly untrained.

Wilderness Craft: Below Average
While she may have read about the importance of dry boots, or thought to herself that pitching a tent in a gully might be a bad idea, actually seeing these ideas implemented? Unlikely. Forget about getting a fire started.

Barter: Below Average
Andrael just isn't very good at negotiating, where price is concerned. She knows this, and tries to compensate, but usually ends up paying more than a more experienced person would in the same circumstance.


Divisive: A steel greatsword that Andrael requisitioned from the armory. It has no special significance to her, and bears no magic so as not to interfere with the incantation to send her on her way. Double-edged with a fierce point, Divisive is a utilitarian weapon that can deliver almost any stroke with the threat of a pointed surface, and despite its lack of special qualities fits Andrael's reach perfectly.

Second Skin: A gift from her family, a suit of steel chainmail, fine-linked and fitted to Andrael specifically. It has an open back so as not to constrain her wings, fastening at the back of her neck and at the small of her back. A padded undergarment prevents it from chafing and spreads the weight of the thirty-five pound suit evenly, and a waterproof cloth overlay for most of the surface keeps it stylish and acceptable to wear in good company as well as making it more easily washable. It possesses no magic at the moment.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy Cape: Her youngest brother's gift, a brown cloak to match the copper and brown of her armor. In addition to covering her back, the cape is spun of very tight-weave fiber and stays warm when wet. No magical properties or anything here but good wool.

Ceremonial Daggers: Carved bone handles decorated with a feather motif, sharp but plain steel blades. Andrael carries these for use in rituals as well as for backup weapons and the myriad of everyday uses for a pointy object.

08-02-08, 07:32 AM