View Full Version : Isaac Althaus

09-14-08, 02:28 PM
File: Althaus, Isaac
XX|--> Age: 32
XX|--> Height: 6’0”
XX|--> Weight: 182lbs unarmoured
XX|--> Eyes: Blue
XX|--> Hair: Brown, greying
Birthplace: Radasanth, Corone
Residence: n/a

XXX|--> Father: Human
XXX|--> Mother: Human
Metahuman status: Magically Inclined
XXXXXX|-----> Runic Weapon
XXXXXX|XXXXXXXXXXX+-----> Imbue Weapon
XXXXXX|XXXXXXXXXXX+-----> Charge Absorption
XXXXXX|XXXXXXXXXXX+-----> Minor Runic Magic

Affiliation: Vagrant Knight
XXX|--> Wanderer
Class: Templar

XXX|--> Isaac Althaus is quite simply a gentleman knight. Born and raised amongst the Durem elite Isaac is quite cultured and polite, yet he has taken great offense to the corrupt lavish lifestyles. Instead he belongs to the mindset of another time, when the aristocracy had a duty to those below them. Thus he has formed his own code of honour based on what he believes to be behaviour becoming of a knight. To some this is known as chivalry, to others this is being caught in the past.

This isn’t to say he’s completely old fashioned, he just believes in doing what is just and honourable. He’s open to the more modern lifestyle, and is thankful for the convinces that technology provides. It’s just that he can get a little condescending when it comes to what he sees as a “me me me” culture of excess. He often fails to realize that not everyone has the patience he does, which ironically sometimes pushes him to impatience.

XXX|--> Isaac keeps himself clean, and has the body structure to back that up. His strong facial features are only brought forward with his pulled back hair and clean shaven face. He also happens to have prominent eyebrows. He’s of an average body size, and his muscles reflect his use of heavy armour. Traveling has added an edge to all of this, as well as given the once fair skinned upper-class youth a more olive complexion.

The armour itself covers him a good deal of his body and has a slight purple tint and silver detailing. Due to the nature of half-plate there are some exposed area, under which he wears his kevlar-weave shirt or simple clothing, both in black. Occasionally he wears vestments over the armour in the form of a part-vest part-robe drape of deep purple fabric, this is secured with a waist sash.

Outside of battle he’ll still don the clothing of someone with money, even going as far as to wear a ascot-like neckerchief.


Equipment -
X|-> Weaponry X|XXXX|--> Side Sheath: Save the Queen
X|XXXX|--> Back Straps: Kite Shield
X|-> Armour
X|XXXX|--> Body: Modern half-plate
X|XXXX|--> Chest: Kevlar armourweave shirt
X|XXXX|--> Arms: Modern Gauntlets
X|XXXX|--> Legs: Modern Greaves
X|-> Other
X|XXXX|--> Body: Noble Vestments

Save the Queen, [Masterwork Runic Longsword] - An ornate and well constructed longsword based and named after the knight sword of legend. The 100cm long weapon is meant to be used with one hand in conjunction with a shield. Most of the blade is pristine, but the hilt, crossguard as well as small section of the lower blade are covered with intricate runes.
For all intents and purposes the Save the Queen is a well balanced longsword made of high quality iron. More importantly, Isaac needs the Save the Queen or a similarly magical receptive blade to use his higher tier abilities. This particular weapon can hold five runic charges. If no charges are stored then weapon will create its own charge over three minutes. Save the Queen cannot hold more than five charges so while the passive absorption is still in effect, once it reaches five charges the amount of magic absorbed is considerably reduced.

Modern Half-Plate, [Heavy Armour] - A suit of plate armour based on traditional plate armour, but made with modern techniques. Decent-quality iron, modern assembly techniques, and the replacement of an chain undershirt with a light-weave kevlar shirt allows for increased comfort and increased protective ability against low calibre firearms. That said it’s still heavy armour and requires extensive training to use, and is still weighty. Isaac has judged mobility over full protection on Althanas, and cut out a few pieces. Visually the armour is pragmatic and only mildly ornate, that is because it’s mostly covered by his vestments.
Like any trained knight Isaac can use heavy armour without becoming a lumbering fool, and be fairly mobile in just half-pate. This leaves his upper legs unprotected, and his upper arms only protected by the light-kevlar.

