View Full Version : Hey folks

Cyrus the virus
08-05-08, 01:23 AM
I've taken a good break and I feel up to writing again. Not too much, maybe only two threads at a time or so (especially with the fall semester looming), but I'm ready to have some fun.

Anything different or updated that I should know about?

08-05-08, 10:48 AM
Glad to have you back, this place missed you. It's Pagoda month, and there's a new podcast, but otherwise this place is the same.

Cyrus the virus
08-05-08, 01:03 PM
Thank you! I missed it myself. I'll check out that podcast :D

08-05-08, 08:37 PM
Welcome back, ya uberpowered mage! :D

*Points a finger towards Godhand's new collection*

Cyrus the virus
08-05-08, 08:45 PM
Thanks Raven!

Godhand's new collection, you say?

Zook Murnig
08-05-08, 10:30 PM
His adamantine murasama has a sheath that absorbs magic. But if it absorbs too much, it explodes very dangerously.

Cyrus the virus
08-06-08, 12:04 AM
Oh, I remember that. I haven't been away that long.

08-06-08, 12:34 AM
Well, then there's his Vlince ballistic vest and infrared gas mask.


*Sneakz away into the recesses of the Intarweb*

08-06-08, 01:05 PM
This is a miracle and I want you to fucking acknowledge it!

So hey, you're back! That's cool. The Black Maria is waiting on you, but if you're not interested in continuing that quest it's perfectly fine. Otherwise... Oh, Sighter and Ashiakin are back. Not much else has happened that hasn't been mentioned, to my recollection.

Cyrus the virus
08-06-08, 01:41 PM
Oh! I'll look into continuing that, then :) Maybe tomorrow, since I work today. Woo.

Visla Eraclaire
08-06-08, 05:00 PM
You suck. Go play more Bioshock in the dark, fag.

Cyrus the virus
08-06-08, 10:12 PM
I like your hazel eyes, princess.

Visla Eraclaire
08-07-08, 06:30 AM
You're so sweet, how could I ever hate you.

Cyrus the virus
08-07-08, 12:57 PM
You could be constantly thinking of how much more women like me.

Visla Eraclaire
08-07-08, 04:27 PM
I don't share your taste in women, so that won't work. We're after very different women, I think.

08-07-08, 05:51 PM
Can't you two just make out already? The sexual tension is killing us.

Welcome back, Matt (IV)

Cyrus the virus
08-08-08, 12:27 AM
Thanks Corz.

Anyone want to do a light quest with any of my characters? I'm just looking to do a bit of writing.

08-08-08, 08:20 AM
I'd like Xos to learn to manipulate elements in a manner similar to the way Cyrus does, and a teacher/student quest would work nicely but I have no more details than that.
(Xos is of course another character account of mine.)

Cyrus the virus
08-08-08, 10:09 AM

That sounds neat. Luc would need IC reasoning, though!

08-08-08, 04:26 PM
I don't know cyrus's mind, but perhaps the winds of fate, however convienient an excuse they may be, blow each other together for a quest. I know Luc's evil, and Xos is good, so it's especially difficult, but I'm working on it. It would have to be something in the grey area. Xos's reasoning is easy, he needs a mentor of sorts. The rest would be based on what we did.

Hmm. As more details arise, I'll fill you in. If you have any to share, let me know.
Meanwhile, my mind needs to relax and unwind.

08-08-08, 05:17 PM
I also would be interested in something light to get back in the swing of things, if you have any interest in this character. I don't know what your other characters are or what their compatibility with this one might be, so you can make the call.

08-08-08, 08:56 PM
Alright, Inspiriation has struck. I personally blame the newgrounds audio portal where I was discovering new music I found interesting. In the proper account...

I'll eschew Xos's mid-level update for now, just take it for granted there's been some changes.

So, it's a bright clear sunny day. I don't know where Luc is ICly at the moment, but this quest heads into some ruins in Dheathain, in the Neamh mountains, or more specifically, beneath them.

