View Full Version : From Me and Zook

Skie and Avery
09-01-08, 06:07 PM
I wanted to pop in while we were at a wifi spot to apologize (especially me to Godhand) about being gone so long. We were sure we'd have internet at the new apartment by now. =( Here's hoping things work out soon, we miss you all!

09-01-08, 06:12 PM
Relax; I place the blame on the wait entirely on that other broad. Rumplegrumplepuss.

Visla Eraclaire
09-01-08, 06:31 PM
Especially to VISLA. You have a welcoming committee here on hold. Get your bitch ass onto the internet.

09-02-08, 04:58 AM
Oh, ok. I was wondering where you disappeared to... ^^;

-waits for your post in that salvar thread-

09-02-08, 09:42 PM
Godhand go chew on yourself, I've been fighting with my traitor of a muse lately. Beating her doesn't seem to be helping.

Manda, hope everything gets settled soon. I hate using a phone to talk to you, I'm postitive they are tapped or something.

Visla Eraclaire
09-02-08, 10:59 PM
Personification of simple human quality FTL

09-03-08, 09:01 AM
Get back soon, Manda (and Matt). We all miss you!

Skie and Avery
09-04-08, 04:45 PM
Good news, everyone! We now have the interwebs! As soon as I figure out how to run Firefox and AIM at the same time (Matt's laptops are all Macs. I miss my PC!), I'll be on there. =D Matt's at work, but he'll be home in a couple of hours and likely online, too.

09-04-08, 05:33 PM
*stands up and gives Manda a standing Ovation* Congratulations!

I still want the recipe to that cake you made Zook for his birthday though, it looked good.

*presents Manda with a totally safe, warm, soft, chewy cookie in the variety of her choice, the rarest and most valuable kind of Althy cookie!*

09-04-08, 08:28 PM
To run both, you just use iChat!

Yay iChat!

Also, welcome back to Althanas The Manda!

09-04-08, 08:48 PM
w00t! Welcome back to the lovely and awesome lands of the internets, Manda!

09-04-08, 09:10 PM
Welcome back to the Intarwebs, Nyan! :)

I miss Macs.

Zook Murnig
09-05-08, 10:15 AM
Finally, my turn! Manda was hogging the good laptop last night, but now I have returned!

So, sup guys? Anything interesting happen while I was gone?

09-05-08, 03:34 PM
Witchy took over doing the EXP, and Valanthe finally leveled up.
Now that your back, if we can round up an angry mob complete with pitchforks and torches, or possibly get an alliance of banks with a big enough payoff, you might be able to convince her to let you do the exp again.

Other than that, no, it's been slow.

09-07-08, 08:40 PM
Pretty much what he said.

Also, check the Mod forum for updates.

(Sneaky ninj4 powerz FTW)