View Full Version : One Day Nearer to Dying

Les Misérables
08-24-08, 02:00 PM
Closed to Destrudo.

The smell of matured mead blended with the sedative scent of the polished oak furniture and floor. Phyr Saresh swished the beverage once more around the tumbler, clockwise, then lowered the glass and drank deeply. His throat bobbed like an inquisitive ferret as he drank, a crooked protrusion from his sickly sunken body. He sighed, a sound of deep rooted satisfaction, and set the empty vessel down with resounding authority.

The one-armed drow sat in the middle of a sea of empty chairs and tables. He faced the door, always waiting for it to open. His curving pointed ears awaited the familiar squack of the brass hinges. Quite intentionally, Phyr had never fed them even a drop of oil. Behind him, the long smooth bartop beckoned with welcoming wooden stools and seductive, sparkling bottles. A squat, fat bottle rested on the back counter, cork out, half full of dwarven mead.

Phyr placed his hand on the sturdy oaken table and heaved himself upright, then picked up his tumbler. He shuffled behind the bar to pour himself another glass of comraderie and comfort. The lapping sound of liquid splashing into the vessel replaced the swish of his worn and torn garments. Something that was almost a smile ghosted across the ancient soldier's scarred face. He had come to Scara Brae with nothing to his name, but life was made easy by the Dajas Pagoda. The former beggar had money, a place to sleep, and all the booze he could oggle, let alone drink.

A sound like a dying parrot's last words filled the tavern. Phyr glanced over his shoulder, saw that the door was opening. The drow knew he had to defend his position, but barely thought of the upcoming kill as a battle. Battle implied there was a chance he would not emerge victorious.

"What are you drinking?" He called in common, the friendly tone of his voice sounding similar to a barley sack splitting open. He leaned his elbow on the bartop and grinned ghoulishly at the entrance.

08-24-08, 04:40 PM
Destrudo was back in Scara Brae. N'jal summoned him home, back to Chronus, but the ship had had booked passage on lied about their destination. No matter, they would pay for it later. For now, he wanted someone to vent his anger upon. Some street beggar no one would notice, or some homeless orphan? No, too easy. He wanted someone to put up a fight, to feel their misery and suffering. The Dajas Pagoda. Yes, he would make the heirarchs suffer his wrath. Perhaps he'd even take out the grandmaster.

Destrudo had grand dreams indeed, and after visiting the pagoda, he learned of a heirarch that was presently unoccupied, so he found himself here, and this empty tavern. His black leather clothes showed his read hair and eyes nicely. A dagger was tucked in his belt, but at such an angle that it was clear he didn't use it often, if ever at all. His gloved hands belied his true skill, as they were held always at the ready. The one feature that was most memorable, was the red outline of energy surrounding his body.

"I drink on the sweetness of your pain and suffering, and dine on a side of your sorrow. But it seems you'll be a disapointment, your missing an arm after all. Your just trash, rubbish to be thrown out on the morning tide. Allow me to be your executioner." Destrudo said with a sneer, using his supernatural voice to it's fullest power as he came in and stopped by a chair. The squeak of the hinges irritated him somewhat, he would've preferred to take his opponet by surprise.

He wasted no time in starting the fight, picking up the chair nearby and hurling it at his opponet, following the chair to his opponet. Destrudo wanted this fight to be quick, and deadly.