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08-16-08, 04:35 PM
There was a chill wind in the air. It was obvious by the dark storm clouds that Xos would have to find some cover soon. But the cave was nearby, so he was good. He wondered if the clouds held rain, snow, or both. Mountains commonly held snow, and indeed he was in the mountains, but the large area of swamps not more than twenty miles away commonly did not hold snow, it was usually to hot and steamy. Xos was not very high up in the Neamh mountains after all.

He wished The Omni could've sent him somewhere more pleasant, like the depths of a nice cozy library, not hunting for an obscure cave to some civilization he was supposed to be studying. Although, the closer he got, the more inclined to keep going he was. Were he more experienced, he'd recognize the signs of a powerful magical artifact calling out for a master, and with Xos being in it's range, it was pulling Xos towards it.

Xos finally finished going around a particularly large mountain that was in his way. It took him three days to get around it. Of course, he was stuck walking. Now if he could fly, but that wasn't yet possible for Xos. He contemplated abandoning his quest to return to The Citadel in Radasanth and go back to the moon where he had recently fought a battle, but resisted the urge.

No, Xos was fully within the lure of whatever was leading him on, and absentmindedly, Xos pushed his way through some bushes and into a cave fully hidden by them. If he wasn't called by an object he probably would've missed the cave entirely and gone his entire life without knowing about the cave he was in. But that was alright, it was this cave he was supposed to be in anyways, and it was dark.

Causing a ball of fire to come into being, he held it in his hand, or more accuratly let it hover three inches above his hand, Xos used his unthrown fireball as he made his way into the cave.

"Remind me why this lost society is so interesting again." Xos called out.
"Because, you are a man of science, and of magic. This society held both. The intellectual value alone is tremendous." Omni answered in a surprisingly normal voice that sounded exactly like Xos's own.

Xos went down the cave and turned a corner, putting the fireball out because it became no longer neccessary, as Xos's hand brushed against a hidden switch in the wall.

First a great hum could be heard from within the ginormous cavern, and at this point Xos still had the fireball. It was when the massive walls of what turned out to be a hollowed out mountain began to glow softly that it ceased to be neccessary to keep the fire active.

Indeed, the walls of the hollow mountain glowed softly, as did lights from great towering buildings within the mountain. Though some had collapsed, many still stood, but of those that stood, at least half looked so fragile as to collapse under the might of a single sneeze.

Plant life had crept into the cave, which boasted a dirt floor. Xos had heard of a place called Alerar, the most scientifically advanced nation in all of Althanas. This place looked to be perhaps four or five advancements ahead.

Clearly this place had been a city, with housing, farms, schools, a market, and a government. So why it's occupants vanished, Xos didn't know. One door was open, and Xos peeked inside. it was clearly a house. Xos recognised furniture in a sitting area, a kitchen for food, and rooms for sleeping. The kitchen seemed to have a block that was enchanted to heat up, and Xos realised it was a cooking implement. It could open up where it was clearly designed to get even hotter. Xos read about archaic things known as stoves, and this was what it clearly was, but Xos saw no cord for electricity, instead it ran on magic. He turned from the red metal block, and looked at a blue metallic block. Could this then be a refrideration unit? Indeed it must've beem for it's insides were still cold, though something green was living on the bottom.

Xos returned to the sitting room and examined a large crystal plaque set on a writing desk. Touching it, it began to glow, and after a few seconds, words were displayed on it, though Xos could not recognize what they said. It seemed to be awaiting instruction though. Xos touched an image on the plaque, and the crystal became completly transparent, displaying an image of a creature Xos recognised as half-Draconian, half-fae. It seemed to be dressed in protective armor, and seemed to be caught in act of pretending to be a warrior. At least Xos thought the Draco-fae was pretending.
"Hah!" Xos said aloud realising what the plaque was.
"So they developed an archaic form of computer technology based on magic. Clearly they must've had some skilled scientists at their beck and call. Indeed, they are an interesting society. I am intrigued." Xos said. He turned and left the small building, and walking around the corner, saw a shadow moving his way. He wasn't alone!
"Who's There!" Xos called out, ready for anything. Well, maybe not a fight with swords, his wizardly robes would offer no protection from a bladed weapon.

Cyrus the virus
08-19-08, 12:05 PM
Flanked by disheveled shrubbery that was recently shoved aside, the cave's gaping maw overlooked a shallow step which barely left ground-level. The environment's flora reached up higher than the cave mouth, hiding the manmade cavern from even the sky, though it was still possible for the soaring Luc Kraus to sight the anomaly thanks in no small part to his magical sense.

