View Full Version : Lessons in Humility, Battle 1: Destrudo Vs. Jacob Zachary Buhrkheardt (Closerized)

09-02-08, 09:26 PM
Destrudo was again at The Citadel. Last time he was here, He got beat down by a wizard and a woman, but only because they teamed up against them. Lucky punks. This time he'd specify one on one. As of recent, he had returned from a quest to seek some sort of light, but all he found was something that blinded people from the truth. He didn't need lies to obscure his reality, to need such would be sad, and pitiful. The trash he quested with, the very same two who had beaten him down, seemed to think it was the most wonderful thing in existence.

He didn't need the light, and he didn't need them. So, why was he back here at the citadel? It had gotten the better of him the last time, and that just wasn't acceptable. No one beats Destrudo, no one. After he proved he was better than the citadel, he would hunt down Xos Xilanthese and Valanthe Xiloscent, and prove he was better than them too. Such worthless people didn't deserve what they had.

He mounted the steps, and his regular monk, Brother Onox seemed to stand there, waiting for him. Destrudo knew it was Onox, because Onox was one of the few monks who were as tall as he was. His white hair rested on the shoulders of his simple brown robe. His gray eyes seemed to know Destrudo wanted to fight. Onox was as well built as Destrudo, and except for the age and lack of red glowing outline, the two could've been relatives. The only other difference was that Destrudo wore black leather instead of the simple robes of a monk. Destrudo noticed for the first time that Onox seemed to have more rank than most of the monks on the steps, for they seemed to treat the old man with a note of reverence.

"Brother Onox, what an unpleasant surprise. I'm surprised your still kicking it around this dump. Come, I want to beat you down personally, because I'm sure it's your fault for putting me in a three way match." Destrudo said.
Brother Onox couldn't help himself, he gripped his sides as he hooted and hollered in merriment at the thought of Destrudo fighting him.
"You, you seriously think, oh gods that's the funniest thing I've heard all day! Imagine you actually wanting to fight me." Onox gasped as he clutched Destrudo's shoulder.
"I'll tell you what, if you can beat every opponent you fight here today in a streak of one on one battles, I'll take you on personally. Otherwise, your out of luck." Brother Onox said smiling, and reigning in his amusement at the thought of Destrudo seriously trying to fight him.

"Alright then, set me up, any arena, surprise me." Destrudo said, smashing his fist into his open palm.

Brother Onox walked off, laughing.
"I think I'll have the brothers find someone just as insane as you for your first match." Onox said with merriment.

Destrudo found himself standing in the middle of a black empty void. Well, empty as far as he could see. It was a room, with regular boundaries, but neither opponent would know what, exactly, the arena held until the match started.

Destrudo heard a door open and close, but this action didn't stir any excitement like it did the first time. He had been hearing doors open and close pretty steadily the past hour. He knew some were stone, and these grated, as though they were heavy. Some were wood, and these creaked like the deck of a ship. At least one was metal, and this one groaned like a heavy iron portcullis. He had not dared to move a muscle since Onox left him standing in the middle of the darkness.

Suddenly he heard Onox's voice.
"It is time we began today's lesson, young monks. Over your time here at the citadel, you will be participating in the setting up, and running of many, many battles. As discussed earlier, it is one of the core activities in which we participate daily. Not the most important, not the least important, but still important. Part of running a match is the careful study of it's participants and restoring them to the condition in which they entered after it is finished. Today's lesson centers around the observation of the match. Watch these two Close Quarters combatants and take note of their actions. Afterwards, we will discuss the match and compare notes, and continue our lessons from there. The match will begin in five seconds, in a simpler arena than some we have constructed." Onox said.
"I'm no one's object of study!" Destrudo shouted.
He heard a chorus of children, not yet teenagers, but not quite children anymore, chuckle in response.
"But of course you are dear boy. Everyone knows we study fights for our own reasons. Why else would we do what we do for free?" Onox said, from somewhere. He struck a gong and the lights began to grow.

Destrudo realized he was in a large circular pit, with a floor of dirt. There was no obstacles, just a bare floor. The pit itself was fifty feet across, and the walls were twenty feet high. At the top stood about sixty of the children, watching the pair. Onox stood.
"So your a teacher too?" Destrudo asked.
"Aren't we all, at one point or another in our lives? Rejoice, for today you assist with the education of many, but you have another to worry about." The monk chided.
Destrudo realized the doors he heard earlier were at the top of the stairs that he could barely see over the walls, which were themselves just behind a massive energy barrier that was almost completely undetectable, except for the slight distortion of the normal look of people. It must have been for the monks protection against the unforeseen. Destrudo turned his gaze to his opponent, as he brought his hands up, and waited for the inevitable.