As it turns out sometime in the far distant past before Dheathain had recorded history, there was once a group of rogue Fae/Draconian hybrids who were just as good at science as the Alerarians, if not better. But they also highly excelled at Magic.
So what did they do? They combined them into Magiscience. Literally, the science of magic, or the magic of science, however you wish to say it. Everything they built, engineered, or accomplished was a hybrid effort between magic and science.
Perhaps if circumstances had been different, no one ever would've known they existed, preferring as they did to dwell peacefully under the mountains. However, their own hubris wiped them out. Knowing they were the most advanced society on the planet they endeavored to make an item that would both forever secure their own peace, and make the rest of the world remember them forever. As it was, the item was a weapon known as The Omega Bomb.

The Omega Bomb, it was the ultimate fusion of Magic and Science. Stories say if it were to ever go off, the geography of the world would be altered permanently. And it did go off, but not like Dracofae hoped. Infact, it only wiped them out, end of story?

So here it is thousands of years in the future. The Omega Bomb has restored itself, and is now at full power, and it's calling out for a master...

Why Luc's motivated: Besides preventing the complete devestation of the world by hands other than his own, he might very well be intrested in the reminants of their knowledge. They were quite advanced in magic, and mixing it with science makes something even more powerful. If knowledge isn't his taste, then certainly some of the items left behind might be, those that still function. For instance, he might be intrested in the arcane equivalent of an amplifier. Deep in the ruins is a crystal pendant that doubles one's magical might. More can be lifted/moved/created, and spells can be cast even further distances. Regardless of tastes, there are some pretty intresting items to be had.

Why Xos is needed: Xos not only has magic power, he also has a deep range of scientific knowledge due to his hailing from another reality so far advanced in science as to make the Alerarians look primitive. Along the way, Xos gets trapped pretty easily by some petty obsticals and traps, obsticals Luc can simply wave away by manipulating the proper elements. Irritated by Xos's getting stuck every few rooms, Luc decides to show Xos the basics of element manipulation. Just the basics mind you, no wise master reveals all his secrets. Thus, I get what I want, you get a borderline light/easy quest to get back into the swing of things, and if you so choose, you get a new toy!

Again, if you wish to modify some part of this, lemme know.

Cyrus the virus
08-15-08, 09:02 PM
Took a while to get through that. I don't really think that fits with what I'm looking for right now (something light and basic). I haven't written much on here in a while.

08-15-08, 10:08 PM
What about,

Same ruins, same society, no world threatening bomb about to go off, but instead a simple crystal orb calling out for a new master, one that has the ability to see into the future of another, perfectly.

For Cyrus, knowing what the future holds would yeild unlimited chances to alter it and further his own ends. For Xos, it yeilds the chance to stop evil in it's tracks wherever it might be.

We start off competitive, but after a particularly nasty trap have to work together to retrieve the orb. During the co-op section, Luc gets so irritated by Xos's simple inability to escape simple traps despite having great potential in his usage of magic that Luc decides to teach xos just a tiny bit of what he knows. Enough to get what I want, control over the elements in a manner to what Luc and Valanthe (will) do, but Xos's specialty lies with more abstract harder to explain easier to powergame concepts that will require some very good self-control to be able to actually have and use. Such as control over Physical Law, The STC, Chaos, and I still have some deciding to do. This teaching doesn't give away any of Luc's actual secrets, but it gives Xos something he never had, the basics ever caster should know.

Moving on, we get to the crystal ball, and have to decide what happens from there.

08-15-08, 10:39 PM
And as a warm up for Xos' suggestion, you could drop in and ask Lillian: 'Doodz, when did you get crippled?'

Kidding. Just wanted to say that whenever you find the time to post, you don't have to worry about making anything complicated. Light and basic is how I envision that quest anyway!

Cyrus the virus
08-16-08, 12:30 PM
I like that idea more, yeah.

'Raxis, you mean the quest with Lillian and Izvilvin in Scara Brae?

08-16-08, 02:07 PM
Yep! No Need for the Black Maria - link is in the signature. Should be short and sweet.

08-16-08, 03:10 PM
10-4 good buddy, I'll get the thread up, soonish. *soonish could be anywhere from an hour to 72 hours, absolute minimum of fifteen minutes.*


And here it is: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=129110#post129110

After about ten or fifteen posts I'll build up to and unleash the particularly nasty trap that convinces us Cooperation is better than competition.

Cyrus the virus
08-17-08, 05:20 AM
Okay, these two quests and Iz's quest with Witchy should be more than enough. I'm trying to set a decent pace of a post a week in each quest, which I realize isn't blistering, but at least I'm writing :p Thanks guys.