View Full Version : Bloody Sapling [0]

08-04-08, 06:40 PM
Name: Riful. While there is no last name, she also lays claim to Caroline and Sera, as well.
Age: Eight years old.
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blonde.
Eye Color: Brown.
Height: Four feet, five inches.
Weight: Ninety five pounds.
Occupation: Assassin, informant, spy, Occasional beggar.

Personality: One would certainly not expect the behavior that comes out of such a sweet looking little girl when she's not trying to con people. As Alphonse's soul was placed into his daughter's empty body, he has retained all of his bad habits, which include his love of bawdy, ribald jokes, his love for swearing, his tobacco and gambling addiction, and his hate of the Salvic government and it's king. As Riful expectedly has trouble acquiring tobbaco, she's usually ill tempered and chews toothpicks or grinds her teeth. She's very good at acting lovable and innocent, and tends to be creative with her lies.

Appearance: A petite young girl with evidences of her old sickness still about her, Riful has large, expressive brown eyes ringed with dark circles and gold blonde har, braided in a ring around her head. She wears a brown colored, specially tailored coat with brass buttons that mirrors the coats of the Salvic guards, a tight fitting cream colored tunic beneath, brown trousers, with a wide leather belt around the waist, and brown leather shoes with curled toes. While the barber Alphonse managed to maintain much of his original personality, as Riful, some of his daughter's old mannerisms are still present, such as the way she walks. Upon the nape of her neck, Riful bears a perfectly circular scar.

History: Alphonse Everret was always an easy man to get along with; his pleasant and friendly attitude brought him easily through both grade school and college, so when he unexpectedly chose to be a barber, it was little surprise that within months, he was grooming the upper echelons of society. However, beneath the pleasantness was a smoldering loathing for his noble customers. Alphonse had been raised in an eastern fiefdom under a baron who sought out every reason to tax his people. His parent's scraped and struggled and bled to gather the crowns to send him to a good school - two years into his stay, his parents were executed by the baron for charges of treason and conspiracy to murder.

As is the case with barbers, Alphonse's clients would stupidly warm up to his friendly and humorous behaviour and, unthinkingly, spill some of their more painful secrets. At first, the barber simply memorized them, gleeful over the dirty laundry he possessed of the men and women that held their blue blood in such haughty manner.

Then Alphonse met fair haired Abbigail, married, and had a daughter who was terribly sick from the day of her birth. Thankfully, the barber had been saving his excellent tips for just such an emergency, and was a mere five hundred gold peices away from sending their daughter to an excellent hospital in Raiaera.

And then, as if by fate, brutal civil war broke between church and state. Taxes came heavy and fast in war time, and his daughter's hospital fund was bled rapidly away. Furious and miserable, Alphonse struggled to blackmail a few trusting nobles, and when they threatened to have him killed, the barber brought his damning evidence straight to the hands of the men of King Iorlan Lord Rathaxea I. They were jailed a mere day afterwards, and the barber became an informant and violent agent provocateur of the church. During the time, one of the noblemen that Alphonse helped imprison bought Abbigail's blood to spill, and then the barber's sick daughter had only her father in the world.

After a mere month of his work, a spy in the church managed to uncover his work and brought his name up to the Salvic soldiers. With his cover blown, Alphonse was assured a drawn out and painful death at the hands of the authorities, but one of the priests of the Church approached him with a wild, nearly insane alternative. As his daughter began to succumb to her long illnesses in the cold Salvic hospital, the priest drew on a piece of the shattered Tap he had stumbled across in his spiritual search for the Sway. He tore Alphonse's soul from the barber's body, and as the child died, he stitched it into her body.

When the authorities came for Alphonse, he was found dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound. His sick daughter was nowhere to be found.


The Cloak of Nothing
A spell Riful seems to instinctually know. By pulling on that bit of the Tap the old priest had found, Riful can incredibly pull the very fabric of reality around herself like a cloak and vanish from sight for up to twenty seconds at a time. The cloak even erases her footsteps as she wears it. When the spell breaks, it requires a few moments to seemingly recharge before use again*.
((*Usable once every three posts.))

Drawing again on the energy of the sliver of the Tap, Riful waves a hand through the air and speaks one simple word - "Silence". This spell causes all noise in the room she currently inhabits to become vague and muddy; whispers are nigh inaudible, shouts are heard at common speaking level. The effect tends to last up to a full minute, and has a faster recharge than the cloak*.
((*Usable once a post, every other post.))

Daggerform - Above Average
Riful's small, dextrous hands are becoming skilled with the use of small blades - whether it be her straight razor or a pocket knife picked up at the market. She tends to use her small, nimble form to get inside of an opponent's guard (as well as her gender and age) to deal painful or crippling blows.


Child's body
Though Riful is not hesitant to deal a killing blow, being only eight years old is a severe weakness in combat. She tends to take more damage from blows, especially heavy, damaging strikes, such as from large swords, maces or hammers, and can very rarely block or parry attacks from opponents. Additionally, having been sick for most of her life, she tends to tire easily, so a battle drawing past twenty minutes will overcome her.

Equipment: Aside from her clothes, Riful has few belongings. She has the steel and oak straight razor she weilded as Alphonse, but aside from that, the pockets of her coat are lined with a few gold peices, some hard, lemon flavored cakes, a spool of black thread and a needle, and a small bottle of styptic and disinfectant.

Zook Murnig
08-04-08, 10:32 PM
Approved with 100 EXP bonus.