Moving at far greater speeds than his physical body could allow, a gaseous, wind-formed Luc whisked down through the air and became solid on the plateau's rocky surface. The sudden physical touch of the ground was always a shock, but the mage was used to the sensation.

He stood before the cave's entrance, hands on his hips as the wind blew his cape and hair to his right. It had been a long time since he followed the call of a magical relic, but the pulse of this one was keen and vibrant.

Rain began to fall, thick drops accompanied by the distant roar of thunder. Luc took it as his cue to enter, so he did just that.

The walls themselves, Luc saw upon entering, glowed with bright white light yet did not irritate the eyes. More interestingly, the mage didn't sense any magic coming from them - some other kind of power was at work here. This revelation only spurred him forward, down a path of broken tiles, intruding weeds and disturbed dirt, to a large cavern that held within it the remains of an entire civilization.

Impressed, the mage took in the scenery for a few moments, remaining silent as his eyes swept across what remained. Ghosts of the past whispered to him faintly, though he wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not.

He took gratuitous steps forward, boots crunching gently against the dirt, soaking up the possibility of being the first living being to step foot here in some time. It was obvious from the look of the place that it was deserted, or at least that civilization had abandoned it, but to find homeless, hopeless inhabitants was not out of the question.

Right on cue, Xos spoke. Luc couldn't find him quickly enough, so he stopped moving. He didn't respond, but readied a spell just in case.

Finally Luc saw him standing near a building. Beyond the man was a building the same color of his clothing, Luc wondered if it had been intentional.

He smirked. "Luc Kraus. Famous I may be in some lands, but I doubt my name has crept all the way down into Althanas's crevices."

08-20-08, 07:10 PM
“Luc Kraus, I’ve heard of you indeed, a pleasure to meet a legendary magi.” Xos said. He looked around the great cavern, pausing for a few moments, knowing the concept of Luc’s reputation preceding him even here would feed the man’s ego.
“I hate to disappoint you though, but this civilization is completely abandoned. I accidentally triggered some sort of a switch in the wall when I myself came here only minutes before you. It turned on the lights, and is making the generators hum in the distance. I’ve heard of a place called Alerar, the most scientifically advanced nation on the planet. I wonder, it seems this place was slightly ahead of the dark elves. I wonder why it was abandoned. Starvation? Plague? Enemy invasion? Who knows, certainly not me, but perhaps there is a mainframe somewhere in those towers in the distance I can access that will tell me more, provided I can find someway of translating their language. Maybe they have some obscure version of common available in their computers.” Xos said.


A crystal ball, made of a rare red crystal the color of blood and mounted on a gold pedestal, flickered to life. It had been calling for a master, gently. Sensing two potential masters in it’s domain, it used it’s own powers to get a better look at both Luc Kraus and Xos Xilanthese. Both were potentially great masters, but only one could possess it.

It was attached to the central system. It activated the main computers that once drove this mighty society.

Close enough to Xos and Luc to get their attention…

A crystal slate, similar to the one Xos found in the house, flickered into life attached to a guard house in the middle of the street. Xos noticed it, and pointed to it.
“Ehh? What’s going on over there?” he asked, and walked in the direction of the crystal.
This slate swiveled to the two magi and began speaking an automated greeting message, first in the societies natural language, which was close to modern Dheath, and then in Common.
“Welcome to Fiorain, home of the Draco-fae. We have not had any visitors in many centuries. President Axmor invites you to the main palace at your earliest convenience. Regrettably, there seems to be no one in office. The guild of traders invites you to the magnificent shopping district, where goods from the outside world are always welcomed. Regrettably, the shopping district seems to be in disrepair, a notice has been sent to the maintence guild. Regrettably, the maintence guild seems to be unavailable, the office of the government has been notified. Fatal system error, the office of the government is completely vacant. Searching city for any living Fiorainians. Warning, no Fiorainians in existence. Intruders detected, activating defence systems, error, no defence systems detected, shutting down automated greeting system.” The crystal said, and then the plaque became silent.

“Intresting, I heard archaic computers in my world were a hassle to deal with, now I guess I get to witness in person just how much of a hassle they can be without a good AI. So, wanna explore the city with me?” Xos asked.

The crystal slate flickered into action again.
“Greetings visitors, I’ve been waiting for so long, so very long for someone to come. I’m alone in this crypt, without a master to rule me. Won’t someone save Gypsy’s Orb of Fortunes?” the image of a red orb said. Well, it didn’t actually say anything, it printed the words on the screen. Then the crystal fell apart.
“Gypsy’s orb of fortunes?” Xos asked.