View Full Version : Althanas, Fallout style

08-19-08, 01:24 PM
So, here's the thing. Oddly enough, I feel like writing and the activity in the threads I'm currently in can't quite cater to my desire to write. I'm not blaming anyone, though, since I bailed out on a bunch of stuff when I took my hiatus. But, that aside, I really want to write. I can't write very well right now, I but I still want to do it. And also, I'm very eager to play the new Fallout game. So I figured, why not mix the two?

The basic idea is this and it practically abuses liquid time. Some time in the future (a thousand years, perhaps more), the face of Althanas is drastically changed. You have sandstorms, toxic wastelands, mutated stuff, civilization crumbled, basically your run-of-the-mill post apocalyptic setting. If you ever played the Fallout games or watched any movie that deals with destruction of mankind as we know it (I am Legend), you probably get the picture. How, you ask, can we use our characters in such a setting? Simple.

A bunch of distant relatives of our characters still exist in this time. Gran-gran-gran-gran-gran daughters, cousins, whatevers. A bunch of these find themselves in a gang of sorts, a camaraderie of scavengers that scout the wastelands in search for useful things. And one of the things they discover (at the start of this quest) is an uber-secret underground research facility. Well, not so uber-secret since they did find it. Anyways, in it they find a quirky machine that has this pretty nifty ability. It takes a DNA sample of an individual and from it it can extract the DNA of someone's forefathers (The game Assassin's Creed uses a similar idea, only to retrieve memories from the DNA). So our future adventurers fiddle around with the stuff and somebody pushes a button and BAM!, the machine takes a sample of everyone and clones our characters. And we all find ourselves in a future, and the outlook is pretty crappy.

From there, we can play it by ear. I was thinking of something Resident Evilish, where we kill a bunch of mutated shit with guns and stuff. Oh yeah, our characters wind up dead in the end. But who gives a damn, right? They're just clones. I know the idea isn't too fresh or original, but I think it could give us access to a very different and possibly very interesting setting.

Anyways, I need two active people for this. And by active I mean that you can be able to post 24-48 hours after your turn comes to post. That's the only requirement.

Also, if you have ideas how to improve this idea, feel free to post. Nothing is set in stone. Well nothing other than the cool Fallout setting, of course. Also, naturally you have to change your avy into one from Fallout. ;)

08-19-08, 01:49 PM
I'm totally in for something like this. The idea sounds very interesting and I'd like to see what sort of crazy things we can do when we're trying to explain and craft the use of past, future, and present in something like this.

As for ideas, I've got a couple if you'd prefer to talk over AIM and all that.

08-19-08, 01:49 PM
Hell yes.

08-19-08, 01:55 PM
This sounds so cool.

08-19-08, 02:34 PM
Hell, I hate saying no to people, so all three of you are in. But do keep in mind the one requirement I mentioned. A few deviations from the rule I'm cool with, but I want this thing to move a bit faster, so if you can't keep up, you'll probably meet an untimely death at the hand of something very awful. ;)

I'll have the thread up tomorrow most likely, since I'm dead tired today.

08-19-08, 03:03 PM
Rest until party is healed.

08-19-08, 03:14 PM
Nah. I'll rest until morning. :P

The story we have so far (Saxon and I came up with the rough outline) is that there's this Mad Maxish barbarian horde ruling the land and our people get in a fight with them once the clones are up and running. We get our asses kicked and have to run, then run into the dominion of this mutant that has a huge brain with which he controls zombies and creates illusions (yay for RE!). Once we make our way through wads of zombies, we discover that the mutant is actually a pretty ok guy that wants to destroy the barbarian horde. So he helps us infiltrate the horde's city which is like sealed and behind high walls and whatnot. We go in, kick ass, get killed and detonate a bomb or something.

As I said, it's a rough outline. We'll just hash out the details as we go. As I said before, suggestions are welcome and encouraged.

08-19-08, 09:37 PM
If it's still not too late to join the party, can I... well, join the party?

Artifex Felicis
08-19-08, 09:48 PM
It took under half an hour to get the entire thing filled up to 4 people. Wow.