Isaac has a variety of skills available to him thanks to his well-off upbringing. That said his chief abilities come from his swordsmanship and the ability to tap into runic power.

General skills.
XXX|--> Many of Isaac’s mundane abilities come from his youth, where his family’s wealth allowed him to pursue whatever he pleased. The rest come from the time he has spent as a vagrant knight.

XXX+--> Swordsman, Lvl. 1 - Isaac is familiar with bladed weapons and can use some kinds with relative success.
XXX+--> Shield, Lvl. 1 - Isaac is decent in his use of a shield, and can use it with an average amount of skill in conjuction with Save the Queen.
XXX+--> Archer, Lvl. 1 - Isaac has done some sport hunting with a bow but is somewhat below average in his aim.
XXX+--> Heavy Armour, Lvl. 1 - Isaac can wear and maneuver fairly well in plate armour.
XXX+--> Ride, Lvl. 1 - Isaac is somewhat decent with riding animals.
XXX+--> Rune Research, Lvl. 1 - Isaac has a basic knowledge of magic and the arcane.

Rune Blade
XXX|--> Isaac’s practice as a templar has allowed him to unlock the abilities of Runed Weapons. Unlike conventional magic weapons which have set properties and enhancements runed weapons simply store magical energy. From that energy a templar is able to enchant their blade as they desire, or unleash abilities

Runic, [Passive Absorption Technique] - Runic weapons gather power from concentrations ambient magical energy as a fuel for attacks.
If the blade is within ten feet of a spell cast, or the user is targeted by a spell cast, or the weapon comes into contact with a magical force a charge is gained. This does not nullify magic items or spells, thus is not a defensive move. Save The Queen cannot absorb magic that is a higher level than Isaac.

Rune Charge, - One of the staple abilities of a templar is using the stored runic energy to imbue the runed weapons with magical effects. The templar must know the rune associated with the power imbued as incantation is required.
XX+--> En Sol, [I]Flame - The weapon becomes superheated with the power of fire.
XX+--> Ex Sol, Cold - The weapon becomes unbearably cold as it is flooded with icy elemental energy.
XX+--> Allan Hope, Divine - The weapon glows brightly and surges with divine energy, powerful against the undead and demons.
1 charge - The blade of the runed weapon takes on the charge for five posts.

Rune Magic
XXX|--> The magic side of a templar’s abilities works much differently. By pointing with the runed weapon the templar can summon a runed circle three feet in diameter within fifteen feet of himself. Upon spending the proper amounts of charges and evoking the proper rune words, the circle emits a column of light eight feet in the air. Any living thing caught in the light will be effected by the evocation.

Allan Sol, [Glowing Mark] - Any living thing bathed in the runic light will continue to glow with a bright white light for the duration of the spell. This makes traversing through caves easy, and stealth difficult.
1 charge - The light the target is emitting is magical in nature and thus can be dispelled. The glow lasts ten posts

Ex Mani Sol, [Clouded Sight] - The light of the runic circle does not fade. Those caught in the circle will find their vision clouded and their attacks missing their marks.
1 charges - For three posts the target will have their vision impaired by method of their choice: blurred, flash of light, blackout, or spotty vision. This is a magical effect and can be dispelled by magic of the same level as Isaac or higher. It is up to the user how his or her character is affected by this spell.

There is barely any to say of Isaac’s early history. For unknown reasons, the child was born in Radasanth instead of on his native soil of Mirranor. It may be because of the islands extreme distance from the main continents of Althanas, far south of Corone, that he was brought to Radasanth in order to experience the ‘real world.’ As such, Isaac was reared by his aunt and uncle, though his time spent with his parents and his guardians was shared. Five times a year Isaac would visit his father for the typical practices of the noble family ruling there. For yes, Isaac was the prince of Mirranor, though this fact was never flaunted in Corone.

Isaac grew quickly and learned much under the scrutiny of his aunt and uncle, while his father provided the basis of the future knight’s ideals. Isaac’s mother was the shining light that guided Young Althaus’ path and lent a supportive hand when the going got tough..

Isaac was eight years old when the first raiders invaded Mirranor. Many were lost to defend the royal family. The raiders were halted, but Mirranor forever remained alert. Where once the sandy shores were wandered only by lovers and dear children, now riding knights patrol, ever vigiliant. This was about the time Isaac was called back from Radasanth to spend his days home, learning the formalities of his people and beginning his royal education. He continued to grow older and soon became the expected heir to the throne. Isaac was twelve when his brother Isaiah was born. His parents immediately grew more distant from Isaac as Isaiah was tended and cared for. For a year, Isaac tolerated their lessened attention to their eldest son.

