View Full Version : Brb

08-13-08, 01:38 PM
So like one of you may have noticed that I haven't been around much the past few days. I'm currently in the process of moving all of my shithe up to school before classes start. The past couple days I got a lot of the furniture moved up, but now I'm back home again getting my computer and other things.

The problem is I don't have interwebz at my apartment yet, and I don't know how long it's going to take to get it (I hope the cable company isn't gonna be stupid about it). I'm also going out of town for a wedding this weekend then classes start next week.

I just wanted to let yall know I probably won't be around Althanas for at least a week or so. Maybe two. I will be back, but I'm not really sure when.

The main people this concerns are my pagoda battles (mainly Koran) and my clan. So I'm taking leave or whatever for a while.

I'll be on tonight but I head back to school tomorrow. So uh... later.

08-14-08, 11:51 AM



lol have fun with all that, I might have to move around this weekend... @.@ which sucks, bad.