View Full Version : anyone want to help me shake the rust off of my tail?

08-10-08, 05:53 PM
I'm slowly coming back to Althanas.

I want to have maybe one or two quests to get going again and maybe get this character to do something fun.

I have a slight idea for a quest that involves getting a book out of a ruin or stealing it from a warlock^^ but I don't have the details yet.

08-10-08, 06:23 PM
Well, you could always come with Aiko, turning her solo into a regular quest. She's out to get items for a synthesis shop quest, but her past keeps getting in her way, literally. Seven powerful demons from The Pyre known as The Seven Deadly Sins, and their leader, the eighth known as Grandfather, will keep obstructing her progress. It's in three parts, all in Dheathain, except for one in which she enters the spirit realms in a dream and earns soul crystals, but that can come after the two main parts. It's all relativly easy going stuff though.

As for something along the lines of what you had in mind, After Valanthe's level one profile gets approved, I was gonna have her invade a magi's tower anyway to rescue a Genie lamp from the spellcaster's clutches. It ends with her getting a very unique familier after a struggle with said spellcaster.

08-10-08, 06:28 PM
yeah the later one would be best for me.

08-10-08, 06:34 PM
yeah the later one would be best for me.

Now if only her update would get approved.

As for details, she's currently in Raiaera, more specifically, she just left the red forest and doesn't want to remain in Raiaera any further. So location is entirely up to you, but a Warlock's tome could easily be found with a warlock's treasures near a Genie's lamp.

08-10-08, 08:20 PM
well since it's a Genie, how about Fallien?

08-10-08, 08:36 PM
Alright, Fallien it is.
Somewhere in the inner reaches of the country.

Edit: a review of Fallen lends the suggustion of The Ruins as a likely spot

08-10-08, 09:54 PM
So, as soon as I gets lvl 1 approved, we can get going.

08-10-08, 09:55 PM
ok let me know when you can

Crystal Suncrest
08-15-08, 08:45 AM
Seems you've already got a few people ready to quest with you.

I am willing to do so too, but you already know this from the PM I sent you.

08-15-08, 08:48 AM
Crystal, it's only one person whose posted in this thread so far.

Aiko, Valanthe, Xos, Destrudo, Rahegalhoff, Esmerelda, Irene, we're all the same.

Crystal Suncrest
08-15-08, 12:07 PM
Yeah, figured that out soon after I posted.