At thirteen, Isaac became increasingly headstrong and independent and despite his noble blood, did not want to rule but wanted to wander the world and become a famous hero. Childish aspirations at that time, but ones that, at sixteen, became all too true. Isaac had become frustrated that his younger brother had stolen all the attention from him. He knew that raising a child was tough, but he couldn’t help but think that though he studied and was prepared to rule the throne of Mirranor next, his brother was the better candidate to rule. And that suited the young knight-to-be just fine. Armed with but his father’s old runic blade that had long been hanging on the wall, Isaac crept from the castle and stole aboard one of the trading vessels going inland to Radasanth.

He spent a week holed up in the storage room of the ship. Luckily, no one bothered to come down and check on the shipment as an inventory had already been done, and Radasanth was there only port. So it was that seven days after running away that Isaac found himself in somewhat familiar surroundings. Half his life ago, he had been taking lessons and chasing girls here, now, he hid from the knights his father sent after him, stealing food where he could. Eventually, Isaac left the streets for he knew he would be found out sooner rather than later. Instead, he made his way into Concordia Forest. He figured his training in the blade would help him take care of whatever the forest might throw at him. He was wrong. The creatures weren’t the problem, it was the forest itself. Isaac was soon lost amidst the trees, sleeping on cold, hard ground, often laying awake clutching his sword.

He’d barely gone a week before he collapsed, too exhausted to wander any longer. In this state, he was found by an elderly hermit. This hermit, of course, lived alone and welcomed the company of the comatose boy. Isaac was nursed back to health, though there was quite the scuffle when he awoke for the boy thought his father’s men had finally caught up with him.

Fast forward to twenty-three. Isaac is wandering the lands of Althanas. His father believes his eldest is long dead and Isaac assumes his brother Isaiah will take over in his father’s stead. He doesn’t bother with Mirranor any longer. He left the hermit after two years and has been traveling and fighting ever since. The noble knight turned sellsword continues to fight and struggles to maintain his ideals on the bloody battlefield. At twenty-five, Isaac ‘retires’, instead maintaining a public figure as ‘that guy who can’t seem to get out of a quest.’ Despite this, Isaac still survives. Somewhere along the way, he discovers the lore of runic magic from a wandering mage.

Again, fast forward to present day. Nothing new has happened. Three years ago, Isaac ventured into the land of alcohol, spending his time drinking away the traumas of the battlefield form his mercenary days. He has pulled himself out of it somehow and keeps the memories of that time to uphold his noble nature and stay the gentleman he was raised to be. Isaac is a wandering knight and continues to take on whatever quest is throw his way.

09-14-08, 04:08 PM
weapons/armor: You need to make them relative to iron since you have a good majority of magic.

Remove the halberder skill as well as the command skill, and make the other skills that you have below average.

Passive Absorbtion Technique: needs to be clarified that you cannot absorb anything that is higher level than you, and then only be moderator approval.

Imbue weapon: Remove reach, and drain

As for the Runic Magic: Please remove all but two or three...

There's simply too much, no matter how good the profile is I can't approve so much for someone level 0. As for the history, edit it in whenever you make the edits that I requested. Good profile though.

01-01-09, 11:38 PM
Alright, been busy what with New Year's and stuff. Changes have been made. Whenever you see fit, it's ready for another review.

Might need some work on the history part though.

01-02-09, 08:40 AM
I love the profile, and see it going far and being a very interesting character. The only thing I have left to ask is how many times can you absorb the magic being sent at you? I mean, it is just until it's absorbed and stored 5 charges without use? And if so make sure that you note how many charges are stored at the beginning of a battle if you go into one, so that the other player knows too.

01-02-09, 09:38 AM
Ah, no, it doesn't gain any more charges than the preset five. I suppose I could have a rune inscribed to add more charges later in my travels, but at this level it can only hold five.

So I just went in and clarified that, now that you pointed it out to me. I also went in and reduced the amount of magic that would be absorbed once the quota of five charges had been met.

01-02-09, 11:30 AM
Glad you have you on, and good luck with everything you do! I look forward to reading your writings.
