View Full Version : The Royal Family (closed)

09-04-08, 08:30 PM
The day was breezy. Clouds rolled overhead, and even the monks eyed them with some wariness. Two men walked down the steps of The Citadel. They were nearly identical in appearance. Both had the same sharp eagle like nose, both had the same piercing gaze, and both had the same crooked lines around their mouth from way too much smiling. Both had powerful well built arms, and the impressive body to match, and both were excessivly tall with long hair. One might accuse them of being father and son if one were to look at them in passing. The differences though were just as numerous as the similarities. One had the brown robes of a monk, along with a couple rings and few amulets on chains. The other wore only black Leather clothing, and had a dagger tucked in his belt. One had white hair and gray eyes, the other had Red hair, red eyes, and a red glow around him. The monk also seemed peaceful and somewhat friendly, while the red haired one seemed humbled by recent events, namely loosing to his opponents at the citadel that day.
"So I've decided to go home, and investigate my past. I'm taking along a few well armed guards as meat shields. You know, to help muscle my way past Father." Destrudo said.
"A wise idea. You must sail directly west, and when you encounter a mighty thunderstorm, sail directly into it shouting 'Onox sends his regards, we request sanctuary for the night!" Brother Onox said.
"Why?" Destrudo asked.
"Sometimes surprise is the best answer of all." Brother Onox said.
"I guess." Destrudo said.
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Later, after threatening a wizard, the following ads popped up all over Radasanth:
"Now hiring, Adventures, Strongmen, Swordsmen, Wizards, Samurai, Pirates, brave people of all sorts! The Prince of Noctum is seeking an escort home and is seeking protection from the brigands that lie between Radasanth and his palace. The prince is offering in return Gold, Jewels, Silver, Magical items, Rare Artifacts, anything for your good services! Apply at The Buccaneer's Den. Passage aboard a trustworthy ship is also needed." The advert read.
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At The Buccaneer's Den, Destrudo sighed as he looked over the posters of wanted criminals again. He saw infamous names of known pirates, and some few lowlife scum, probably jumped aboard a ship to live free at sea.

Was he ever going to find someone who looked like they weren't going to faint at the very sight of the insect trees? For that matter, was he going to find a ship that didn't look like it would fall apart the very moment he stepped aboard? He used to be very picky, but not anymore, but he didn't want any old thug or wanna be pirate who found an old shiv or nailed two boards together either.

He stood and faced the scraggly bum before him, some drunk who could barely stand up to a menacing stare, what good was he going to be against Father's mind games?
"I'm telling you, I'm your man!" the bum repeated.
"Your weak, your pitiful. You have no meat on your bones, and you can barely stand. You are not my man. You are nothing. You are a bum, leave my presence." Destrudo snarled.
The bum clsoed his fist, but Destrudo caught the action in time, kneed the bum in his groin, and then punched him so hard he fell over backwards after stumbling out of the door.
"I swear, if I get ONE MORE BUM, I'm going to burn this hellhole of a city to ashes." Destrudo growled.

09-04-08, 09:44 PM
As time goes by, a hooded figure in all black suede walks through the rustling and busy streets of Radasanth in search of supplies. What he needs is more food and some liquids like water. He looks left and right and sees nothing of use. All he sees are relics, artifacts, spoils, but none that he need.

As he reaches the middle of town, he notices ads from a prince. He then walks over to get a closer look at it, reading:

"Now hiring, Adventures, Strongmen, Swordsmen, Wizards, Samurai, Pirates, brave people of all sorts! The Prince of Noctum is seeking an escort home and is seeking protection from the brigands that lie between Radasanth and his palace. The prince is offering in return Gold, Jewels, Silver, Magical items, Rare Artifacts, anything for your good services! Apply at The Buccaneer's Den. Passage aboard a trustworthy ship is also needed."

He notices that people applying must go to the "Buccaneer's Den". He closes his eyes and thinks, "Do I risk losing my trail and go help this 'prince'?".

He looks around and grips a hidden dagger tightly, sensing some kind of danger is near. He removes his hood and looks around, revealing his silver hair and neon green eyes to all those near him. He loosens his grip on his dagger and decides to go to this "Buccaneers Den" and check it out and see if it is worth his time and energy.

Mithra Reborn
09-05-08, 08:03 PM
"Mmmm..." thought Darcy as she ran her hand down the black violin's body and over the golden scroll work along the trims of the front. "Its made of bog wood, isn't it?" She asked the salesmen at the booth. "That's what's giving it the buttery tone."

"Indeed ma'am, you are learned," He said. "A humble price of fifty silver will feed my family."

Darcy was actually in a good mood today, that or hormonal, for she actually paid him sixty silver and left before he could complain. Her first mate Deilio arched his eyebrow when he noticed the gesture. "Last time I saw you pay a man more than his price, you had just woken up from the sleeping drugs so we could remove the arrow without you squeezing my head off in pain."

She sighed and gave him an 'I-don't-know' look, placing the violin in the case it came with to protect it, and slinging it over her shoulder. "Well, we came here for more than a violin, I recall. Has Tristane reported with any jobs yet?"

Deilio sighed. "Just this idiot 'prince' who says he's from Noctum looking for a ferryman to take him there."

Darcy put a hand on his shoulder to stop him and gave him a stern gaze. "Noctum? Don't you know where that is?"

Her first mate snorted. "In stories. tales. Nowhere on our maps do I see a place called Noctum."

Darcy nodded. "Yes, but it exists. Just because it isn't on the map doesn't mean its non-existent."

"Either way, what is on Noctum that we could possibly want?" Deilio asked her incredulously. She chewed her lip, eyes churning in unison(though non could tell with the eye patch covering her left eye). "For the crew, a horn that can sent slices of wind," She admitted. "The Harpy's Whistle, they call it. But for us...or me...a temple to commune with the dead in."

Deilio arched a brow before sighing, and shaking his head at her. "Why won't you let that go already, Darcy? Nobody could be blamed-"

"-but myself," She finished for him, her lips pursed. "His family never got his body, so his rite was never performed. He needs rest, Deilio."

"Darcy, the myth says-"

"I KNOW what it says, first mate," She snapped, her expression turning hard again. She walked by the crew, ordering them to stay put. "I'll be back in a bit," Darcy said, weary of arguing. She went off to the Buccaneer's Den and took of the eyepatch. Today she'd play the Innocent Ferrywoman...well, as innocent as one can be in a black leather cinch.

"Elliot, take this downship before our Krakeness returns, aye?" Deilio called to one of the crewmen. Elliot nodded. "Is she with moonsblood again, sir?"

Deilio huffed and shook his head. "Who knows. All I know is something's going on when she's the most generous I've seen her one minute, and snapping at me in frustration the next."

"That, sir, is not moonsblood as you would like to think," said one of the older crewmen with a straggly white beard laying on his chest. "That, is simply Darcy being Darcy. Ne'er a more moody woman have I seen in my lifetime. Mind you..."

Deilio ran a hand through his hair and looked after her as she turned the corner, ignoring the old man's rant about watching Darcy grow as a child. "Sometimes I wonder if women bringing ships bad luck is true," he muttered, before barking something, and going downstairs to grab a bottle of mulled mead. Darce would be okay on her own for this.