View Full Version : Something Rotten in the Isle of Scara

08-02-08, 09:13 PM
Wanted to poke my nose in here and see if there were a few characters around the Scara Brae area interested in a quest. I'm planning for this to be fairly involved, and also to move quickly; a post per day or so would be ideal. While the challenge level is likely to be more for lower-level characters, anything can potentially be accomodated!

The Setup: Andrael has learned that a member of the Scara Brae city watch was kidnapped by some members of the Scara Scourge, originally just intended to be a roughing-up to let the Watch know just what the Scourge thought about them. That was before the thug who masterminded the operation revealed himself to be a necromancer, bound the others and took the poor Watchman north into the foothills for "experimentation".

Andrael has placed a few quiet rumors and notes in likely places around the city, and is looking for a good blade or two to prowl north with her and see if they can free the Watchman and put the menace of the Necromancer down.

Stipulation: Due to her upbringing, heritage and disposition, Andrael is likely NOT going to be immediately trusting of any fiends, vampires, or other things of the sort. She doesn't subscribe to the school of "any adventurer is a friend you haven't met." Thus, if one of these characters is interested in participating, it'll probably be necessary for them to play a part in the buildup (Rude Awakening, currently being written). Let me know if so!

Any questions, just lob 'em at me.

08-16-08, 09:49 AM
Hey, if you're still looking for people, I'd be happy to join. Corsana isn't very experienced, but she's certainly eager enough to help.

08-17-08, 03:12 AM
This looks interesting. If you're looking for more than one person, I'd also want to quest (with Kiele), if you don't mind. :)