View Full Version : First impressions are everything.

09-13-08, 12:14 AM
"You've got to get that first impression right, or no one will ever take you seriously. You've got to be firm. You've got to be calm. But all the while, you can't be too aloof. You've got to do it, more than anything, right."


Okay, so screw that, I'll just tell you how it is. As you can see, I don't have a "name" per se, merely a vague description of my existence. And that's probably all you'll ever know about me~

Naw, just kiddin'.

I'm sixteen. I like to say I am a fairly skilled writer. I've been writing for years now, hell, all my life pretty much, I've got an active imagination so I'm always jotting down various story-lines and character ideas. I've even written a few books. They're not published but...okay, yeah. I'm a lazy bastard.

This past year I've recently moved my writing to the internet, and found it rather addicting. I've been kicking around here and there, not really sticking in one place. I've lurked around Animeleague, Giveupalready...well, actually, I think those are the only two.

Anyways. I believe this will do for an intro.

I hope.

In the meantime, I'ma go back to sorting out my character. /random muttering


P.S. Which brings me to a question I had about the characters. Dunno if this should go in some other section, but what the hell, I'm here and thinking about it, so might as well. I come to the conclusion that every user here roleplays just one character, given how the FAQ was set up, and the "Character Profile" section of the UserCP is...Does this mean I am limited to playing with one character, and ultimately using that as my internet persona, or am I allowed to roleplay many characters on this single account, and create them on this account, for that matter.

...so, yeah.

~FIN~ (maybe)

09-13-08, 12:22 AM
Yes, and no. I personally have seven characters, but your only limited to one charrie per account. The record currently is like 32 some odd characters over like, 30-31 accounts by a single super-hyper active poster.

But I could be wrong.

Anyways, Welcome!

*offers a dish of Ice Cream*
Home baked goods are a no no here, there's something wrong with it all, but Ice cream's okay.

09-13-08, 12:32 AM
32 some-odd characters?

Huh, that's interesting.

I plan on DEMOLISHING that record!

-ahem- In any case, thanks for the info, good to know and all that jazz. I find it easier to just post up each different character under the same name and not have to remember all those accounts...but eh. I can deal with it.


So that means...no cookies!? ;_;
-looks at the ice cream curiously- Is this vanilla?

09-13-08, 12:39 AM
Yes, Vanilla.

We do have account linking, so you don't really have to remember 32 some odd accounts.

09-13-08, 12:42 AM
Oh! So that's what that option was. I take it that linking accounts acts as a "Favoriting" type deal?

09-13-08, 12:48 AM
Erm, I know what it is, but I'm poor at explaining it, so I'll let Serilliant explain it, him, or someone better at explaining than me. I say Serilliant, because he's the one in charge of keeping the forums going, and if something goes wrong technically like, say, the forums crashing, he's the one to go cry to.

(The forums have crashed once, possibly twice)

Also, don't be in a haste to beat that 32 record, stick with a few really solid ones.
I have over 1000+ characters in mind, but I'm not rushing off to make them either.

09-13-08, 12:53 AM
Oh, yeah, definitely. I'm not the kind of guy who rushes things anyways. I prefer taking things slowly. I have hundreds if not thousands of characters plus various story-lines that I might or might not employ in their backgrounds or futures...but I tend to jot it all down in notebooks or Word, just to let it all out.

But that's cool. I'm still getting used to the whole layout here, so I doubt everything's going to make sense to me the first day of joining.

Tainted Bushido
09-13-08, 02:03 AM
Linking acounts basically is, you putting in the username and login info when you're on the forum page (not the front page at althanas.com but the one after entering the forums) you will notice you name at the top has a triangle, if you linked an account it will be available to login in that drop down.

Welcome I haven't been on GUA since the ToL and I was really not into it at the end there.

09-13-08, 08:03 AM
hihi and welcome

Hope you have fun and the like.

Beware the men with big swords and big guns for they also compensate with large amounts of anger. Dying is only a state of mind and can be overcome but still it's not fun to do.

Oh, and do watch out for the fish, they don't like being stepped on.

09-13-08, 08:03 AM
I think I made an account in Animeleague just to check out what kind of place the ToL winners had been writing on. Otherwise, same as TB: GUA really didn't make me want to stick around.

Which is why you did well in choosing Althanas! Welcome to the island. You may find the orientation film behind Turn of the Screw.

09-13-08, 08:42 AM
I think I made an account in Animeleague just to check out what kind of place the ToL winners had been writing on. Otherwise, same as TB: GUA really didn't make me want to stick around.

Which is why you did well in choosing Althanas! Welcome to the island. You may find the orientation film behind Turn of the Screw.

Only we've cut bits out and hid them in a hollowed-out Bible on the other side of the Island you are now on. You may not know if they are important bits - they may be, they may not be - that is verboten!

(also: welcome!)

09-13-08, 10:39 AM
...What is the Turn of the Screw?

09-13-08, 10:44 AM
...What is the Turn of the Screw?

A book. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Turn_of_the_Screw)

09-13-08, 11:12 AM
I know that. I googled it.

But I don't get the "orientation film behind the Turn of the Screw" part. Is there some video I'm supposed to look for?

Maybe I'm taking it all too seriously.

09-13-08, 11:27 AM
Yes, yes you are. Eat your ice cream like a good boy and remember to take 55% of everything said as a joke, and the remaining 45% as pure non-sense. Except for the legit stuff, take that seriously.

09-13-08, 11:41 AM
You'll have some catching up to do, but this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_%28TV_series%29) is a good start. Season 2 has the answers.

But yes, don't take people too seriously. Half the time, someone's referencing something, or subverting a trope. Also, if you google 'Trope', it will ruin your life.

09-13-08, 11:56 AM
You'll have some catching up to do, but this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_%28TV_series%29) is a good start. Season 2 has the answers.

But yes, don't take people too seriously. Half the time, someone's referencing something, or subverting a trope. Also, if you google 'Trope', it will ruin your life.

Sometimes, when I'm alone, I google myself.

09-13-08, 01:16 PM
When your name is Seymore Butts, having an audience would be inappropriate. ;)

09-15-08, 04:31 AM
hi and welcome to Althanas! I think you won't have much trouble fitting in here. ^^

If you have questions, I think you're allowed to pester the moderators if they're online. I know one person likes to lurk about when he's supposed to be taking his final exams.