View Full Version : Marilyn Ree

08-02-08, 11:36 PM
Name: Marilyn Ree
Age: 24
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Dark Emerald
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130lb
Occupation: Scientist (in the old-fashioned sense)

Personality: Marilyn comes from a fairly wealthy family, so she is used to people treating her somewhat superior. Due to this, she can be selfish, commanding, and haughty. However, since she is now on her own and is not immediately recognized by those she meets, these traits tend to remain beneath a demeanor of shyness and timidity. She loves and cares for her family, mainly her uncle who has been teaching her magic. But aside from kin, she has not had much opportunity to get close to anyone else, so she often appears cold and aloof. Despite circumstances, Marilyn harbors a fantastic sense of humor and wishes to be more outgoing and agreeable with others.

Appearance: She is slender but her weight lies in well-developed muscles for a female. Marilyn’s skin is fair to lightly tanned depending on the season. She tends to wear simple dresses of blue, green, or brown with billowy sleeves and a lace-up front. Over these she wears a dark reddish-brown cloak which is riddled with inner pockets for holding many small objects. Marilyn owns a set of simple leather armor for battle. Her boots are sturdy traveler’s boots that reach halfway up her calves. On the inside of her left wrist is a thin-lined tattoo of a dark green clover. It is embellished with intricate swirls and represents her family name and honor.

History: Marilyn grew up in a moderate-sized town called Isthere, well away from other cities. In the isolated town, everyone knew practically everyone else, or at least their family name. Marilyn and her family were recognized as wealthy and important as her father was involved in politics. His brother, Artemis, was the black sheep of the family, a sorcerer and magician who nevertheless was greatly liked in Isthere. He favored Marilyn over other cousins and though they were all a bit spoiled, she received the most attention, both from her uncle and from the people of the town.

When Marilyn turned 14, Uncle Artemis recognized the same magic capabilities in her as he had in himself. He speculated that she had much more power than he could fathom, but as she was completely undeveloped, he had no way of being sure. He tried to teach her in secret, but she was initially ungrateful and hated her “gift” as he called it. One day in a selfish fit of rage, she informed her parents of the private classes and her hidden abilities. They forbade Artemis from traumatizing her further and he promptly moved to the other side of Isthere. But soon Marilyn began to realize that without his guidance, her magic was beginning to seep out untrained. She caused accidents without realizing it and was plagued by the consequences. People in town still showed respect and awe to her face, but she heard rumors growing that something was wrong with her.

In desperation, Marilyn sought her uncle’s help once more. He happily forgave her and began teaching her in private once more. During this time she learned the very basics of magic, and became interested in more practical ideas as well, such as science and learning to fight. Artemis was friends with a skilled swordsman who was quite willing to teach Marilyn for the proper fee. She learned the sword well once her muscles began to accept the hard work and grow strong with practice. Uncle Artemis was quite proud of Marilyn and taught her all he knew of science. In this age, his science consisted of observing the natural world and experiment with basic elements and reactions. This often involved magic and served as another base from which Marilyn’s knowledge could grow.

But the secrets could not remain such, and her parents at last discovered the truth. They had begun to suspect something when Marilyn no longer seemed to be a spoiled brat but was blossoming into a bright, cheerful young woman. Unfortunately they could not bear the true reason for her change. When they found that she had learned much of Artemis’s magic and could also fight with a sword they did not know what to do. Certainly she was no longer capable of the traditional life as a noble wife who would bear children to keep her family’s name strong. They provided her with a choice: she could either join a convent and become a nun, renouncing her ways and accepting a life of solitude; or she could leave Isthere and learn to find her own way in the world, away from her family and all she had ever known.

The idea of living as a nun was the last possible choice Marilyn could ever accept. She shook her head once, gathered the more useful belongings she owned, and bid her parents a strange yet fond farewell. Before leaving town, she visited her uncle one more time. He gave her everything he could spare and as much advice as he could think of. And he promised that, while he could not leave Isthere yet, he would try to seek her someday soon and continue teaching her magic so that she could reach her true potential.

Five long years have passed since Marilyn wandered away from Isthere, knowing hardly a thing of the country she would pass through. She has become fairly accustomed to living on her own in the woods, visiting a town now and then, and doing her best to practice science and magic without a teacher. She holds hope that her uncle is seeking her and will find her one day. So far she has not encountered anything particularly dangerous or threatening and does not realize just how perilous wandering can be. But she is looking to start making something of herself, to stop drifting aimlessly and make some goals, even if that means speaking up and meeting new people, something she has avoided for the most part.

Skills: Wilderness survival – above average. Basic magic: Creating balls of light or fire in small amounts for illuminating, igniting, or minimal offense/defense. Manipulating plants and water – she can call small amounts of water to do her bidding and coax small plants to grow faster or take a desired shape. Simple enchantments and non-complex charms – erasing footsteps, making sounds inaudible, increasing or decreasing one of the five senses for short amounts of time, telekinesis of small objects. All her basic magic skills are average. Swordsman – average. Horseback-riding – below average. Fancy etiquette – above average.

Equipment: Marilyn owns an average steel sword of moderate length and mid-grade make. Her most beloved object is a large, well-worn book with a leather cover and sturdy pages. Her uncle gave it to her when she first began to study under him, and it contains every note and observation she has ever made on magic and science. The book itself has magical properties and cannot be read by anyone who does not know the password to reveal its contents.

08-03-08, 08:12 AM
The sword may be made of steel.

As for her skills, please give more detailed descriptions for exactly what kind of magic she has, as well as a skill rating for her wilderness survival, swordsmanship and horseback riding. As of right now she can be Below Average, Average or Above Average. If you need an example for the magic:

Water Manipulation - can manipulate up to a litre of water, drawing it out from the very ground and twisting it into any shape she wishes.

08-03-08, 11:47 AM
I have made the required changes and I have a question. I noticed on other profiles that writers were made to lessen some skills to below average. Wouldn't that make the skill no longer much of a skill? It seems like the point of listing it is that they are at least good enough to call it a skill, and if they can do something below average then it might as well not be listed. I ask this in expectation that you will require the same of my character.

08-03-08, 02:51 PM
In terms of skill rating for Althanas we have Below Average, Average, Above Average, Advanced, Mastered and Legendary with Average being compared to that of your every day foot soldier trained in that weapon. So, below average is still a skill level, you can wield the weapon or use the skill to a degree with that level, you're just not going to pull off any crazy Jackie Chan moves. And yes, please make one of your skills below average.

Can you please list exactly what she can do with the light and fire? As for the charms, please do not list it as 'such as', please list all the charms she knows and posesses. That goes for your averal magic and the 'similar easy spells'. I need you to list everything, just keep in mind she's only level zero and not very strong right now.

08-08-08, 02:08 PM
Skills edited.

08-12-08, 08:16 AM
She has a bit too much magic to start off with, get rid of one of them, I'd say maybe the telekinesis but the descision is up to you. As far as dampening one of the five senses, an affect like that would only last for about thirty seconds, same with making sound inaudible.