View Full Version : New guy

08-17-08, 04:45 PM
Yeah, new here. I was tortured into coming by my friend, oren.

08-17-08, 05:00 PM
You poor sucker.
I mean welcome, welcome.

Raven will be along shortly to gnaw on your ankles and take your straight jacket size. Realise there is no escapinging from this point on.

I meanwhile will go clean out room 101 where they had temporarily suspended the "EXPERIMENTS" where you will be personally assisting in their resuming of experimentation.

08-17-08, 05:02 PM
:( I'm hurt, accusing me of such a horrible thing!

It wasn't torture, it was more like my special inherited ability to nag, and annoy people to death. I just can't believe your tolerance level was so high it took me almost a YEAR to get you onto here.

Welcome to Althanas *FINALLY!*

08-17-08, 05:09 PM
You would have to capture me first, and I would make it extremely difficult for you.

Make a clear note in the logs. I came here of my own volition.

08-17-08, 08:21 PM
Darnit. My cover has been blown'd.



*Gnaws on your ankle*

Welcome to Althanas, friend of Oren! If you have any questions, IM one of us Mods or counter-nag your friend for information. I know that works sometimes. Oh, yes. Don't mind the crazier ones here. We have straightjackets for everyone.

Yours should arrive in the mail within a week, Nyan. :D

08-17-08, 08:28 PM
Are you one of those guys she's always talking about?

08-17-08, 08:47 PM
Yes, hello. Next time, I'll have to remember to wear steel greaves.

You'd have to ask her about that.

08-17-08, 09:13 PM
We have straightjackets for everyone.

I didn't get a straightjacket when I joined. I got cookies >=D
Much more delicious and made of people and familliars.

O_o; When was I talking about him?

08-17-08, 09:33 PM
Hey, welcome to Althanas! I'm new myself, but I think I'm qualified to tell you that it's very welcoming. Enjoy yourself.

Also, the only way I've found of getting AdventWings to stop biting your ankles is to have someone bite his in return. Good luck with that.

08-17-08, 09:40 PM
*Gnaws Advent's ankles*


08-17-08, 09:43 PM
Drats! Someone has discover'd my Achilles Heel!

*Runs up a tree for cover*

Oh, yeah. We forgot to deliver yours, Oren. I'll have a shipment sent over for your other recruits as well. :D

08-17-08, 09:46 PM
*Turns into a monkey and climbs up the tree after Advent*

08-17-08, 09:48 PM
Heh. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

08-17-08, 10:55 PM
Oh, yeah. We forgot to deliver yours, Oren. I'll have a shipment sent over for your other recruits as well. :D

O_o; My other recruits are a bit busy being scary outside of Althanas.

Ahh well.... I will stop haunting this thread and see what quest I can do.

Terminus Mortis
08-18-08, 03:18 PM
We're like the antidote to the drug Oren gave you to get you here. Now if you stop taking us regularly you'll die.

Welcome to the site.