Ah bugger, I don't think I can get in at this point. 6 is more then a bit unwieldy as it is. If a spot opens up or someone gets killed in story or something I'll be open.

*kicks pebble*

Never get to write with Letho.

Caden Law
08-19-08, 10:43 PM
While I'm not in and am not interested in volunteering, feel free to use some variant of N'Thayn'sal (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=105891&postcount=1), the Althanas where everything went wrong. D:

Incidentally, if Althanas characters were subjected to the Vault treatment, Caden would be the poor bastard stuck in Vault 69...and he still wouldn't get laid.

08-20-08, 03:13 PM
So when's this show getting on the road, Letho?

08-20-08, 03:32 PM
On the road. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17083)

To Ataraxis and Artifex: Sorry, but perhaps next time. Four is already more than I initially planned on, and adding more would be very tough to handle.

And Caden, thanks for the offer, but I think we'll run with our own version. After all, that's where the fun lies; creating your own version of the future.

08-20-08, 03:35 PM
I want second post guys, I'll start it right now!

08-20-08, 03:55 PM
I'll finish my post right after whoever when I get back.

08-23-08, 04:34 PM
Alright, Letho. Numbers told me to start applying the thumb screws if you don't post soon. Com'n man, we need ya'! ;)

08-25-08, 03:20 PM
The world conspires against me, I swear!

I know it's probably rather hypocritical of me to ask activity and then offer none in return, but life's been a bitch the last couple of days. I had to work extra hours on work and then when I thought that the sweet sweetness of the weekend would come and allow me to post, my boss told me that I had to work over the weekend too. And at home, I had some family over pretty much the entire Sunday. We made great pizza, though, so the day wasn't entirely wasted.

Anyways, that bull aside, I will be posting first thing tomorrow. You have my apologies.

08-25-08, 03:54 PM
At least I won't have to post on my work days. :p

This week. >.>

08-25-08, 04:51 PM
I guess we can forgive you. This time.

But you only need one thumb to type. Remember that.

09-02-08, 02:10 PM
So...Saxon...what was this about thumb screws?

The Writing Writer
09-02-08, 02:45 PM
ME! PLEASE GOD!! AAAHHHH OH NOOO!!!! Why am I always too late!? T_T

09-02-08, 03:12 PM
So...Saxon...what was this about thumb screws?

They're the same screws I'm going to be applying to Numbers if he doesn't fucking post. I asked him to go ahead before me, but hey, I guess the responsibility falls on me so I guess I should go post.

*Grumbles something about how intuitive hindsight is such bullshit*

09-02-08, 03:15 PM
It's intuitive hindsight. So it's not such bullshit. :p

Maybe when Karu gets in on the thread. Maybe.

09-02-08, 03:39 PM

09-02-08, 03:59 PM
is it too late for me and my friends to join? i got two others who should join

09-02-08, 04:22 PM
Letho didn't want it to get out of hand, so yes, the thread is already closed.

09-10-08, 10:51 AM
Well, this fell on it's ass.

09-10-08, 02:21 PM
Yeah, and at the very beginning. If Numbers were so much as on AIM, I'd poke him...should we wait for him a bit, or skip him?

09-10-08, 03:58 PM
Skip him. I'll have a post up tomorrow. If he's not around for the next round of posts either, I'll write him out. Probably in a bloody, violent way. ;)

Tainted Bushido
09-10-08, 07:16 PM
Bloody Mess FTW!

09-13-08, 09:12 AM
I think we can officially throw out 'blaming people for posting late/not at all' when only 1 of 4 of us posts on time.

And that '1' isn't me, either. ;)

09-28-08, 03:44 PM
The time of death;

9/28/08 4:44 PM.

I've checked this thread for the last time for updates. If it's revived again let me know by AIM, otherwise I'm out. *draws a circle in the air with a finger and then wanders off*

09-28-08, 05:04 PM
Sorry guys, my bad.

I probably made some stupid continuity errors, just shout at me and I'll try to remedy them.